Feedback: Farseer Shaman

Day 63: Warlocks, Mages, and Priest continue to get updates and responses regarding their class. Nothing for shamans.


so typical and true

I honestly think the whole tree should be rethemed as and the spells just like … come out of the earth or sky. Or turn them
Into elementals or something besides a bunch of dead ancestors … I just don’t love the visuals
Of it. The concept Is interesting

I really do not like primordial wave, I don’t know what self congratulatory egotist thought to keep forcing us to use it, putting it on our tier sets. I don’t want to spend talents on it or GCDs adding it to some self prescribed rotation. I was hoping the spell would die with this expansion and have been left in Shadowlands where it belonged. I don’t want to be forced into taking it or forced into using the other set of Heroic talents just because I don’t want to add Primordial wave into my rotation. I feel that heroic talents should not rely on deeper talents to function. The talents at the top are talents that largely our “required” abilities that we are forced to buy back, but that talents at the bottom are our preference play style and to make Heroic talents function off of those can mess with people’s chosen play style and agency. It’s not a passive it is a button, a GCD and if I have to get it, I feel I also have to get the enhancing talents which just forces me to spend talents where I may not want to, and removes my agency, either by dictating my rotation and play style or forcing me into Stormbringer.


Come on Blizzard.

You can literally read through the entirety of this thread.

Please help us elemental shaman out. Redo Farseer and quit pigeonholding us into prime. Wave and lavaburst spam. Make our rotation interesting.

Start showing some actual love to Shaman the way you do to paladins, evokers, priests. Or do you not know where to go with Shamans anymore? Take Shamans back to its roots. A totem spec class centered around the elements.

How about this? Delete Farseer and rename it totem master and give us back our totem passives to support groups while putting out good damage.

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A cooldown reduction of some kind to Liquid Magma Totem might help, or at least some alternative method to quickly spread Flame Shock that doesn’t require a full minute to wait upon. Kind of miss my primal elementals too, be nice if Liquid Magma Totem was on a different talent node / just given to the base class.


I’m still surprised there isn’t an official thread created by blues for the other hero trees?

And I will add again to the echo chamber in begging for literally any sign of life, as the blue post from today’s build makes absolutely no mention of shaman (or hunter, our ignored friends).

Please say something, provide the underlying concept or thoughts behind these designs, where the specs are going, when updates can be expected, literally anything at this point.


Another week of absolutely nothing for shamans. Think this is day 67 of no comment. How many dev notes has mage gotten now? 13, 14?


Thats a very good question. I dont see the thread at all. Is stormbringer getting redone?

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I really dislike that farseer is linked to unleash life to proc. It makes undulation impossible to take and unleash life in itself is bad to use. Could it not be tied to a spell that is more generally used in the rotation such as healing stream/cloudburst and just adjust the timers and durations of the farseer effects to suit the 30sec CD instead of 15sec that is unleash life.
Please and thank you


Day 75, still nothing. Stormbringer and Totemic don’t even have feedback threads, but Mage, Warlock, Priest, etc., have received yet another round of feedback.

Glad other classes are receiving attention, but it feels so bad to be a shaman (ele) main. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this down bad about this spec. Every week the main characters receive feedback just furthers this resentment.


Day 76.
Same dev nonsense, different day.
Beta was announced before shamans received any feedback again!


Monks here with you … this happened to us last xpac. They are finally looking into us now but … same thing happened to monk (and shaman) in DF.

I play both monk and shaman, apparently I like playing classes that are largely ignored by their development team :rofl:


So Blizzard still isn’t acknowledging that this class in squarely in the dumpster?

Like what does any of this honestly do to address the alarming playability issues of Shaman?


Nothing and they still haven’t made any meaningful alterations in alpha with beta around the corner

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Knowing we are two days away from Beta it’s probably too late, but…
My idea here is to replace the “Call of the Ancestors” with revamping the seldom used Far Sight ability. Put it on a cd of 1-2 minutes with a duration of 5-10 seconds. It would read something similar to, “When you cast Far Sight you may cast spells and abilities as though you were there.”

There would be another node that summons and Ancestor for ~6 seconds after Far Sight ends that replicates your spells and abilities on applicable targets.

There could also be a node that increases haste or crit while you’re in Far Sight. And/or make all spell casts instant.

Maybe also a node that states, “Anytime you would gain Ascendance, you also gain the effects of Ancestral Guidance at 50% reduced effectiveness.”

What about making it so “Spiritwalker’s Momentum” instead ties Spiritwalker’s Grace (and all it’s effects) to Ghost Wolf (and all its effects)? Basically make SG entirely passive and activate when you press Ghost Wolf (on the same CD). You gain all the effects of both for SG’s duration and for added clarity (and fantasy) you can make it so your character is mounted on a Ghost Wolf. Something like, “Every X time, the next time you become a Ghost Wolf you also gain all the effects of Spiritwalker’s Grace. You are also mounted upon a wolf for the duration.”

The final node “Ancestral Swiftness” would be replaced with something like, “After Far Sight ends you gain the effects of Deeply Rooted Elements.”

It may seem a little odd, but it would effectively act as a self buff if you dont need to play super far range and give you the flexibility to play super far range. I would also advocate to put the current “Call of the Ancestors” in place of Ancestral Awakening for resto shaman, but make it proc off Riptide, Unleash Life, and something else not really used like Downpour.

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I play all three specs but I mostly care about elemental. Farseer and Stormbringer both suck but in very different ways. Farseer is just boring but compliments a lava build well (I think people malding about lava builds are just mad that tierset pigeonholes them into it – even though they probably did that to themselves by voting on the tierset that pigeonholes them into lava…) but I think the ancestor spirits are dumb and boring by themselves. At least replace them with fire elementals or something. Above all, please Blizzard don’t listen to the haters about the lava burst build. Slinging a heinous number of lava bursts in all directions is so much fun and I never want to give it up.

Stormbringer just sucks and feels like somebody spent 15 minutes making it. I know that’s harsh, but that’s how it feels. The main ability is the most boring thing of all time. I’m okay with a fire/storm dichotomy in elemental shaman, just make them more interesting please.

Also, for all of our sakes, put primordial wave higher in the talent tree so we don’t have to spend all of our talents to get it. It’s so central to the class at this point and it’s so silly that we have to go almost all the way down one side to get it.


That would be cool a “Summoner” perhaps that summons elementals? Fire or Lightning for whatever flavor they need and water elementals for Resto.

It’s too late for this change though.


THANK YOU! You are the only person I’ve seen with the same idea as me. Farseers? BORING. Seriously. How freaking limp d*** is that. I want raging elementals casting razor winds and freaking flame shocks like you’ve said. Give us haste buffs etc., Ugh. The absolute wasted potential really has me upset, more than I’ve ever been in WoW. I actually feel like Blizz has destroyed shaman for a lot of people, and it’s not a good feeling at all.