Feedback: Farseer Shaman

with the recent changes to Elemental shaman coming, did blizzard not see how big of an impact they are having on Farseer talents?

The entire hero talent tree revolves around casting primordial wave to summon ancestors and using their up-time to reduce your cooldowns. Both elemental and enhance shamans are known for having short cooldowns combined with cooldown reduction.

with the recent post about removing rolling magma, which was the only way to get primordial wave cooldown reduction, you are making Farseer that much weaker. More CDR on primordial wave means more ancestors and more Elemental spawns.

Keeping primordial wave but forcing us to only use it once every 45 seconds means that I am only getting to summon my ancestors once every 45 seconds? Maybe once a minute if I take Nature’s Swiftness?

Why would you build an entire hero talent tree around 1 ability, and then go back and remove the CDR from that ability which is what made it strong? What was the intention with Farseer in the first place, because if it was to have much more uptime on Fire Elemental (Offer from Beyond), then this makes a huge negative impact.

It also makes no sense why Farseer reduces the CD of a major ability like Fire or Storm elemental for the elemental tree, but only reduces the CD of a very common spell like Riptide for Restoration. It would make more sense for this talent to reduce the CD of something with a longer CD such as healing tide, spirit link, or even Cloudburst.

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I can almost guarentee we’ll see some hero changes tomrrow or next week.