Feedback: Farseer Shaman

But Shaman do need to prune the amount of buttons we have. We have to play a mini game RNG Rotation game to do decent DPS and they really need to move away from this RNG for us. We don’t need all these spells to do good damage.

Sorry 36 buttons way too much for any 1 class to use. And fire vs lightning is totally an issue. It’s a major issue for elemental shaman. It’s been a huge thing this entire expac. Blizzard failed Elemental shaman this entire expac by dividing Fire and Lightning instead of coming up with a meshed build.


13 buttons for the current elemental shaman rotation. 17~21 I guess for extra talents and interrupts/cc/hex.

Only class I can see having actively 36 buttons to use is Druid during TBC. You misunderstand me, I can use upto 36 buttons cause of my mouse.

I have no idea where this is coming from, Stormkeeper/Lightning Bolt and Chain lightning, supplement the current build quite well if utilized during Power of the Maelstrom.

The current meta build doesn’t spec into Stormkeeper, You rarely use Chain Lightning unless in an AOE situation. Go look up the meta spec for Elemental Shaman and you will see that it is broken down into Fire vs Lightning.

Again you have no idea where this is coming from but this has been a problem since the beginning of Dragonflight. Go read any Elemental Shaman guide, It’s been on all the pro players talking points, it’s been on even the review on wowhead for elemental shaman.

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The issue is, Lava burst started out as a cooldown hard hitting ability, and has evolved / devolved into a button you spam. It has no identity anymore other than an alternative spammable which just feels bad.

Same with Ele mastery. Overload procs used to feel so good to me when they happened because they were only happening 20-30% of the time. But mastery is scaling to the point where I’m at almost 100% mastery so…. It’s very boring.

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Please dont point the basis of wether a class is good or not by what someone else wrote. Its all speculation and even at the top most of player ability, its a random numbers game afterall. Obvious shortcomings wether it comes to gearing or mechanic response usually prevent a natural “perfect” play. There are obvious outliers.

I recently ran a keystone and finished with 198k overall, and im not even good to the point I have all my bis gear with 70% mastery lol, I used Stormbringer and I used lightning spells.

Guides are not speculations, they are prepared by experienced players to give other less experienced a starting point to learn the class. Obviously, each scenario is different due to randomization of drops and personal skill cap. However, it is good to have a benchmark that you can compare yourself against to see if you are doing good or not.

If you refer to the Farseer Review on wowhead, then I agree, those are speculations because that is all we have at this point. However, there were some really good points and questions that hopefully will be addressed by Blizzard.

You can run a keystone and be succesfull even without picking any talents at all, but that is not the point. 99% of the players (regardless of skill level) will want to min max their output and that’s how meta for talents/builds are created.


Exactly, its all speculation hence the feedback that was provided. Hard to place blind faith on the future of the class by something that could very well change before it happens. Which is even mentioned in the conclusion.

Sticking to Meta builds was the reason they brought back the talent trees right?

I found going on Raider io and copying the best build that had the same trinkets as I have worked best, not reading a guide about it, but we all have different learning styles.

I don’t think that was the reason. It was supposed to give players a sense of choice and freedom. Look how that turned out…

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Speaking from Elemental Shaman perspective here:

Historically, we’ve been neglected for a very long time and you can feel the frustration through posts on here. Mainly it is because Blizzard very rarely acted on countless feedback posted by us. To my knowledge, that has been happening since BfA.
Because of that, people are worried that the current design of Farseer tree will stick to the final version.


Man, I’ll just say this, you and I will never agree on anything. I think this class need a complete rework from the ground up. Need to prune the spells, If they are going to split lightning and fire they need to remove the ice fury and ice shock some the toolkit and rework elemental blast.

But Dyse, as you can see are countering your points but you refuse to even accept anything different. I’m done trying to argue with you. I’ll just skipping reading your posts. Thanks for nothing.

I have my own reasons for providing my personal opinion, that isnt about you, or in a position to defend itself to you.
Also out of the 315 Mythic + runs this expansion that I’ve done that were logged, I never knew the class issues you presented had existed in the first place, because they were what you read from a summary online.

As to see how you speak to others based on talent tree speculation, Its wild how you got mythic fyrakk killed.


/10 char limit

So how does everyone else think we should change this Farseer Talents into a better Hero Spec? There has been some great ideas so far!


Will someone please just take this thread out the back and put it out of its and our misery, it is actually depressing me. Nothing better shows how utterly pointless the community council is than reading this thread after ours gets involved. I actually defended them at the beginning but this is ridiculous, they are supposed to be a point of communication and instead we get this. Instead we have a very casual player who believes guides are all speculation despite being written by the players who actually experience the harder content, yet paradoxically considers his own feelings about the casual content he does sacrosanct and is needlessly combative to everyone who questions anything about said feelings.

I have obviously gone insane because I have been maining this class for years, but somehow I still expected better. More fool me I guess.


Not everybody plays this game exactly the same so my point stands. Not everybody refers to an external guide, some people have other experienced players as friends to provide input. Speaking from my own experiences which apparently I had to defend by having a colored border.

All this emotionally-placed conversation has had zero impact on feedback, or my opinions, instead its just been two or three users homing in on ME instead of the feedback I provided and lack of acknowledgement of issues beyond my scope of ability

All this dramatic language, for what?
I’ve been playing the same game as you, its changed, it’ll keep changing, thats what these feedback forums are for, not being questioned on experience.

Against my better judgement I am actually going to respond.

First of all literally every class and spec in the game, even the more out there ones like single-minded fury warriors, will have no problems clearing the content you do, that is a simple and provable fact. That isn’t to say that there aren’t problems at that level of content, there definitely are, like flame shock management is miserable at most key levels for elemental and in dire need of a rework. The weakness of a class or spec only become more apparent the harder the content is however, and shaman have no shortage of problems that make them a liability the higher you push.

The main problem is that this tree does next to nothing to shore up the weaknesses of the class, instead doubling down on what makes it so unreliable. It will have absolutely no effect on most players sure, like I said you can do that content on literally anything. You don’t need to read guides or learn the breaking points of your class because eventually you just out-gear a lot of the problems. It basically is a different game once you reach the point where you can’t outgear the mechanics, you need to rely on your class abilities and shaman just doesn’t have as many as a lot of classes.

Now time for something you really won’t like hearing. Your communication in this thread has been awful. You have taken every single comment about your opinions as a personal attack to the point you seem to almost have a victim complex when the truth is people don’t really care about your opinion. People were glib and sarcastic about your initial comment because it was the complete opposite of most other players, but if you had let is be that would have been the end of it.

Finally I am perfectly within my right to be dramatic because literally the last 5 expansions have seen elemental been one of the worst performing specs in the game at launch, that isn’t hyperbole there are plenty of records still about. I know that the streak is likely continuing if they launch this talent tree as it currently is, but I know that nothing I do will change anything so I will be dramatic if I choose to be.


We have too many “pre-cast” spells as Resto like Unleash Life, Primordial Wave, and Nature’s Swiftness. Two of these are being featured in the Farseer tree and honestly there’s nothing fun about casting these spells, except for Unleash Life, at least it’s visual and sound is appealing. I’m just not too excited about pressing these abilites to begin with and now buffing them, I don’t know if this will make it more interesting.

Will these Ancestors be random in appearance, for instance Orc, Dwarf, Troll, etc.?

I’d like to add from a Resto perspective, I don’t enjoy using Primordial Wave. There’s nothing fun about this spell, and it takes up 4 talent points in the Resto tree.


Why would new players approach the forums to be talked down to by people you’ve/they’ve never met? Lol
Be realistic.

I’d love to see a glyph that could make your Warband characters appear as ancestors or lore relevant characters like Drek’Thar for example.

My Warband characters are not Ancestor’s, nor are they dead. Sorry this doesn’t make sense to me.