Feedback: Evokers

Both hero talent trees sound potentially interesting for preservation (I like a lot of both just reading them but haven’t used them yet), but the range issues for basic healing range are still a huge turnoff for a lot of players.

I really don’t think giving their standard spells 40 yard ranges hurts the class fantasy at all. You still have to worry about positioning for a substantial portion of their kit even if you can cast your single target spells (and blossom) at 40 yards.

  • You still have to position for Fire Breath

  • You still have to position for Dream Breath

  • You still have to position for Deep Breath

  • You still have to position for Dream Flight

  • You still have to consider positioning for Spiritbloom

  • You still have to consider positioning for Temporal Anomaly

  • You still have to consider positioning for who to cast Emerald Blossom on

  • You still have to consider positioning for Zephyr

  • You still have to consider positioning to use Landslide

  • You still have to consider positioning to use Tail Swipe

  • You still have to consider positioning to use Wing Buffet

Letting Preservation cast Living Flame, Echo, Reversion, Time Dialation, dispels, Emerald Blossom, maybe Quell, maybe Azure Strike and maybe Verdant Embrace at 40 yards just allows them to function when your group is spread out without dealing with insane back and forth movement trying to do basic things. They still would remain the healer with the most positional requirements and awareness to maximize their kit, they just wouldn’t be a nightmare to play in certain scenarios.

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Can we get the Bombardment dracthyr to fly lower and slower?

They are a visual effect that is too subtle and “blink and you miss it” because they often fly so high up and their bombardment spell is barely visible.

Engulf also needs a unique animation, it virtually looks like a Living Flame clone.


Introduction: As an experienced player who has extensively played the Evoker class through all of DF and over the last twenty years played every healer in the game, I wanted to share some feedback after doing a few dungeons.

General Observations:

  1. Single Target Healing:
  • While the Evoker possesses a variety of healing abilities, there seems to be a lack of a truly impactful single target heal spell for emergency situations.
  • Living Flame, while potentially useful, often falls short in providing the immediate and substantial healing necessary during intense moments.
  1. Dealing with Spread-Out Targets:
  • Healing ranged targets that are spread out remains a challenge for the Evoker class, although this issue appeared to be less prevalent in the TWW dungeons on the beta server.

New Talents:

  1. Lifespark:
  • The addition of the Lifespark talent is appreciated, as it introduces a free instant proc of Living Flame with slightly enhanced properties.
  • This talent contributes to spot healing and single target funneling, addressing some of the class’s existing limitations in these areas.
  1. Engulf:
  • Engulf stands out as an excellent addition to the Evoker’s heal kit, providing significant healing throughput in critical moments.
  • Its interaction with Echo and ability to provide both single target and group-wide healing make it a valuable asset to the Evoker’s toolkit.
  1. Burning Adrenaline:
  • While Burning Adrenaline interacts well with Empower Spells, there are concerns regarding its interaction with LifeSpark procs, as observed in beta testing.
  • Clarification on whether LifeSpark proc’d Living Flames consuming Burning Adrenaline is intended would be beneficial for understanding its mechanics fully.

Hero Talents - Flameshaper Tree:

  1. Traveling Flame:
  • In dungeon scenarios, Traveling Flame’s utility appears limited due to the frequent application of Dream Breath to all party members.
  • Further clarification on how Traveling Flame interacts with existing Dream Breath HoTs and Echo’d Engulfs would aid in understanding its effectiveness.
  1. Titanic Precision:
  • The increased essence bursts provided by Titanic Precision are appreciated, although clarity regarding its mechanics would be beneficial for players.
  1. Life Cinders:
  • Life Cinders’ contribution to both personal and party-wide healing, as observed in dungeon runs, is notable and aligns well with the Evoker’s supportive role.

Overall Impression: The addition of Engulf and other talents introduced in the beta, combined with adjustments to the class tree, has positively impacted the Evoker’s healing capabilities. While some concerns regarding specific talents and mechanics persist, the Flameshaper tree, in particular, shows promise in addressing existing challenges faced by Evoker healers.

Conclusion: In conclusion, I have found the Evoker’s healing performance in the beta to be generally satisfactory, with notable improvements in certain areas. However, further refinement and clarification on talents and mechanics, as highlighted in this feedback, would greatly enhance the Evoker’s effectiveness and player experience in healing roles.

Thank you for considering this feedback, and I look forward to witnessing the continued development and evolution of the Evoker class in the upcoming expansion.

Hello . As this week has gone by, I have been playing Evoker Aug more and I find it more and more fun. Here is my personal feedback:
Issues :
Motes of Acceleration: It is an incredibly fun and viable talent in many situations but the problem I see with it is that it leaves the orbs behind the character so you have to turn back to pick them up. In a Raid only range DPS could take it because you would be next to them.
How to fix it:
Have the orbs appear at the point where the character appears, so they can be picked up more easily and people who move behind you to that area (to avoid a fight mechanic for example) can also pick them up.

Issues :
Passive skill Motes of Possibility: Provides the effect of Symbiotic Bloom. It is not a strong buff or one that attracts attention, it may even affect someone in the party who doesn’t even need a little more healing. That Green side of the tree is dead and has no real good use.

How to fix it:
Only offer the benefits of Ebom Might (perhaps with lower stats) to that player, Shifting Sands, Prescience or why not, Temporal Burst at a reduced level.

Issues :
Time Skip: It is a fairly strong ability for Aug evoker and in my case my favorite spell of the spec. Since the end of S2, then S3 and S4 there have been cases where it is used in some fights but it still does not surpass its replacement Interwoven Threads. At the same time, it doesn’t make sense to spend a talent point at the end of the talent tree and then use another point to remove that ability for another passive.

How to fix it:
Make Time Skip a little stronger so that it is viable in many fights, where in others it is better to use the passive ability and make a node of both powers.

Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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When we cast EM while there’s already an EM buff running on 4 players, the prescience targets have priority to receive EM and players without prescience lose their buffs

I would love having this in Raid .Even more if you are running the Time Skip build

Some feedback on talents overall.

It would be nice to reduce the number of required talents needed just to have a playable character, so we can have more flexibility with our talents builds. Two ways to fix this would be combine some talents together, such as Ruby and Azure Essence Burst into one that Aug evokers already have. And the other to make other talents baseline like Dense Energy and maybe Tyranny.

Also I don’t understand the placement for Imminent Destruction. It’s a great talent especially for Scalecommander, but it’s now located at the end of the red side of the tree and behind a talent for Firestorm. Not really making it worth spending the extra points to get. Moving it closer to the center of the tree would help with that.

When I first read Titanic Precision I was excited since I thought it would finally give Preservation Evokers the ability to proc essence burst on Azure Strike again. That was taken away from them during the Dragonflight beta unfortunately.

While it still mentions Azure Strike in Preservation’s tooltip for it, it doesn’t actually do anything. When I first read it I thought it meant 100% of crits would proc a burst, but I see now it says “increased” so it increases the 0% chance of AS to 0% and the 20% chance on living flame to 40% on crits I guess.

Would be nice if it also added some base proc chance to Azure Strike for Preservation.

edit: also you should change the tooltip description to just say the chance is doubled since a lot of people skimming it will see the 100% and get confused

and if we’re not going to get AS included for preservation, maybe our version should work for reversion as well instead.

Healing range for pres is 30 yards, not 20.


Symbiotic Bloom and Prolong Life/Dream of Spring
Can we end the experiment on healing Aug? These talents might possibly be the deadest talents of any tree on any class. You cant do enough healing to replace the need of a healer by 1 without oom’ing yourself fairly quickly. The playstyle either needs numerous adjustments to make it viable (please dont), or we can simply remove these dead talents and lets get something new cooking in their place.

This doesn’t even mention how having Symbiotic Bloom in the motes pool is giga trolling the rework to motes. The absolute insane delta between giving an ally Sands vs giving them bloom is crazy.

Lets end the Aug healing experiment and get rid of these dead talents

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Huh?? You want to play the support spec, but support no one and have it work? Lets not waste dev time on this


Anyone else finding that Enkindle in the Flameshaper hero tree is extremely strong? I find myself producing 1 million to 1.5 million ticks with it pretty regularly.

As much as I would love for it to stay that strong, the fact is that on a 5 minute target dummy it’s dealing something like 60% of my single target dps.

Preservation - Chronowarden Feedback

Chronowardens can manipulate time and see into the future. By specializing in Bronze magic, they are slightly unstable due to the vast amount of knowledge available to them. They are precise, erudite, and organized individuals who seek to understand the world through careful study.

Chronowarden as Preservation is entirely a passive tree, which isn’t a bad thing but definitely needs to hit that class fantasy 100%, Honestly it’s great in terms of gameplay, it adds several tier set bonuses from Dragonflight which I’m happy are returning with Reverberations and Afterimage, I think is amazing and glad to have in The War Within.

Visually I think Chronowarden under sells a lot of what it could be, it is said we “Specialise in Bronze Magic”, I want to see this further double downed on.

Warp is particularly a great example, looks and feels great, very thematic to what a Chronowarden is about adding a Bronze touch to Hover, but I think it should extend its Bronze Influence to Rescue, it would be insanely so awesome to Teleport to your Target, Grab them then Teleport to your Destination.

  • Warp - Hover and Rescue now warps you through time and space and Hovers cooldown is reduced by 5
    seconds. Hover continues to allow Evoker spells to be cast while moving.

Inter dimensional Phase and Motes of Acceleration will still only effect Warp Hover as normal, just really visually adds a little more flavour and visual flare to Rescue.

With other abilities such as Fire Breath, Living Flame, Azure Strike and Disintegration, it be also truely awesome to fully convert them visually to Bronze, their is insanely amount of NPC spells already within Dragonflight that can easily cover these spells.

Essentially as Chronowarden your spells and visuals will be more so Bronze with Green, rather then the mixed we get currently, I think double downing on the specialisation I think would be awesome.

You’ve sold me on the spec, you’ve sold me on gameplay, you’ve told me what it’s about “Chronowardens can manipulate time and see into the future. By specializing in Bronze magic” just I think more could have been done on the delivery visual side.

I wanna feel like a Chronowarden.


Anyone else having talent bugs?

I can’t always untalent, specifically the Devastation tree. Also there’s a graphical bug for Iridescence and Font of Magic that’s showing Augmentation talents or says NYI

Devastation Flameshaper damage is feeling very pathetic compared to DF season 1-2 in pvp. This damage is not ‘Devastating’ at all… More like tickling. Buff Dev Flameshaper. Now.

And since we felt that every other spec needed more off healing and passive healing this expac give Evoker a healing reduction talent

Feedback on Preservation Evoker Hero Talents

Chronowarden combines a number of powerful effects which synergize well with each other, making each more powerful in turn. Combining huge buffs to both of our empowers, large amounts of cooldown reduction and passive haste, increased essence burst generation and a 25% chance not to consume either essence or essence burst when we cast our primary spender, I wonder if there is another healer hero tree that comes even close to this level of power. Our other tree, Flameshaper, certainly doesn’t.

Flameshaper focuses on buffing our Dream Breath and Emerald Blossom abilities. Enkindle is a 20% buff to the direct healing of our essence spenders, which makes Flameshaper our preferred tree for Emerald Blossom builds, and Engulf buffs, feeds off, and redirects our Dream Breath healing in a number of ways.

Travelling Flame extends Dream Breath’s heal over time on its target by 4 seconds (8 minus the 4 that Consume Flame consumes), and spreads a 16s dream breath to a second target, for a combined 20s of dream breath heal over time. This is equal enough to dream breath hitting one additional target, a 20% buff to the ability if Dream Breath is not being echoed.

Consume Flame detonates dream breath on a target, doing the equivalent of 12s of DB healing instantly as an aoe heal, reducing beyond 5 targets. I don’t know the exact details of this scaling, but its doing about 53% of that on 20 targets, which will be the relevant figure most of the time in mythic raid. 12 seconds of the HoT effect is about 60% of the full value of dream breath itself, which makes this a 60% buff when both CF and DB are hitting 5 targets. On 20 targets, its a little more than twice that strong. If I could make one suggestion for this ability unconnected to any other changes, it would be that targets who are fully overhealed not contribute to this scaling. This tech has already been rolled out for Invigirating Mists and several healing cooldowns, and it’d be a good fit here, too.

Neither of these buffs to dream breath scale when we echo the ability, further cementing Flameshaper as the Emerald Blossom tree.

The last time Emerald Blossom was a meta playstyle, you could expect blossom to do about 20% of your healing, and dream breath to do 10%, with a bit of variance, but we’ll use these as our average. This would make Enkindle a 4% throughput increase, Travelling Flame 2%, and Consume Flame up to 12%.

We then have the choice to lean further into one of these by choosing between Fan the Flames and Expanded Lungs. FtF doubles the remaining effect of any Enkindles when we use Engulf, while EL is a flat 20% buff to Dreambreath’s healing.

With Dreambreath and Consume Flame representing a combined 24% of our throughput, EL is something like a further 4.8% increase. I’m not going to guess at what a reasonable uptime on FtF is if you’re trying to deliberately play into it in your burst windows, but the trouble is even if you assumed it was buffing 100% of your Enkindle healing, it’s still only a 4% buff next to EL’s 4.8, and for much more work. My final thought on this node is that this feels like a relatively small amount of power to have to choose between, especially when you contrast it with everything Chronowarden has access to. Chronowarden’s buffs scale multiplicatively with each other, while Flameshaper buffs two unconnected parts of the toolkit, and still makes you pick favourites.

Remaining throughput increases include

  • Titanic Precision, a very small buff to essence burst generation. At 25% crit, we have to first ignore the 20% of living flames which proc an essence burst naturally, in that remaining 80% we have a 1/4 chance of a crit, which garners us a chance to roll the dice a second time at 20% odds. This results in an 80% chance to take a 25% chance to succeed on a 20% chance, or a 4% increase to essence burst generation from living flames, getting slightly better or worse at higher/lower crit values. Comparing the value here to the levels of essence burst generation in Chronowarden is laughable.
  • Lifecinders, an extremely cool node which makes Renewing Blaze act as an external, mirrored on ourself
  • A small crit chance increase against targets below 50% health.
  • The direct healing of Engulf itself.

I’m not going to try to attach an exact figure to the value of these nodes, but they won’t represent more than an increase of a few %, if that.

A best case scenario for the Flameshaper tree puts it at maybe a 20-25% throughput increase for an emerald blossom playstyle. A lot of this depends on damage patterns being favourable, as flameshaper does not offer as much flexibility as Chronowarden will. I’m curious how that compares to other healer hero trees, but it’s significantly less than Chronowarden represents. This is further compounded by Chronowarden focusing on an echo playstyle, already the stronger option.

Important Chronowarden nodes are Chrono Flame, a variable buff to Living Flame’s healing and damage scaling with our recent healing done to the target, Reverberations, a 30% buff to Spiritbloom’s healing, Double-time, which maxes out at a 60% buff to Dream Breath, once you have the crit to support it, Afterimage, which casts 3 Chrono Flames each time you use an empower spell, and Golden Opportunity, which gives Echo a 25% chance not to cost mana or essence. This also works with Essence Burst.

Starting with Afterimage, this talent more than doubles the number of living flames we are casting. Setting aside the direct healing, which is not insignificant, this is a massive increase to Essence Burst generation. Golden Opportunity doubles down on this, making all essence and essence bursts 25% more valuable for Chronowarden. So chronowarden applies more echoes, then buffs the empower spells we use to consume those echoes. Then it gives large amounts of passive haste and cooldown reduction, allowing us to do all of that more often. There’s a feedback loop here, which is very different from Flameshaper, which chooses to focus on buffing two aspects of the spec that have almost nothing to do with each other. It then further makes you pick which of these two things you want to focus on, where Chronowarden lets you walk away with everything in the candy shop.

I won’t lie, Chronowarden sounds incredibly fun. But that’s too strong, right? I’m not even going to try to put a numerical value on the power of this tree, there are too many compounding multipliers, but I’d be shocked if it was less than a 50% throughput increase. I suspect it might be much more than that. If someone smarter than me has done the math, I’d love to hear the number you came up with.

As for where to begin balancing this tree, I have a few thoughts. One thing it does that I really like is make it so you actually want to be echoing your empower spells as often as possible. I find this preferable to echoing Reversion, or echoing Lifebind any time you want more burst healing. Most of the time, the choice I want to make as an evoker is whether to echo Spiritbloom or Dream Breath. That feels right to me. So I’d be worried if nerfs to these spells led to a change in that behaviour. If the effects of Reverberations and Double-time can be scaled down a little without upsetting that balance, then that would be fine.

Chrono Flame and Afterimage are at the core of this tree, so I wouldn’t want to see them altered too much, but one option would be to reduce the number of flames Afterimage casts, or reduce their effectiveness, or even their chance to proc essence burst. The cooldown reduction on Temporal Burst is at just the right level to feel good and impactful, without being overpowered. It might give you some needed flexibility on where you can use your cooldowns, but it’s probably not going to allow for a full additional use, unless a fight is really well suited to it. Golden Opportunity on the other hand I think is both really strong, and also one of the options that would impact playstyle the least if it was removed.

Instability Matrix could be another worth looking at. It represents a lot of healing in a best-case scenario, but there will also be situations where we cannot take advantage of the cdr and must hold an empower for the right time to use it anyway. I don’t think this node can take many more nerfs before it stops accomplishing the thing it sets out to do, but removing it might effectively tune down the top-end potential of the tree while having fairly minimal impact on most players. Adapting constantly on the fly, never knowing exactly what spell you’ll have available at any given moment of a fight sounds really fun though, so I don’t want this to be taken as a criticism of the node’s design. Preservation can be played very reactively, despite being a ramp healer, and this leans into that aspect of the spec in a really cool way.

If none of these talents are candidates for removal, or if reducing their power would undercut their reasons for existing, then the last remaining option is positioning more of Chronowarden’s powerful options on choice nodes, so you cannot have access to all of them at once.

Chronowarden isn’t strong just because the numbers in the tree are big, its strong because its very well designed. I’m not aware of any public statement about what power level is being targeted for hero trees, so I’ve focused my feedback on how to nerf Chronowarden, because my assumption is that it’s an outlier. If instead Flameshaper is considered too weak, it might take a leaf out of Chronowarden’s book and find ways to build more synergy between the aspects of the kit it focuses on. Even simple things like Engulf granting essence burst, Dream Breath triggering Fluttering Seedlings, or Fluttering Seedlings applying x seconds of dream breath to their target, would go a way towards closing the gap by tying the two halves of this tree back together. Even if Flameshaper isn’t being looked at for buffs, more of this sort of design would bring it closer to the levels of flow and cohesion found in the Chronowarden tree.

Hero trees don’t need to represent the same portion of a spec’s power when compared between classes, and as the newest kid on the block, with the least history of established gameplay, investing more of our power and playstyle choices in our hero trees than average isn’t inherently an issue. As long as hero trees are balanced within classes and classes are balanced against each other, it’s all good.

A final note on the visuals of the Flameshaper tree - the spell effect on Consume Flame is pretty underwhelming. When I first heard about the ability, I’d pictured a big fiery bloom, almost a scarlet aeonia type effect, for any who are familiar with elden ring. Instead Engulf looks like an off-brand Pyre - less interesting, if anything, as it lacks the swirly chromatic effect - and Consume Flame is a weak splash of red that’s almost hard to notice. There’s an effect in the game already when you enchant a headpiece with the Incandescent Essence, which I don’t think is being used for anything else, which is close to what I envisioned. Visual flare is a big selling point for hero trees, and I think Flameshaper is lacking so far.

I have some additional thoughts on the future design direction of the spec that I’ll try to get into quickly.

Quality of Life

First, some housekeeping. Stasis doesn’t reset on a wipe. Neither does Obsidian Scales. Nobody wants to ask their guild to wait 50 seconds for their cooldowns to reset before they pull a boss again, this is QoL stuff that would be simple to address but massive for the player experience, going well beyond evoker players themselves.


People are going to mention the range issue a lot, so I’m not going to spend too long on it. The stated fantasy for preservation evoker was a short range healer whose healing is strongly positional, but who also has the toolkit to reposition as needed. I would conjecture that this ‘highly mobile battlefield medic’ fantasy is already accomplished, and best accomplished, in the directionality of our important abilities, such as dream breath, dream flight, and temporal anomaly. Quickly repositioning to find the correct angle for one of these is fun, in a way that strafing left and right trying to find where that one hunter has hidden himself just out of range is not.

Outside of these directional abilities, and when we are not doing distinctly dragon-y things like breathing magical healing fire from our mouths, the fantasy of evoker is a spellcaster, like any other, and it’s not clear why this spellcaster apparently lacks the proficiency to cast at ranges that are simple for everyone else.

If the thematic and class-fantasy reasons for having a shorter range are already better accomplished in being the only healer with a focus on directional ‘frontal cone’ healing, then the short range itself is left as something superfluous, frustrating, and only having the effect of limiting evoker’s viability in certain content. I would like to see evoker’s range increased to the standard 40 yards.

Flexibility while ramping

I think Evoker should retain some healing options while we are setting up for a ramp that will not consume the echoes we have already applied.

Its not a bad thing that echo ramps are high-commitment, that is the nature of ramping, but evoker ramps can be more punishing than other ramp healers, at least in specific ways, because echoes are one-time-use in a way that discipline’s atonements or a druid’s hot effects are not. If you consume those echoes at the wrong time or with the wrong spell, either accidentally or as a last-ditch effort to keep another player alive, the ramp is over. Disc priest doesn’t have this limitation. If you need to stop in the middle of applying atonements to cast power word: life or a defensive penance, the ramp is affected, maybe delayed, but not in such a strict pass/fail manner.

The other big difference is that discipline ramps are contained, having a clearly defined start and end point, in a way that evoker ramps, in practice, are not and do not. An evoker ramp might look like pressing temporal anomaly, applying echoes, casting living flame to generate more essence bursts and to wait for some of your essence to regenerate, then casting more echoes, potentially all the way up until temporal anomaly can be cast again, and then consuming those echoes for the damage event you’d planned them for. Where Discipline knows how many atonements it is applying before it ramps, and therefor the ideal time to begin, the number of echoes we can get out can vary, and so it is often correct to simply start as early as possible in order to maximise this number. The Golden Opportunity node in the Chronowarden tree will only make this more true.

This leaves up to 18 seconds at a time -the duration of Echo- where an evoker cannot reactively heal anyone, except by casting echo itself. And when one ramp ends, the next might begin immediately.

I’ve been using raid examples for the most part, but these issues might be even more pronounced in mythic+. Applying echoes to a full party takes time, but the damage doesn’t stop to let you do so, and there are no other healers to pick up the healing while you are still setting up. Damage profiles like a powerful dot on one person leading into a large aoe can be difficult for evokers to respond to, because at a certain point before the aoe happens we need to give up on healing the afflicted player in order to stand a chance at healing everyone else. If we must resort to healing them, now our echoes are gone, and the effort was wasted.

I’ve seen suggestions as to what abilities might best fit the bill here, particularly buttons like Emerald Blossom and Engulf, each of which have their own pros and cons. It might also be that an entirely new spell is instead the best way to approach the problem. Regardless of implementation, a button we can use to quickly react to unexpected damage without upsetting our pre-planned ramp sequences would go a long way towards rounding out the gameplay of the spec.

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It’s BETA homie, demanding BUFF NAO is honestly not helpful and very whiny and entitled.

try this:

“Currently in BETA Flameshaper Devastation feels really weak. X, Y, and Z spells and abilities don’t feel as good as other classes and it’s not very fun and underwhelming.”

instead of:


Take it however you want to take it. Not what was intended by the statement.
The point is, every spec just got tons of off healing and passive healing and that’s frustrating along with the current scaling madness. Now Dev’s damage is lackluster in the face of this. If we do not receive a damage increase on all sources then we need more defensive increase to make up for this. Also healing reduction talent tied to either disintegrate full casts or added onto pvp talent Scouring Flame is seeming to be a must with all this huge off healing everyone has now.

Its beta, numbers tuning isnt in rn, its about concepts and ideas and how things feel. not about numbers. I always think that turning off details/recount/skada is the best way to do beta as those don’t matter.

I would like to suggest a change to Ebon Might.

Currently, it selects Prescience Targets > Proximity. This has led to most serious guilds’ augs being REQUIRED to use the Augvoker tool to analyze prog pulls in order to optimally buff certain targets at certain times.

I highly doubt this was the intended playstyle blizzard had, and yet, this is the only way to be playing close to the sim.

I believe there are a number of ways to fix this and don’t personally care how it is resolved other than stopping the need to spend HOURS outside raid analyzing dps windows for optimal prescience… it’s just not fun.

(1) Change Ebon Might to only affect party members (group in Raid) - This makes it like Windfury Totem and will act exactly like EM in dungeons. This is probably the simplest solution and has similar mechanics already built into the game.

(2) Change Ebon Might to provide every player (or dps) in the raid a % of the total available benefit. For example, if there were 10 dps, rather than buffing four players randomly with 1/4 of the power, give all 10 players only 1/10th of the power. This seems like a slightly worse solution as you have no way to control your buffing and the spec becomes without any sort of decision making.

(3) A “Beacon of Hope” system where you can move around permanent Ebon Might/Prescience.

(4) Really anything to removes the need to optimize ebon might timings based on out-of-raid analysis.

edit: Also, if nothing is changed about EM, then stop EM from refreshing on existing targets. Currently, in order to “optimally” play around EM/Prescience timers, you must let your current EM fall off in order to correctly buff the right targets.


I’m fully aware of what a ‘beta’ is. Your statement is saying you don’t… Beta is the time for minor swaps to talents, NUMBERS TUNING, and bug squashes. This isn’t my first beta, unlike the countless people who finally get their first beta and have to throw the infamous ‘it’s beta’ line. Can I please talk to someone competent about evoker tuning for Dev Flameshaper. Cuz the way it is it’s pushing me away from playing Dev at all.