Feedback: Farseer Shaman

Reading most of the responses here makes me think this tree was doomed from the start. Ele tree has so many issues that were reported and ignored that shamans expected the champion tree to be more than what it is and fix those issues…

I’m not really hopefull for the other champion tree especially after the radio silence we had after the reveal of this one.

It’s complicated to give feedback when the core of the class is left to rot.


Brother, all of us are desperately trying to give feed back. Sometimes feedback is negative, as with any product. We just don’t see that feedback going anywhere, as if it’s being completely ignored…as it is sooooooooo frustrating.


“If Dysé is our rep it explains a lot”
“He doesn’t represent me”

How was this helping?

That’s just how some people respond. I’ll point out that I admitted people were trolling you…but neither of those quotes came from me. So like I said earlier, I’m not sure why you singled me out. I have only tried to act in a respectful manner and encourage proper discourse. We really should move on from it though honestly. Get back to what matters. Just forget about it and move on.


The quotes came from me, and I stand by them.


Regardless, I’ll stand next to you on the battlefield, and do my best to channel the spirits to aid us, as we charge towards victory.

If that battlefield is in the ears of the devs, expressing the concerns of the community (even if not entirely your own) , then I’m with mate.

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You singled me out with your disrespect and assumptions, I never asked you to do that.

You have a warped sense of what actually transpired in this thread, honestly. I’ve tried to be nothing but respectful and don’t believe I’m the one that made any assumptions.

This is such a good point. The farseer tree is actually pretty decent in a vacuum. Unfortunately, the class (not just ele) has problems and people were hoping the hero talents would fix those problems.

It has almost become a “My kingdom for a horse” type of situation, or perhaps offering a fancy new jacket to someone that is hungry is a better analogy. Take your pick.

Community Council members are meant to be representative of the community, not representatives. They are random survey samples, providing their viewpoints on matters from a wide variety of player avenues; not elected officials chosen to act as spokespeople for every individual subcommunity within the game.

Dyse is doing his job by providing feedback from his perspective. He is not beholden to parrot other peoples’ grievances, even if those grievances are the overwhelming majority opinion otherwise being shared, and everyone here can back up off his tail.


Dyse getting mobbed in here is exactly why the devs don’t interact with us anymore.


That’s fine. You’ve got to understand people’s point of view - Blizz defined those members are the avenue of communication between the players and the devs. People see his yellow text - and they think his voice is louder than theirs - rightfully so, imo - that “position” is going to seek attention…especially when presenting an opinion so contrary to the majority.

Also…if you go back through - Dyse has done his share of false accusations and so on. I don’t think anyone should have trolled him in the sense that they did - but pretending the guy is completely innocent and hasn’t brought anything unto himself isn’t right either. That said - I appreciate all opinions from anyone and everyone in all walks of the game.


I literally just explained that in the post you clipped out of that quote block. CC members are NOT spokespeople for classes. They are just individuals who gain temporary access to a special feedback subforum for a while to give their personal feedback and opinions. Having gold text does not in any way put additional requirements on him to represent anyone else’s opinion, just because you feel like it makes him louder than you.

If Blizzard chooses to hear his feedback over the far, far more people giving the opposite opinion, that’s on Blizzard for hearing what they want to hear, not on Dyse for not doing a job that isn’t his in the first place.


I’m aware. I’m explaining that people see his text as special and they feel that his voice is louder than theirs. It stands out to all of us, does it not? It garners attention. When that opinion is in great contrast to the majority - it’s going to get that attention.

Pretending that you’re not going to garner extra attention from the playerbase - when you get a special text color and border around your name wouldn’t even make sense. It’s just gonna happen - right or wrong. It stands out to the community.

I’m explaining how the community perceives the special presentation of his messages versus theirs.


I have every right to defend myself against disrespect. I am paying just as much to play this as you are.

100% I never intended to disrespect you in any way – and I’ve said this many times. Nor did I ever say that you “couldn’t defend yourself” - and I find the implication that I said that insulting. I’m simply explaining how the community perceives specially-colored posts. How is that even remotely disrespectful? I’ve been nothing but respectful honestly.


I’m going to be honest, what started as a vaguely entertaining slap-fight in a forum has long since become tedious. It isn’t like the community council has any real power at the best of times and it isn’t like one dissenting opinion is going to solidify the inevitable problems this talent tree has, dedicating a quarter of the discussion to it feels nonsensical.

If everyone could just chill out and move on that would be just grand.


Seeing how this thread turned out…. we are so cooked lmaooo.


Yea. Lets get the conversation back to fixing the class per what was layed out by the community in the first majority of posts.

This class is under represented and it needs more attention amongst the other WoW classes in order to properly fix it up.