Feedback: Epic Battlegrounds

Rogues can shadowstep up to a defender; locks can gate into the base a number of ways to avoid bridge. I assume DH’s can probably get in the back ways too

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Can jump onto the right spot and get up on a mount.

OMG I won an AV … that makes me about 1- 15 over the last 2-3 weeks…but gods the alliance have to work so much harder and longer to win…


I am seeing some really dumb horde teams now and then. It makes me wonder if alliance are faction-switching to horde because they think simply being horde will make them win BGs. lol


Alliance play to lose, Horde play to win. It’s that simple. Alliance won’t defend anything, they do not back cap, they do not focus healers. They spend 90% of the match fighting in the open areas. Even worse, they leave 1-2 people to guard towers. Instant loss.

That no doubt includes Alliance favored times like 3am CT. I used to chain queue 5 or 6 fast Alliance wins in a row; maybe it still happens.

No, it’s not that simple. Read through the whole thread, especially including the first 500 posts during prepatch when Horde was winning about 90% and even Blizzard admitted the imbalance.

I don’t see where Blizz is saying there’s a huge advantage to the horde. They said “a slight advantage” in AV. I also do not see where they’ve made any efforts to rectify the issue.

So far on IOC and AV my win rate is abysmal. Around 10%. Takes me all day to get a win on just one of them on ONE of my toons. Only 4 have I leveled to 120 (of 12) and I’m not going to bother with the others since it takes so long to get them up with the serious game imbalance.

They did not say “slight” in this post:

Alliance start realizing how unbalanced things are by post 189, and Horde by post 232; estimates of Horde win rates range from 80% to 99%. The subsequent strategy discussion just revealed that these win rates were inherent due to the interaction of the map, mainly Horde’s IBGY choke point, and the reinforcement system.

I don’t think Blizzard has made any attempt to rectify the issue. Back when everyone wanted Conquest, Horde started racing to get it fast instead of defending IBGY, and Horde win rates fell from their peaks, but we’re now seeing a return of the perfect Iceblood defense strategy.

My main point is that you shouldn’t be blaming your fellow Alliance players when it has become quite clear that the reason for the low Alliance win rate is the superiority of the Iceblood choke point over the Stonehearth area as defensive areas, and the fact that the the reinforcement system has made the actual Alliance choke points near Stormpike largely irrelevant since the Horde will gain 200-300 reinforcements just reaching that area. Alliance can play well for the entire game, but absent some big advantage in healers or gear, even halfway competent Horde can still win.


I’ve noticed a lot of Alliance re-rollers as well, certain signs really give them away such as fighting on roads and saying “HERO” instead of “LUST”. If they think they are simply gonna re-roll Horde and get “auto wins”, they are mistaken - still gotta put in the work and focus objectives to get wins.

If all these Alliance re-rollers are expecting to just faction change to Horde, go AFK, and “get free wins”, they got another thing coming :laughing:


Seems like they’re getting the free wins so far, in AV.

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Ugh. That’s the normal mantra for every alliance BG. “Don’t pay attention to the RL or the objectives, just try to farm kills in mid or go AFK at a base!”

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Horde have fought on the road for 14 years, just like the Alliance.

There’s also a good chance that the good Horde are good Alliance players. Alts exist.


Tbf, Horde were mainly bots and :poop: heads in those BGs since blacklisting was around. I guess it could be the same now, since epics reward 65 cp, so Alliance are stuck with :poop: heads.

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My observation has been that alliance does noticeably better in epic BGs on the weekends. Then lots of the kiddies and :poop:-for-brains start reappearing Sunday night through Wednesday/Thursday.

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TBF, this isn’t exclusive to one side. Every time I’ve tried AV or IoC the horde side was basically “fight in mid and zerg”


I see people posting about a poor win-rate in these Epic Battlegrounds, and I can only notice that their class has a healing spec. A great healer is quite the boon to choke points and pushing objectives! I que for both roles in these bgs, and have found that ensuring my team has at least one healer where I think I can make a difference has proven successful! Try it out, you might enjoy it :slight_smile:


Unfortunately I have noticed that there’s almost always an imbalance on Ally/Horde healer ratios. Horde always seem to understand not only the importance of healers, but why you focus the opponents healers AND peel yours.

Ally seem to always leave what few healers they have to survive on their own then scratch their heads on why they didn’t get healed and why they lost.

yep! when i play AV the FIRST thing i do after getting lead is /rw the count of healers on each side. It determines my opening strategy and how i react/adjust strategy as well. Further after the initial moves i usually /rw and tell healers where i want them to be… usually on the offensive team pushing the next GY. Because this is quite difficult to do and very important that it is done quickly and well. positing your healers is almost as important as understanding why the GYs are important and how to use them correctly.

I also /rw tactical advice depending on the # of healers. If there are not many healers I /rw to target the healers sometimes calling out specific ones to target (though rarely) most horde players ARE running BGE and know to target healers. If on the other hand there’s 8+ healers and only 2-3 boomkins I will /rw to target the boomkins first because their DPS is beast in 40 man team fights.

The actual # of healers on each team is still the MOST important element in AV and more significant to your chance to win than even good teamwork.

alliance’s problems are (in no particular order)

  • they give up way to quickly and have lots of people leave after any initial setback.
  • very few of them are carrying the AV recall trinkit and few are running BGE or something that allows them to target healers.
  • they have such a losing streak lately that they really don’t have many or any people stepping up and leading in random groups regularly. And they have few that know what really needs to be done and how to read the AV map well.

These problems are compounded by the current honor system, in particular they get more honor points and their Q times are fast enough that leaving the BG and requeueing is often a reasonably good option for them individually. For the typical horde player who waited 30-45 minutes to get into an Epic BG; waiting again is significantly more of a deterrent than only the 15 min deserter that the alliance toon has to deal with.

You clearly don’t play a Horde healer.