Feedback: Evokers

So what your saying is its Bleed crazy? because there should be no reason for me to be forced to select it as a talent otherwise. Right now I only pick up Cauterizing if its a known Bleed damage fight or its a dungeon like BRH where the extra dispel comes in handy where it clears everything but magic.

I mean what hoops and spinning tiles are there?.. You cast buffs on cd, empowers, eruption till you can’t, living flame. Thats all that’s expected of you in the reality of things

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Feedback on Motes of Possibility

Eruption has a chance to form a mote of diverted essence near you. Allies who come in contact with the mote gain a random buff from your arsenal.


  • The talent tree is very competitive after the recent reshuffle, so this talent needs to be exceptionally strong to be viable in competitive content.
  • The Mote spawn chance seems very low.
  • The tooltip says “a random buff from your arsenal,” but it can grant buffs not talented into, like Symbiotic Bloom.
    • ~80% of the buffs are Symbiotic Bloom, even when not talented into it.
  • Buffs like Nourishing Sands are healing buffs, making this talent less appealing compared to consistent DPS talents.
  • Motes sometimes spawn too close to the Augmentation Evoker. In spread-out boss fights, this can result in the Evoker buffing themselves instead of allies.
  • Motes are small and difficult to see.
  • There’s no clear visual feedback when a Mote is collected, leading to confusion.
  • DPS players need to be buffed, which means the Augmentation player must position themselves carefully.
    • In dungeons, melee DPS might have the tank collecting buffs, reducing DPS effectiveness.
    • Ranged DPS might compete for Motes to win the DPS race, affecting group dynamics.

Improvement Suggestions:

  • Ensure there are always 1-2 Motes on the ground.
  • Motes should gravitate towards DPS players with the Ebon Might buff, especially those with active powerful abilities, in synergy with the Sense Power passive.
  • Make the Motes move faster, similar to Temporal Anomaly.
  • Make the Motes larger, similar to Temporal Anomaly.
  • Add a visual effect when a Mote is collected.
  • Motes should only provide buffs that are currently active in the spellbook, excluding talents not chosen like Symbiotic Bloom.
  • Ensure Motes can grant new Hero Talent buffs such as Temporal Burst, Threads of Fate, and other buffs like Temporal Wounds, Prescience, and Aspect’s Favor.

Feedback on Preservation Button Bloat


  • Preservation already suffered from button bloat compared to the other two Evoker specs. The introduction of Engulf has exacerbated this issue.
  • The appeal of the other two specs lies in their simplicity and ease of use, which is not the case for the Preservation spec.

Suggestions to Reduce Button Bloat:

  • Make Temporal Anomaly baseline and incorporate Temporal Anomaly as a baseline ability for Preservation.
  • Revamp Echo:
    • Make Echo a passive ability applied only by Temporal Anomaly (TA).
    • Change TA to use Essence instead of costing a large amount of mana.
    • The current method of applying Echo individually to each player is tedious and not enjoyable. Temporal Anomaly streamlines this process and should be made the signature Essence ability for Preservation.
  • Consolidate Breath abilities. The other two specs have only one Big Breath ability, and Preservation should follow suit.
    • Replace Deep Breath with Dream Flight if talented into, and add extra effects to it, such as a hybrid healing and damaging ability similar to Living Flame.
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Skyriding or Steady, depending on which mode you’re in. At present (in the WW Beta), when you touch the ground you “dismount” (for lack of a better term).

Personally, I was SUPER happy to see that they had pretty much removed the cooldown, but even after the reduction to 10 seconds, now it’s still just bad. Yes better, but still bad.

As someone who’s happy to declare “Evoker Main”, I have absolutely zero reason to use Soar over (at this point messing around on the Beta) quite literally, any. Other. Mount.

Edit: My suggestion(s) honestly would be:
Cast time: Ehh, I’d rather not have it, but I’m fine with the 1.5 as it’s at least baseline compared to other mounts.
Cooldown: I just have one question… why? No other mounts have it. Actually, as far as I know, it’s the only “shapeshift” type skill that has one.
General State: I think that when grounded (regardless of Steady or Skyriding), the Dracthyr should just float, same animation(s) as Hover, just with massive speed increase. Just “Ground Mount” benefits - In line with other mounts, instead of “Dismounting”.
Conclusion: I believe we are passed the novelty of Soar at this point as Skyriding (Formerly Dragonriding) has now been implemented everywhere that normal flight can be done, and when compared to other mounts, I feel it’s more of a hinderance to use Soar when I can use another mount instead. The only reason I’d use Soar is because it’s cool. Not faster. Not easier to use. Just cool. While cool is fine, if it’s function is worse, I don’t see a reason to use it. I’m the type of person to build a box in survival games and just make a bigger box when I need the room.

TL;DR: Sorry for the ramble above it’s just that I’d rather Soar be just as functional as using anything else. I’d like it to be on the same level as Flight Form, but I’m ok with Druids being a special case, or a one off. But Dracthyr being a special case in the opposite direction I feel, is just a bad feel. I get the novelty, it’s a new thing, but so was flight, so was Dragonriding. Both now available (nearly) everywhere.

I hope everyone is having a great day! Game is good and everyone is beautiful. :smiley:


Feedback on Chronowarden and Ebon Might (EM) refreshing


  • Currently it seems that we can quite easily get to 100% uptime on Ebon Might (EM) with the Chronowarden Hero Tree, which is good but this conflicts with the current way that EM refreshing works
  • In order to swap EM targets, we have to wait for the current EM buff to fall off and only then cast it again so that we can buff the new prescience targets that we want
  • This (the EM refreshing mechanic) creates an inuntuitive and annoying way of playing aug that conflicts with the extra uptime we get from Chronowarden hero tree where the extra uptime actually becomes a problem instead of being good since we get locked to the same targets and end up losing the prescience target choice mechanic


  • When we cast EM while there’s already an EM buff running on 4 players, the prescience targets have priority to receive EM and players without prescience lose their buffs (in accordance with how many prescience targets received it). I’ll give an example to illustrate how this could work:
    – You have EM running
    – You have 2 presciences on targets that don’t have EM currently
    – You cast EM while the current EM buff still has 5 seconds of buff running on the 4 targets from “step 1”
    – EM falls off from 2 random targets that don’t have prescience
    – EM buffs the 2 prescience targets and refreshes duration on the other 2 targets that already had it

Additional Note:

  • Another way to fix this is to prevent us from being able to choose our buff targets at all (this suggestion surely was given by content creators before/during the Alpha). This may seem odd given what I said here but while we have the power to choose the buff targets, we can’t simply drop it because of the huge difference it makes on the overall damage output we can get.

Disagree with this feedback completely. Preservation feels like a complete spec with an expansive kit. Devastation feels like a half baked spec, which is why people waste time complaining about Dragonrage extension windows, since it’s virtually the only meaningful skill expression of a spec with a minuscule set of base active abilities.



Preservation does not have button bloat. You can’t compare it to dps specs and conclude this, you would have to compare it to other healers and pres is doing perfectly fine on that front

The appeal of preservation is a unique identity and gameplay that heavily rewards you for executing it well, the fact that the other specs are simple doesn’t mean pres has to be too specially considering there already are other healer specs known for being easy to play

I would agree that TA could be made baseline considering how integral it is to preservation gameplay, but your reasons for it are really bad

Echo and TA work in tandem to let you choose between resource commitment and strength, with echo being more time and resource intensive but stronger and TA being quicker but also weaker. The fine balance between the two ways to apply echo makes preservation gameplay way deeper and more rewarding. The fact that you consider echo application “tedious and not enjoyable” simply tells me that you just don’t enjoy ramp healer gameplay and that is fine but you shouldn’t try to completely destroy the identity of a spec only because you aren’t a fan of ramp healers

And then, what would even be the point of combining Deep Breath and Dream Flight? literally losing flexibility just so you can have less button on your action bar?

Couldn’t possible give worse feedback than this even if i tried


Upon further testing and reflection I still feel the placement of sleepwalk should be changed but I agree that Cauterizing Flame will see huge usage in the new dungeons for sure.

I also now feel Expunge and Cauterize Flame should just be 1 talent and not 2. And it should just be all 5 dispels as baseline. Or expunge as single target and Cauterize as multi target utilizing the same rules as leaping flames for target count, and then work like revival does. Or better still make Cauterize Flame an empower spell dispel. The empower part just determines how many targets you hit. Buts it’s still all 5 dispels types on a 1 min ogcd.

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Engulf Feedback: (Devastation)

Consume Flame:
Engulf consumes 4 sec of Fire Breath from the target, detonating it and damaging all nearby targets equal to 300% of the amount consumed, reduced beyond 5 targets.

This portion of Engulf will not trigger if the base damage from Engulf kills the target you cast it on. If this is a design choice it feels really bad, and considering Scalecommander lets you continue to channel your triple Disintegrate on a dead primary target to keep damaging your secondary and tertiary target, it seems strange this wouldn’t also still trigger. Losing the massively potent damage this provides in AoE feels extremely bad, if this is intentional.

Any chance we can have a a visual glyph to use most out our spells in visage form? And of course spells that require going into dragon would be fine.

I love the tier set for evokers, but wish I could actually see my armor.


you get it for anything it removes. bleeds is just a part of it. it’s hard locked in on afflicted week. it’s hard locked in for dungeons with curses and diseases too. and its not a surprise WW dungeons continue to have dangerous poisons bleeds cursed and diseases, like any dungeon rotation.

it’s not 80% symbiotic bloom. chance for shifting sands, symbiotic bloom and infernos blessing and… nothing ATM is equal

Feedback on Timelessness

Enchant an ally to appear out of sync with the normal flow of time, reducing the threat they generate by 30%.


  • With the recent talent reshuffle, Prescience was moved up in the tree because it is crucial for Ebon Might targeting. However, Timelessness, Bestow Weyrnstone (BW), and Stretch Time are now prerequisite talents for Prescience.
  • BW is an interesting and unique talent but somewhat niche. Timelessness and Stretch Time are currently underutilized.
  • As a result, BW will always be talented into, even if it isn’t used during a dungeon run, especially by non-high-end players.
  • Recently, Devastation Evoker had high threat generation, making it an excellent target for Timelessness, but this issue was quickly fixed. Now, Devastation Evoker’s threat is on par with other DPS specs, making this talent underutilized again.

Improvement Suggestions:

  • Allow Timelessness to have two charges so that in dungeons, two DPS can be targeted. This would enable them to start DPSing while the tank gathers enemies without the fear of pulling aggro.
  • Add a tank effect to Timelessness, making it useful in raids. For example, grant extra avoidance or a chance to miss/parry due to appearing out of sync with time.
  • Make Timelessness last as long as Source of Magic (SoM). Both used to last 30 minutes, but SoM was buffed to 60 minutes, while Timelessness remained at 30 minutes.
  • Alternative to two charges, consider changing Timelessness’s main effect to grant avoidance or a chance to parry/miss instead of reducing threat generation.
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Please revert the Animosity change. The reasoning behind it is not sound. Address PI itself, without neutering some of the last skill expression of the Devastation spec.

You can’t nerf Animosity by itself and provide no alternatives to skill expression, this is not what Devastation players want to see.


Firestorm feedback:

A long-duration ground AoE does not align with the theme of the spec. Further, it will nearly always be the case that mobs will not stand in it for the full duration. At a minimum Firestorm should be a 6s duration if you’re going to insist of keeping this talent around (that for some reason doesn’t empower and relies on several talent pts to even synergize with the kit).

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Adding to my above post.

Feedback on Warp:

Hover now warps you through time and space and its cooldown is reduced by 5 sec.
Hover continues to allow Evoker spells to be cast while moving,

I timed how long it takes for Hover to finish yeeting you vs how long it takes for Warp to teleport you. Hover without Warp seems to take about 0.5 seconds to yeet you, while Warp takes approximately 0.9 seconds to teleport you. If someone else could time it to confirm my timing that would be great: my hand-eye coordination is rusty.

The solution, in my opinion, would be to remove the starting animation altogether or alter it so that the warp occurs before the animation begins. I’d like some feedback from others to see what they think though.

Timelessness isn’t enough to allow that, the tank still needs to be actively tanking for a dps to be able to blast.

I know those are examples but Avoidance is irrelevant for tanks; adding extra dodge would be on mark but inherently conflicts with Blistering Scales (dodging => no melee => no gain from scales on Aug end).

yes please, same with Scales

First of all, apologies for the quality of my English.

As Scalecommander Devastation my biggest concern is using deep breath within the rotation, the loss of time between when you take flight, hit the target and return to the ground to continue with your next attack feels very uncomfortable, a large amount of time is wasted and considerably affects the amount of damage we can do. The idea that other players have expressed regarding having another Dracthyr perform the deep breath sounds really good and fits perfectly into the Scalecommander lore.

Like Flameshaper Devastation, the biggest problem is that we have to advance too much towards the red side of the talent tree, although the interactions with Firestorm are interesting and a lot of AoE damage can be achieved, Firestorm does not feel like a good ability To cast, practically 2 seconds of time and a duration of 12 seconds for a not very considerable amount of damage is not good at all. Additionally, the damage that can be done to a single target is very poor.

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Augmentation Evoker Viability in Solo High-Tier Delves


Augmentation Evokers who prefer solo play should not be forced to switch to Preservation or Devastation specializations to succeed in high-tier Delves. Preservation players can spec Bran as DPS, and Devastation players can spec Bran as a healer or tank. However, Augmentation players must spec Bran as DPS; otherwise, their DPS output will be significantly lower compared to using the Devastation spec.


  • Close as Clutchmates passive ability increases Ebon Might and Breath of Eons effectiveness by 10% when not in a raid. It exists because, in dungeons, Augmentation Evokers can only buff 2 DPS players, 1 healer, and 1 tank, whereas in raids, they can buff 4 DPS players. However, in solo Delves, Augmentation players can only buff 1 DPS player, which is the NPC Bran Bronzebeard.


  • Can the development team explain their plans to make Augmentation Evoker a viable option for pushing solo high-tier Delves?