Feedback: Evokers

Can we have sense power also tell us if players are effected by our presence, ebon might, or motes of possibility or unbound surge as those are powers we give to the other players.

And can we have the sense power icon buff icon be bigger or a toggle that we can make bigger or have it anchored to the left or right of the player. Can we decide where we want that icon placement. Via the edit mode.

Scale commander Bombardment proc from diverted power needs to be increased from 25%- 28% to 35%-40% (same range a pips trinket proc for best friends )to make it with the node choice.

And can we still get an arrow line under our character when we steer our evokers for breath flyovers as it’s hard to figure out trajectory. And can we get a sharper turn radius as we are an agile dragon and should be able to do defy acrobatics and not move like a bus in the air. Or let us use the dream projection version with our breaths where we run on the ground and then do the flyover.

In mythic raiding the manual control of flight will get us killed.

Feedback on the season 1 preservation evoker tier set

I like the stated design of the 2-set, and it does have one of the hallmarks of a good preservation set, in that it promises something to both echo-focused and emerald blossom-focused builds. The actual value of what it promises might not be there just yet, though.

I’m going to use some pretty faulty logic to sketch out a best case scenario for this tier set, and then break down why its performance will likely not meet that in reality.

Our current tier set in season 4 is very good for reversion. So much so that reversion is really the only thing we want to echo. Playing this way, almost exclusively echoing reversion, it does about 20% of my healing. At these numbers, the 2-set would be a 2% buff. Maybe a little better, since Reversion is overhealing a lot, but the tier set healing will be picking injured targets. I want to shout this out as a smarter implementation of the 2-set than a flat buff to reversion’s healing. Let’s be very generous and say it does 3% of my healing. That sounds about right for a 2-set, especially in a first season where we are not expecting them to be quite so powerful.

The proposed 4-set causes our next Reversion to heal for 200% more after we cast Verdant Embrace. “Increased by 200%” here means a 3x multiplier to the spell, not 2x. This effect is not echoed, applying only to the direct cast of reversion. Let’s assume we play around this as much as possible, casting Verdant Embrace close to on cooldown. This is sort of like having 2 additional reversions each time we cast VE. Because the cooldown of VE is close enough to 2/3rds the max extension duration of Reversion, I am going to average this out to being equivalent to having 2-3 additional reversions out at any given time. Let’s call it 3, because we are so generous.

Just eyeballing it, I average upwards of 10, maybe 12-13 reversions out at a time across the course of a fight. A lot of these are TA echoed reversions, which means they are not full value, so lets call it 10. This is Very Bad Math. I cannot emphasize that enough. Never the less I persist. This would make the 4-set a 30% increase to total reversion healing.

Let’s do the math another way, just to double check our figures. Counting Echoes as additional reversion casts, and temporal anomaly as equal to 2.25 echoes, I cast 22-23 reversions per minute in the live game. Rounding to 4 casts of verdant embrace a minute, I gain the equivalent of 8 reversions per minute. This puts the 4-set’s value closer to a 35% increase to reversion healing.

You are very unlikely to actually press verdant embrace exactly on cooldown like this, which pushes that number down, but I’ve over-estimated my number of reversions with this method too, since I occasionally echoed other spells, so we’ll say it evens out. Let’s call it a nice round 33% increase to reversion healing. This will also feed back into the 2-set, so that number goes up a bit again. All this would put the 4-set in about the 6-7% range for total healing increase. It’s actually closer to 5%, because of the first incorrect assumption I’m about to explain.

The problem with the numbers I have outlined above is that they exaggerate reversions strength by about 25% because of our current tier set, a 50% buff to the spell with about a 50% uptime (again based on my own logged fights). The other problem is that we are not going to play this way if the tier set goes live as it is now.

If we want to maximise Reversion healing we are going to play an echo build, and if we want to play an echo build we are going to play Chronowarden. Chronowarden includes massive buffs to both Dream Breath and Spiritbloom, meaning we are going to want to echo these spells as much as possible, and a 10% buff to reversion (the 4-set does not actually incentivise echoing reversion) does not do enough to change our priorities. Which would make the actual value of the tier set much smaller than I have outlined.

I’m not going to speculate about what number needs to be attached to the 2-set to accomplish its goals, but a purely numerical tuning change is all it would take. If that 10% value is changed to something big enough, we’ll echo reversion all day long. The 4-set on the other hand could use some work. The strength of heal over time effects is generally in their coverage, and I think it would better serve all builds if it made reversion cast on additional targets, rather than just amplifying its healing directly. This would do less overhealing, give better Grace Period coverage, and better essence burst generation, which Blossom builds in particular would appreciate. I think verdant embrace could be reconsidered as an activator, too, though I have no suggestion for an alternative at this time.

There is a question worth asking about whether we really want to go from season 4 of dragonflight’s reversion-centric playstyle directly into another reversion-centric playstyle. It definitely flattens the spec to want to echo just the one spell all of the time. On the other hand, it does make things pretty straight forward, and I can see that being an appealing design direction for the newest healer spec in the game looking to attract fresh evoker mains. Our primary echo spell being an essence burst generator is nice for the spec’s overall pacing, too. Ultimately I’d like to get away from echoing reversion quite so much, but I could tolerate it for one more season without too much complaint.

If the goal for tier sets like this one and our season 4 set is to lean into a hot-centric playstyle then I think a more interesting implementation would be one where we do echo reversion, but we still want to prioritise echoing dream breath, too. If there is a sweet-spot for this set where echoed reversion beats out echoed spiritbloom, but not echoed dream breath, then I think that would be ideal.

I’ve written all of the above with the assumption that the intention of the 2-set is to have us echo reversions. If this is not the intention, then almost all of the strength of the set is in the 4-piece bonus, which remains about the same, probably 5-6% of our total healing, keeping all of the earlier assumptions intact, and ignoring opportunity cost. The playstyle does get worse though, as we’ll be aiming to cast reversion, and lifebind to buff it, while trying to avoid accidentally consuming echoes with these sub-optimal spells. Although if this is really worse than echoing reversion all the time may come down to personal preference.

Almost all of the value of the 2-set will come from these un-echoed casts as well. We’ll get a little extra off our Ouroboros blossom casts, which might, combined, bring the value of the 2-set into the 1-2% range. Maybe a little higher, because you might still want to echo reversion on occasion, subject to fight design and damage cadence. If this is the target strength for tier sets in season 1, then the set is fine, if a little top heavy.

I have not talked about what the set looks like for a blossom focused build yet, but the story is much the same. I do not think we will want to play a blossom build with the way things are currently tuned in season 1 of The War Within, and a 10% buff to the ability will not be enough to tip us in that direction. But again, as with reversion, purely numerical tuning could be enough to change that. I do want to shout out again that the specific implementation of that 10% is a smart way to go about it, for a spell like emerald blossom in particular, and promises better value than an equivalent direct buff to the spell.

Overall, the 2-set might be a little stronger for a blossom build, (a lot stronger if echo builds do not echo reversion) where emerald blossom + reversion combined will constitute a higher % of your overall healing. The 4-set retains approximately equal value across builds, because its effects are not echoed.

In conclusion, the design of the 2-set is fine, but the value of the set might depend on it buffing the affected spells enough that we actually want to cast them. The 4-set could use some iteration, but the synergy it builds with the 2 set while remaining play style-agnostic is a good thing.

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Feedback on Soar Ability.

I believe you can delete the cast time and turn it into an instant ability similar to Druids. I dont understand the cast time on it tbh. just give it a starting quicker animation like the “hover” one for the first part of it and then i guess the dragon can just stay airborne after it. And allow Soar to be usable during glide as long as you’re not in combat to instantly fly on the spot.


talents dont change based on pi

I’ve been testing and am in love with scale commander! It’s everything I’ve wanted in my Dev especially on those awkward packs with 3 mobs. Now I have mass disintegrate and am loving it (minus right now it’s pulling enemies not in combat that are far from the area).
I really think Flameshaper needs more love. I’ve tried it and it’s not my playstyle, nor do I find it engaging. If you look at retail, 95% of us go down the right side of the tree, you’ve tried making fire be viable for us, and it just isn’t. Now the hero talent pushes us back into fire, and again, it just doesn’t work or fit the large majority of players gameplay.

The red side has a very different game pace from the blue side, while the blue is fast and resourceful, the red side is quite slow and stationary. I hope that these changes to improve the red side do not make it dominant, and that the blue side continues to hold its value.

Feedback on Sense Power

Gauge the magical energy of your allies, showing you when they are using an exceptionally powerful ability.


  • The white beam on the player is very faint and hard to see, especially during raids with many spells being cast.


  • Make the beam above the player more distinct and stronger. Instead of a white and borderline transparent beam, consider using a sand color or a golden/bronze color to reflect the Augmentation Evoker lore. The beam should also be more opaque.
  • To indicate when a “powerful ability” is about to expire, have the sand start to dissipate when less than 5 seconds remain. The sand would be very visible at first and then gradually become less dense and glow less until it completely fades.
  • This change would help players know when not to buff certain players if the sands above them are about to fade.

Additional Note:

  • Making the beam too visible or distracting shouldn’t be a concern, as players already have the option to toggle it off.

Feedback on Maneuverability

Breath of Eons can now be steered in your desired direction.


  • Minor steering left and right doesn’t seem very useful. Players want to minimize flight time to maximize casting time once they land.
  • Currently, it’s not possible to do a quick 180-degree turn and return to the takeoff position.


  • Allow players to make sharp turns, including quick 180-degree turns, so they can return to their original position.
  • Enable players to cancel the flight mid-flight by pressing the button again, similar to the Recall talent.


  • This would allow players to cast Breath of Eons at any range, then quickly perform a 180-degree turn and cancel the flight to land quickly, maximizing their time to cast other abilities.

I was testing Augmentation hero talents in Orgrimmar and I have some feedback.

First, I don’t see any use for Scalecommander in group play for Augmentation Evokers. Sure, I like being able to maneuver Breath of Eons/Deep Breath, but I agree with the above poster’s concerns after trying it out. Furthermore, I think it feels a little clunky because it doesn’t buff everyone it passes through. Overall, it seems like Chronowarden will be the default for group play.

Second, Warp seems a little clunky due to the starting animation. If it’s supposed to be like Blink, why isn’t it instant? I was talking to some other Evoker players and they agree with me that Warp needs some work. I prefer regular Hover by far except for the motes Warp leaves behind with the right talents.

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this is already the case, unless it changed

Eye of infinity vs. infinite horizon.

you play EoI in raid primarily anyway, doesn’t change because of PI but because of target count (Assault eg)

I really wish that Aug was turned into a tank. The idea of a support spec is cool and all but the reality isn’t. It’s just a pain in the backside to maintain the buffs on the party, so many spinning plates and hoops to jump through wile you spin them, just give us a tank. Black/Bronze has a lot of cool potential for a tank. not to mention that in wow 20 years, druid is still the ONLY class with a tank and ranged dps spec. we need another.


have you considered that aug isnt for you? I’m very much enjoying it

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I think you could have Evoker tanks just by adding a 4th spec. I don’t think it made a lot of sense to make Aug a DPS spec over maybe a healing spec, but it is what it is and I don’t think they’ll swap what category it is now.

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aug is a success, why would they change a team that is winning?


More Evoker Talent Feedback:

  • Recall should be the baseline for all evokers.

  • Permeating Chill should encompass both Black and Blue Spells for Aug.

  • Seismic Slam should be where forger of the mountain is, and forger of the mountain should be encompassed as a baseline passive rolled into landslide as a hidden passive, or removed altogether.

  • Scarlet Adaptation should move to where Tailwind is and move tailwind down by 1 so it is in line with Tip the Scales and just above Extend Flight.

  • Sleepwalk should go where Scalet Adadaptation is so I am not forced to run Cauterizing Flame whenever it is an Incorporeal Affix week or any dungeon that needs Hard CC.

  • Inherent Resistance, Innate Magic, and Aspect’s Favor should be 1 talent point each.


While I agree with this, the far majority of all dungeons this expansion needed Cauterizing Flame anyways and this trend continues in WW.

This + :100:

When mounted and you land or get stuck, only to continue the next second by running off the edge, you will continue skyriding. If anything landing after using soar should keep you in skyriding mode until you enter combat. I’m also of the opinion that in dragon form you should automatically enter skyriding mode when you jump off the edge where it’s allowed, this is something I’m really missing right now.