Feedback: Farseer Shaman

Well I understand that you have your views and opinions regarding this, it’ll be nice to see how it plays out during live.

My point is that just throwing a 3rd charge of Riptide at us is, well, kinda insulting. And Proves that the developers don’t really care to understand our class.

Like a “Real” 3rd charge talent might be something like:
While in groups of 5 or less, players can be affect by your Riptide twice. While in a group of 6 or more, when you cast Riptide, the heal over time is replicated onto another nearby injured ally

A talent like this demonstrates that someone who plays the class, helped in the design of the Heroic Talents.

But instead it seems like they just looked at our existing talent tree and said “uhhh this one, just give em that again. Ut oh we need this Ancestor to proc on an ability… uhhh this one Unleash Life”


We already have Ancestral Awakening, which does that based on your crit, and I am sitting around 40% flat so that brings mana return and actually during my last h. Fyrakk kill I actually had mana and 200k hps at fights end.
A lot of these things work so well together it’s fluid (literally lol)

… Yeah. Exactly. And we “Already have” a talent that gives us a 2nd charge of Riptide. We “already have” Nature’s Swiftness. I feel like you’re just talking past me, and not really interested in engaging in a discussion.

It’s also worth understanding how “extra” charges work for most spells. The CD of the 3rd charge doesn’t start until you’ve banked the first 2. So the 3rd charge only benefits you: On the pull, or if you haven’t cast Riptide in 12 seconds. This allows you to essentially start banking a 3rd charge (or at least start working on the CD of your 3rd next riptide.

So unless in your kill you spent significant time sitting at 2 Riptides in the bank - this talent does nothing for you other than a single Riptide on the pull (and maybe an +1 extra riptide going into p3). That’s why in my initial response, I assumed you were being sarcastic.

If you are truly pleased with this Farseer, then I guess I’m happy for you.


I am genuinely pleased, I do not want to bring forward a negative attitude towards something I love playing.
Honestly the only gripe I have with shaman is how you can’t move and cast lightning bolt. We had it really good in Cata :slight_smile:

Pointing out the faults with intended design changes to those in charge of the changes - when they are asking for it directly - isn’t a negative attitude… especially when you’re a “community council member.” Blizzard defined the community council as a “venue for communication between the playerbase and WoW developers”.

It’s important to note the position we are (and have been) in - in relation to the other classes and specs. There are things we are just severely lacking - as detailed throughout this thread. You have to understand how the community can’t understand why you bring nothing but positive feelings to a change that literally does nothing for those things.

It’s just tough to see - as a 17-year veteran of the class myself. Some classes literally have open dialogue with their class devs in the community discords. We have nothing.


I feel like if you don’t want to point out the things wrong with the talents then you don’t deserve to be a member of the community council because you don’t represent us at all. You are just a pencil whipping Blizzard Yes Man…


This is wild considering I’ve made one positive comment and I’m expected to understand the grievances of people I’ve never interacted with before.

I don’t mean to hop on this point too much since I think it detracts from the thread topic, but as a CC member you obviously know you represent the community.

Regardless of if you are only expressing yourself, from an outsiders point of view the CC has a potentially greater voice since they are sanctioned by Blizzard. Whether that’s true or not is irrelevant, it’s just the perception that comes with the position.

So when you come into a class thread (which also are notoriously critical/negative) and have only an overwhelming positive reaction… well it’s one of those “read the room” situations.

You are allowed to have your opinion and nothing is wrong with that, however you can’t be overly surprised either when people see colored text posters having a polar opposite opinion to what community sentiment is.

You don’t need to understand some random persons grievances usually, as a CC member it’s assumed you have some understanding of them though considering your community position.

Again, sorry for jumping on this but I just wanted to point out some on why people are responding the way they are.


It was my first ever forum post here, but it also hasn’t been relevant to the topic itself since they mentioned I’m a community member.
I still am very pumped for these hero talents regardless.

How is this informing me? You immediately stated “aren’t you supposed to represent us?”
If anything this is a great example why things are the way they are. Instant antagonism, and I’m a new forum poster here, you assume I’m supposed to know YOU and your experiences personally, let alone we have never spoken before or have even played together. This doesn’t make people want to provide their opinions.

It was a legitimate question. You viewed it as “antagonism” for some reason. I thought - by Blizzard’s definition, that the Community Council represented the community. It is the avenue of communication between the playerbase and the developers.

And yes - as a person selected from everyone - I would assume that that “communication channel between the players and the developers” would be aware, and up to speed on the sentiments of that community that they represent.

No one was being hostile or antagonistic or anything along those lines. Sorry you took it that way…and I’m honestly not sure why you did.

You have to understand that if the community is largely saying they are unhappy with a current thing … and then some person representing our communication channel with the developers comes in and paints a completely positive picture - why some people have questions.


I can only paint with the canvas I call personal experience, to suggest I lack experience or “I shouldn’t be on the council” because I made a positive comment, is ridiculous.

I didn’t say that at all…but this is at least the second time you’ve put words in my mouth. I simply asked a question of your role - and you immediately took it as antagonism for some reason. I based my question on the definition of your role given to us by Blizzard.

If you came here to argue, I don’t know what to say. I’m pretty much done responding to you - which is sad. Because you are our avenue of communication with the devs. Blizz said this themselves.


You know very well what you are doing here Avih, you just don’t enjoy playing shaman and want to disrespect other players for sharing their opinion.

Couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve played mainly Shaman for over 17 years now. I love playing Shaman…and I never disrespected anyone. I’m out of this particular part of the conversation, however…because it will lead nowhere good and it’s being completely sidetracked for some reason.


And I haven’t been playing shaman for 17 years? You must have figured that because I failed to discern your culmination of class experience, which I never challenged or assumed you lacked.

I mean I said I was done but - to answer one final question…no. You stated earlier you’ve been playing it for 14.

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With those years of experience shouldn’t you want to embolden newer players and create a welcoming environment for discussion? This is a feedback page for hero talents, not a competition of who knows best.

Look man…I dunno why you singled me out just because I simply asked if you represented us. But like I said - I’m out. We can end this. You win.

You definitely were getting trolled by like at least five people in this thread - but I wasn’t and am not one of them.

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