Feedback: Farseer Shaman

What content are you struggling with? You already got a mythic fyrakk kill and nothing else, I don’t have the gold for that.

I have a solid group for M+, I only ever have to pug 1 dps. My logs and info are available upon request, you can act like I don’t carry any valuable input but I’m here aren’t I?
-we don’t have a brez, but engineering allowed me to during s1/s2 when I needed to revive people during progression, don’t need it anymore.

Yeah I’ve been playing long before then too, the class changes and the game WE used to play, doesnt exist in most forms. Its supposed to change as we grow and evolve with the content thats presented.

Personally I think its great that you can do mythic keystones higher than 20, shame there arent any rewards for doing so aside io rating. Sometimes it may be hard to find likeminded players, but if you find a group of great players, you wont need to pug anymore.

Hmm, someone a bit salty? Seems like I might have touched a bit of a nerve… :wink:

No worries all, I’ll stop posting so as not to further distract from the topic…

Trolling isn’t an acceptable form of discussion, nor has any of it been related to the hero trees. Not salty, I’m responding to posts made towards me, communication.

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Dear god is this drivel still going on, it is a good thing that Blizzard will never bother checking in on us or they might be tempted to kick us even further into the hole. Yes, the community council member is a bit on the casual side compared to what some people want and is obviously taking some of the comments far too personally but this entire thread is now basically pointless. Everybody calm the hell down so we can get back to the pipe dream of shaman not being horrendously under-tuned in the new expansion.


That would be great considering the behavior of “Pro” players somehow clashes with “Casual” players.
Do Casual players raid Mythic Raid content or Push over 2k rating in PvP content, or Push to 3k io in Mythic+ ? They should, but when there is a sense of elitism, it wont happen.
Who are these Hero Talent Trees aimed towards?

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That is the thing though you just said that Casual players should be raiding mythic content and pushing IO/PVP. Some people don’t want to do that and the players that do with this class struggle. It’s great you have a dedicated group for M+ keys. Most people do not so as a shaman we get left out.

None of this is personal attacks so you don’t need to attack us, we are just expressing our viewpoints on this class. The Hero Talent Trees are going to be aimed at the masses most likely not the Pushers.


So is this now, before, or after you said 2-3 times that I should step down, considering I have no tangible authority?

I’ve only said you should step down once. But I have asked for your actual feedback on this talent tree that you have yet to give. But You and I aren’t going to agree on anything so like everyone else I will ignore you and work with the community to better this class and change it for the better since it actually needs it.

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" you don’t deserve to be a member of the community council"
“you would just give it a passing grade and move on, if that is the truth you should step down immediately”

“we are the adopted step kids of the wow community”
“Then this Hero Tree does nothing to help either spec. As it brings the division of Ele Lightning vs Fire to the forefront, which just deepens the lack of choices you actually get to pick since it’s really locked behind the division of Fire vs Lightning.”

I do not understand this point at all.

For Restoration side of it, I mostly use Unleash Life on raid content and not Mythic+ as the 50% stronger H.Wave /Surge is more appealing. Currently I use Unleash Life and Flow of the Tides to consume the extra riptide charges provided by the current tier bonus, I can see the benefit of having my spells copied by how the Ancestor will cast similar spells, Upon casting riptide an ancestor will spawn, possibly spawning another ancestor at a 15% chance when casting riptide, upon expiration they cast Hydrobubble, which looks interesting as an additional absorb for us, plus another 15% chance to summon another ancestor. It feels a little busy, but it has potential to be really good when you’re lucky, and lackluster if you aren’t.
Ancestral Swiftness, which replaced Natures Swiftness which I use on cd regularly, especially when I’m OOM, produces an ancestor upon use, plus the static % boost to healing/damage is great IF it also makes the cast mana free.

For the Elemental side of it, Currently P.Wave is integral to our rotation, Right after Fire Elemental and Lava burst, To which this Hero Tree compliments. Another charge of Lava burst is all well and good but id like to see Lava Surge being able to stack to 2 charges.
Ancestral swiftness looks fine as a flat damage buff, I normally use Nature’s Swiftness lately just to cast Chain lightning, or Lightning bolt, when Power of the Maelstrom is active just to spend the charges. Seems like a natural benefit to some spells already being used, but hopefully not selectively locked to using just P.Wave.

The benefits to SpiritWalker’s Momentum doesn’t merit its own spot, should be something along the lines of 2 charges or 25 seconds on a 1.5m cd.

That being said my time spent with P.Wave has been the tail-end of SL to now. I’ve seen a lot of people aren’t a big fan of being stuck with that being the main focus and it makes sense.

So currently the main issue with the Elemental Shaman is it is divided into either the Lightning side of the tree or the fire side of the tree and these hero talents just showcase that.

There isn’t a true mess of Fire and Lightning, It’s either or. As far as Pwave goes, the talent tree shouldn’t be created around something we have to talent into. I feel that it a lack of direction.

You and I probably will never see each others point of view and that is fine, but Pwave needs to go away from our rotation and our button bloat needs to be solved.


Class fantasy is one thing, Hero talent tree feedback is another. As far as button bloat goes, I don’t want less buttons.
I don’t mind if we don’t see eye to eye, it’s nothing personal. But these seem like non-issues.

This is why I’m hoping for “Call of the Ancestors” to be changed to work with both Unleashed Life & Undulation. The added flexibility will be great for Resto.

M+ I never ever use Unleash Life, and the fact I’ll have to add another button, cooldown to keep track of is worrying.

In M+ as a Healer personally I have already enough to worry about, they could balance it by every 2nd proc of Undulation summons an Ancestor.

We have very different opinions I guess when it’s comes to button bloat for Resto, but that I guess varies person to person, but for me I already have insanely enough to press and definitely do not want to add Unleash Life to it.


Hero talents (or tier sets) should never make an optional talent mandatory. That is horrible design. Especially if the talent in question is a capstone talent. What is the point of these new talent trees with all the options you have if you have your options immediately taken away by something else?

Hero talents should not be about supporting one side of a spec tree. It should 100% be about providing a new feel for the class based on an archetypal vision. Shaman have so many great ones to choose from. Spiritwalker, witch doctor, Farseer, shadow hunter… Shaman should have some of the most interesting hero talents but instead we got this: Divine image sugarless cake with a couple fake cherries on top (your lava burst and riptide get better)


Have we ever had the ability to summon ancestors?
A glyph when we revive someone is the closest we have ever gotten to having spirits with us like that.
Surely class fantasy evolved since SL. No?

I use a Logitech G600 mouse and a K400+ keyboard, between CTRL and ALT you can utilize 36 buttons plus the middle mouse tilt click and middle press. Really helped to diminish the idea in my case.

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I think having ancestor spirits involved in some way is fantastic thematically because that is what a shaman truly is. I have been critical of how shaman in this game has moved away from ancestral communication and 100% toward elemental caster. So I don’t have an issue with the theme. I have an issue with the implementation. This tree is literally divine image for priests with a few goodies that enhance lava burst and riptide.

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I agree, and chances are we will have a Shaman questline for finding a new Firelord in War Within.