Feedback: Farseer Shaman

If you’ve ever played with me, you’d know how I speak and communicate, sorry for giving you the wrong impression.

You seem like a really nice person and I definitely came off as a jerk and I am sorry for that. However, you really aren’t capturing the sentiment and overall feedback being given by the people in this thread… it just seems very suspicious.

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I accept your apology my friend, we aren’t on opposite sides of the coin, it’s just we are coming from different places. I just have a heavy preference towards resto shaman and these hero talents will work very well for me.

Okay, well then can you elaborate on what the yellow title and text mean?

Do we have any players representing us? I’ve played since Vanilla (have mained Shaman more often than not since Cataclysm), and it seems like our widely expressed concerns about button bloat and squishiness have fallen on deaf ears for the entirety of that time.

He’s part of the Community Council. It is something that you can apply for if you are interested, and Blizzard tries to select a small group of people with a wide range of playstyles to try to get a snapshot of the community. They have their own Discord where they can get some limited interaction with the developers and express their opinions on various things.

The Community Council rotates every so often so they continue to get new points of view. My wife was on the Community Council during the last rotation. If they have a developer checking in on this thread specifically, Dyse’s response shouldn’t receive any more weight than other responses just because he was picked for the council… at least I sure hope not. Farseer needs a serious redesign (as does Elemental as a whole).

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My main Far Seer feedback was:

  • Let us extend our cast range, or cast spells remotely with Far Sight
  • Let us summon big Spirit Wolves to ride in combat like you get to in WoD Nagrand quests, maybe have them replace Spirit Walk and allow casting while moving and provide a movement speed boost by default
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This sounds really cool! I’d love the idea of Far Sight casting!

I’ve been playing resto as long as you but I’m not excited about this tree at all. It’s full of RNG which healers don’t want or need, and it’s very unlikely that 3 charges of riptide will do anything meaningful for us when haste doesn’t reduce the CD so we still need to wait for charges to refresh.

These talents will work for you insofar as you don’t play m+ (unleash life is not useful there) and you don’t care about having to cast a maintenance buff that’s on the GCD and doesn’t synergize well with half of our kit in order to get any value out of the tree. At all times, there are better and worse spells to use UL on than others (currently the best is CH for example), and you reduce your throughput if you’re casting UL into weaker spells. If this goes live, we’ll want to proc our ancestors asap and use UL on CD, but we’ll ALSO want to buff the right spells with UL, which may or may not be off CD or be useful in that exact moment. Having to deal with that tension - wanting to use UL asap but also wanting to buff the right spell - is going to feel bad, I promise.

Have you read the feedback that our premier theorycrafter has offered on the class disc or wowhead? If not, why? I understand that you’re speaking as an individual and you’re 1000% entitled to your own opinions as such, but as a member of the community council and likely the only resto shaman on it, it would be nice if you could spend some time reading up on why the rest of us don’t like this hero tree much. It’s largely passable in its current state because it won’t interfere too much with our raid rotation (beyond the tension I highlighted earlier), but the same can’t be said for m+. I think most of us had higher hopes for the hero talents than passable.

I’ve linked our lead theorycrafter’s post here: - he offers a fairly balanced overview of the talent tree and gives blizz the benefit of the doubt on a number of things, which many people here have not done.

One thing I’d like to add as a long time resto shaman - is there any way you could bring a general concern to the community council? Many of us wonder why blizz never engages with us as a community and why our feedback tends to get ignored, while other specs/classes get so much more attention and thoughtful changes. We feel like the new mistweaver monks - left to just try to make the best of a badly designed kit and messed up talents, which isn’t a good feeling. I’m happy that MW monks have their time in the sun after years of being ignored, but it’s quite telling that most of our best players from years past now play some other class because resto shaman aren’t as fun as they once were, or aren’t viable in the top end of raid/m+ content.



Thanks! I appreciate the clarification. I sincerely hope the message going back to the devs is that the need for an ability squish is real. I would gladly give a few recommendations if there was a remote chance of them being considered. The LEAST they could do, however, is not force us into taking more abilities…

They should keep the theme of this tree and rename it Spiritwalker.

Then rename ‘stormbringer’ to Farseer, and have that tree for enhance and elemental revolve around Farseer spells like chain Lightning, feral spirits, and earthquake. (Maybe enhance could get limited access to earthquake and ele could gain feral spirits in some way)


It’s very unfortunate that my limited time active on this forum is met with such negative behaviour, for commenting specifically in this thread, relevant to the question / feedback posted.

Preach it!

I don’t think you received such negative reactions due to your opinions, I think it was because your post sounded like an advertisement and not a real person giving feedback. It was shallow and overly positive. Kind of the mirror to non constructive negative feedback if that makes sense.

I’m a paying customer, am I not?

Deluge, Tidal Waves, Ancestral Awakening and Water Totem Mastery. Plus the current tier bonus, along with having healing rain down. Riptide benefits our entire toolkit.

The point is that having a third charge of riptide will only help in the initial couple seconds of an encounter, as the charges don’t recharge on separate timers. This will help even less in m+ where groups chain pull. As well, players aren’t asking to cast riptide more often. If that talent (or the talent that reduces riptide’s cd) extended riptide’s hot or extended the duration of the extra health from Ancestral Vigor, they might be more worthwhile.

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I don’t disagree with any of that. But my point is that I don’t understand the fanfair over getting a “3rd charge”. There is a functional upper limit to how impactful the N’th charge of a spell could possibly be. Your statement would still be true if we had 3, 4, 7, 24 charges of Riptide… or if Riptide just, had no CD, so we could finally just merge with the other healing-class-soup of Renews and Rejuvs.

Riptide already has a 6 second cooldown. Considering that we are capped at the 1.5 second GCD, if you are hammering your Riptide - you are spending a FULL QUARTER of your button presses on Riptides. Adding an extra charge only makes this problem worse.

On the other side of the coin, in M+ I already have no issue covering the 5 players with Riptides, so again, the extra charge does nothing for me.

So I’m not asking “What does Riptide Do?” I’m asking “what does the 3rd charge of Riptide do, that the 2nd charge doesn’t do?”


Amen. This guy gets it.

Well to be fair you are also skimming over the % to healing per riptide, plus the % to trigger ascendance.

You could list any number of benefits without answering the question: What can you do with 3 charges that you cannot with 2.

It’s like saying “The new Tesla has 3 headlights instead of 2!”
“Ok what does the 3rd one do?”
… and then you just list all the reasons cars should had headlights.