Feedback: Evokers

I assume if you chain it off the last tick, the damage will roll over into the next cast as it does on live, but i’ll try to verify. Beta servers kinda laggy right now.

Edit: Oh, it doesn’t. That’s bad. You need to fully channel mass disintegrate without chaining it to get the full effect.

I wanted to provide further feedback that scalecommander’s opening rotation feels very clunky.

Having to open a pull by deep breathing into melee then going into dragon rage can leave you often times in poor positioning. This is especially true for bosses that you can NOT deep breath into at all on pull. I think in general the emphasis on deep breath is not a bad concept but it would be cool if rather than sending ourselves forward, we sent a image / dracthyr for us to call in a unique bombing run from where we are positioned.

Augmentation evoker bottom capstone ability Interwoven threads should just be a choice capstone directly above it with time skip. Once again, does not make sense to require 2 points into something that deletes the previous node.


Summoning a bronze sand image of yourself casting the deep breath spell so it functions like Sindragosa’s Fury would vastly improve the functionality of the spec and improve the spell budget, because for a 2 min CD deep breath is actually pretty weak compared to Sindragosa’s Fury, which doesn’t lock the death knight in a long animation, doesn’t put them in danger, does more damage, and has half the cooldown.

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such as?

  • in Vault, it was dangerous on Council, but that’s it. can delay there slightly until they are gathered.

  • in Aberrus, it was possible in all bosses

  • in Amirdrassil, it was possible on all bosses

  • in Ruby Life Pools, its possible on all bosses

  • in Nokhud, it’s possible on all bosses

  • in Academy, it’s possible on all bosses

  • in Azure Vault, it’s possible on all bosses

  • in Uldaman, it’s possible on all bosses

  • in Brackenhide, it’s possible on all bosses, but dangerous on first due to the melee cleave depending on how/whether the tank turns the mob during breath

  • in Neltharus, it’s possible on all bosses

  • in Halls of Infusion, it’s possible on all bosses

Yeah i feel like something needs to be done about deep breath being worked into the main rotation like this. If you take Recall it’s kind of okay, but still a bit clunky to work with, and then you also have to sacrifice a talent point to take it.

The capstone talent should instead change deep breath so that it summons a dracthyr to do a strafing run for you, from where you’re standing to your targets location, or we could change recall to do this. This would be on brand with the theme of scalecommander as well.

Right now i think the most optimal use for deep breath on opener is to use it after you use dragonrage and before your first mass disintegrate during it. Which feels awkward, but it would be less so with the changes proposed.


Love the design of hero talent. But want to share some thought i have with other general thing

  • To echo other evokers suggest, PLEASE revert back animosity change, it’s disaster. I think most of evokers express the bad feeling about it? Otherwise probably at least rework Causality and make dragonrage a fix time (which is still terrible IMHO)
  • Feed the flame is now new “Rune of power”, now let’s recall why it’s bad and why it’s removed and how mages are happy with the removal. It require people to sit around it while dps & doing mechanics. Similarly firestorm will make it same experience which is asking evoker to be in malee range which ironically has already been the case or almost but it will make it worse
  • Connect Valtality and firestorm please…it’s been suggested for one year now

But I assume and hope there will be huge talent rework incoming for dev. Please don’t backward and thank you so much for the effort to make everyone feels better!

Adding something about PI, team already discovered PI has brought too many problems, solve PI please. So you need to nerf assassination rouge, unholy DK, and dev evoker due to issue of PI. Whatever the next will become the next problem, maybe BM hunter. Then what you do. Nerf BM hunter?

Season 3 we have seen rogue being OP because of PI and multiple nerf. But season 4 rogue is too bad team buff it back. How many times does team need to learn that PI is the real problem? Although shadow priest has so many issues, PI is only one of them, it still need to be solved right? Why dev evoker need to suck the consequence of some other class’s buff being OP? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, just let PI buff priest themself and the world will be happy.

And the animosity change might make PI more important for devastation as now the damage need to be high in that shorter window compare to if we have longer extension. So it might be end up PI will have higher value than before. lol


Now that spatial paradox is open to all specs can we please allow empowered spells cast during it? I may be mistaken but we are the only class that can’t actually “cast” our useful spells on the move?

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Engulf should be off GCD like Fire Blast for Mage.
Scorching Embers and Font of Power Talents should have their placements swapped.
Idk if it’s just the intense lag in duels (pvp) or if Flameshaper is really this underwhelming. Feels like damage is not there. Yeah Engulf hits pretty good; however the rest of the toolkit feels like wet noodles. Buff Flameshaper

If the damage payoff was there for the spell and it had built in DR like they added to Killing Spree (65% DR AFAIK), it could be bearable.

But it feels like a gimped Sindragosa’s Fury with a longer cast time, animation lock, worse damage, and double the cd.

M Kurog pull, M Raz pull (during prog for winds), M sark having to bait bombs, M larodar with fire pools, M tindral with roots

Kinda looking like a flameshaper sweep for devastation in the future.

M Kurog works fine.

M Raz pull during prog sure, that’s a point. It was evoker stacking time anyway however so Time Spiral spam solves that.

M Sark you can easily cast it pre pull / on pull.

M Larodar you can easily cast it.

M Tindral you’d want to hold for roots for damage regardless; or just as freedom.

You wouldn’t even need to summon a sand/bronze image of yourself doing the deep breath. You’re a “scale commander” summon a dracthyr to do the deep breath. Totally fits the lore to do this considering you summon them for bombardments too.

The new talents for Augmentation are very nice, especially Rumbling Earth. I have a few concerns with the overall pathing and choices in the tree though, such as having to many throughput nodes that makes taking utility hard to do. We have 43 spec tree nodes (44 if you count the single 2 point node) and we only have 30 points to select what we need. I feel the tree is very bloated and could use some work in removing dead talents and baking modifiers into their respective talents to open up better pathing/choices. Here are some issues I have with the tree currently, and some suggestions I have to fix them.

  • From a general pathing perspective, being forced to choose one of Stretch Time, Timelessness, or Weyrnstone to get to Prescience and its modifier nodes feels very bad considering Prescience is required to play Augmentation at any competent level.

  • Prescience requiring two additional nodes does not feel great now that it is not on the capstone level. Baking Anachronism into Prescience would feel a lot better. This would also allow more freedom to move prescience/fate mirror around the tree to make for better pathing since you dont have to fit the three nodes in a line somewhere.

  • Essence Burst/Essence Attunement are on all three of the evoker spec trees (devastation even has to take two for red and blue essence bursts!) and I feel like these really should be put into the class tree, gained at a certain level now that evokers start at 10, or made baseline for the evoker class. Maybe Prescience and Fate Mirror can take their spots with how vital they are to Augmentations gameplay.

  • Perilous Fate/Chrono Ward is not a real choice. I cannot think of a scenario where you would ever take the movement speed and attack speed slow over a shield for 30% of you and your ebon might targets health. I think Chronoward should be baked into Breath and Perilous removed, but I also think Chronoward is fine a talent point given how much power it has.

  • Time Skip should become a choice node with Interwoven Threads, as it feels bad to take an active ability, then spend another point to remove said active ability. By making these a choice node with each other, you could then make Tomorrow, Today modify both spells based on which one you chose, such as increases Interwoven Threads to 15% CDR on all spells.

  • Symbiotic Bloom and its modifiers will always be dead talents in my opinion. While I think the idea behind them is very cool, unless they are greatly buffed or given more supporting nodes to the point of making us half a healer spec, they will never see play and should be removed. I think they would be great for another support spec in the future, perhaps one focused on buffing healers instead of dps!

  • From a M+ perspective, having to drop a point from our capstone level to get our reduced interrupt cool down feels very bad. There are a few ways to fix this, such as making Aspects Favor a one-point node, making Draconic Attunements baseline to Augmentation, or baking Anachronism into Prescience to free up a point.

Overall im glad to see Augmentations tree be iterated on, as I feel it was one of the worst spec trees in terms of choice but its still a far cry from being a tree that has multiple build options since the majority is utility, but enough throughput that you feel like you cant get any of the utility without dropping alot of damage. Would love to hear some other players thoughts.

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I’m gonna disagree on that one. It feels like a load off. No more chasing an elusive 3rd extension. No more pleading for PI, no more adjusting talents for when you know you’re the PI target, and no more bad rng/latency issues that cheat you out of it.

This is the exactly the problem of PI, not evoker. With WWI hero talent and tier set, we don’t need PI to get third set of extension, not they cap it at 2 sets which is ridiculous.


Blockquote please extend the duration of Blistering Scales similar to Source of Magic. Right now you have to recast it 2-3 times over the course of a dungeon and it’s tedious to track, particularily without addon help.
alternatively, Regenerative Chitin could also extend the duration but considering you’re practically never switching Blistering Scales in context of a Mythic+ run, imo it should be baseline functionality
it’s duration in raid is ok, but you’re rarely swapping it there anyway so why not extend the duration

I’d prefer if Blistering Scales persisted through death so long as it had a stack available. Id also like to see more options with this and not be forced to need to use this on a tank.

Blockquote Arcane Reach - while being in a better position than when initially introduced during Alpha - is too weak to be considered relevant for both dungeons and raids

If we are going to get a 30yrd range on some of our spells we might as well get 30yrd on ALL of our spells, since helpful/harmful is suggestive and open to interpretation, one can argue that eruption is a helpful spell as not only does it increase Ebon Might duration is it also helpful at killing a boss. While a boss may see it as harmful, I see it as helpful.

Timelessness - Id like to see this as a rework to allow us to summon extra dracthyr guardians as either mirror images or shadowy apparitions that are summoned via our Hero Talent main mechanic or Hero Talent Capstone.

Yeah but I don’t want some boring ugly dracthyr npc when I can summon a clone of my pretty one instead ;>

mirror images and shaodwy apparations are clones of your toon.

Some quick feedback on the Preservation 4 piece tier bonus - I understand set bonuses are going to be simpler but this bonus is very dull. A single 200% Reversion doesn’t have much use and certainly doesn’t warrant using Verdant Embrace to activate it when there are so many better uses for VE. I am certainly not advocating the 4p Reversion be copied with Echo as that would be insane. But we would not go out of our way to obtain the 4p. We would just happen to have it if the itemization on our set pieces were decent and there was no competition with embellishments.

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