Feedback: Farseer Shaman

Blizzard had put all their efforts on mage and warlocks, and then realized they dont have enough time to make sth for shaman so they just put some random orc wearing lvl 1 robe walking around while ur stunned.


You want some awesome pets like fire phoenix and raging demon? nope go play a mage or lock.

Primordial Wave being so far down the tree is one of the few things that give me hope that they’re still planning a tree rework.

It was be crazy to have a core ability be accessible in such a janky way.

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Day 89, still not a word about shamans, but the main characters got another week of attention.

Maybe 12.0 will be our patch.


The complete lack of any meaningful update regarding Shaman, when classes like DK and Mage have seen EXTENSIVE changes almost weekly is unacceptable at this point. I don’t care how busy they are, this is pathetic and they need to get someone - even a lowly intern - to get on these forums and give us an actual update and not some copy-paste nonsense.

Blizzard, this is disgraceful and you should be embarrassed by this silence.

Shut up, I know I’m yelling into the void, but it’s either that or I say something that gets me banned by these spineless mods.


Reminder that Oracle has received several reworks while we’ve been telling Blizzard how much of a steaming pile Farseer is for Ele with absolutely zero changes.


I may be one of the odd ones out here who has played Shaman on and off since it things like spirits / ancestors / animism were core to the class fantasy and I like the idea of summoning ancestor spirits. As another poster said, this was a large part of the class fantasy for Horde.

In execution, it’s prime Shaman: Ignored by Blizzard and completely left by the wayside.


The veneration of ancestors, the focus on “spiritual caster” and not “elemental caster” was what drew me in to shaman in the first place. It was shown through class quests, and through world exposure to the cultures that elevated shaman of their people. Yes, we tended to the elements but it used to be to the aid of our people, instead of cowtowing to elemental lords. Local fire elemental raging and destroying craps? Send the shaman. A venerated elder passes away? Send the shaman. Drought has created famine for a village? Send the shaman. Monsters attacking innocents? A shaman was right there with others to defend their home.

Now we have so many mobs casting spirit spells, but we got hamfisted into elemental spellcaster with “lightning” being our specialty. Only we throw more fire as elemental, which is a fantasy fire mage already fills very well. Druids have had weather-related elements to spells in the past (Typhoon, Hurricane) despite not being the elemental caster, and Hurricane had a better visual effect than earthquake in my opinion.

We get spirit-related spells tangentially through wolves, spirit walk, spirit link but those feel bad and cheap because of the narrative and gameplay focus on fire, frost, nature.

Farseer was a very cool idea, and I like the thought of your ancestors coming to your aid in a moment of heroic defiance against the darkness - but that’s so far from what we get it’s criminal.


Sure it is class fantasy but that doesn’t make it Hero Talent worthy by any means. Ancestors/spirits being included in the class should be attuned to either core abilities/passives/whatever or they should be doing something somewhere in the class talents. Hero talents aren’t core and they are a complimentary thematic experience separate from what the main theme is of a class.

Spriest has had Auspacious Spirits, Devouring Plague, Void Torrent, and the like for base themes alongside their actual shadowform. A literal voidy wormhole adds to that theme, but isn’t the only time the theme exists, which Farseer seems to not understand because ancestors are nowhere else in the class as a whole.

I think it’s just an outdated part of the class fantasy I’m a Shadowlands baby and had no idea about Farseers until TWW and this article that previewed Resto Farseer:

The other hero talents like Dark Ranger, Rider of the Apocalypse and Voidweaver imo draw more thematically from their classes than these obscure ghosts

Yeah it’s not outdated, it was core to the Shaman class identity throughout warcraft lore. If anything they should go back to emphasizing it more.


Yeah it’s not outdated, it was core to the Shaman class identity throughout warcraft lore. If anything they should go back to emphasizing it more.

“throughout warcraft lore.” okay, cool. So, like I said it’s an old part of the class that doesn’t really fit in modern WoW imo but you can disagree idc

Lol no, it still fits. If you’ve only been here for the two most recent and most poorly written expansions, I can see how you’d feel otherwise, but it’s still ingrained in the class identity. It has been a part of said identity since at least Warcraft 3.

Horde Shamans specifically have been spiritual leaders and largely based on ancestor worship and animism for the entirety of WoW’s lore.

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I really want to restate that the visuals for Ancestors are awkward and bad.

I was just questing on an alt last night and the ghostly ancestral spirits that pop up in the ohnaran plains looks so much better than Farseer ancestors. Even going as far back as draenor has ancestor spirits that look better.

There is something about the Farseer ancestors that just looks cheap and clunky. Maybe it’s the green fog that surrounds them. Maybe it’s the way they float instead of walk. Maybe it’s the way they sprint back to you after finishing a cast.

I don’t know. But what I do know is I was very excited for the theme of this hero tree and very disappointed with the visuals.

I think farseer seems pretty solid. I like the Farseer theme itself. The elements part of Shaman is fine, but I like more of the spiritual nature of shamans more. Shamans as a bride to the spiritual world. It’s more of how shamans have existed throughout human history and in my view more captivating then lava and lightning, frost, etc.

I hope going forward blizzard makes more of an effort for Shamans to be seen as a spiritual conduit. The War Within could be perfect for this. A deep internal conflict in sentient beings of Azeroth that shamans can help guide people through. Giving them access to deeper parts of themselves.

Improve the hero talent ‘Primordial Capacity’: I would like Tidal waves boosted a bit if I had some criticism. Instead of just increasing tidal waves from 2 stacks to 4 stacks, I’d like an increase in functionality as well. I know the season 1 tier set aims to do that, but it would be better through hero talents and not a tier set.

Instead of increasing mana by 5% and stacks of tidal waves by 2, increase the effect of the tidal waves. Relying on the Tier set is not optimal.

Seems like for Resto Shaman Farseerer is going to need a massive buff. From what I can tell Totemic is gapping it in power level and no one is even bothering to even play Farseerer at all.

Are you talking in PvE or pvp too? I really want totemic to good for PvP, but the healings rains not being able to be controlled if a poor mechanic for pvp.

I’m talking about in PVE, I could definitely see Farseerer taking the advantage in PVP. They did fix the way the Healing Rain spawns now so it should be stronger for PVP than before.

Damn really? You can control where it goes now using totemic projection? That would make it so much more useful for pvp and the constant movement.

If my understanding is correct the healing rain is just centered around the totem itself and not targeted at a player, and the totem is dropped where you target it instead of by your side. You can then move it with totemic projection if you want it somewhere else.

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