There's a bug I'd like to report, it happened to me just now actually.
What happens is as follows: my Alterac Valley battleground will be ready and pop up, I enter the battle. Then I notice it's a match already in progress... yet the little "dots" that indicate friendly players on the radar map do not show up at all. I also see NO "friendly player dots" on the larger full-screen map.
Even stranger: I cannot see or type into instance chat AT ALL. In one of these bugged AV games, communicating with other players is almost impossible other than using manually-initiated whispers. And of course, not being able to see instance chat prevents you from knowing where the enemy team is at, who needs help, what the plan is, etc. When I attempt to type something into the group chat /i channel I get some sort of error message saying I'm "not in a raid group" or something like that.
I ended up just leaving the battleground and just "taking" my Deserter penalty, you just can't play AV "blind" like that. I have noticed this bug here and there even before patch 8.0, but it seems to be a rather infrequent glitch.
The common theme of the bug is it only seems to happen when a new player is "loaded into" an Alterac Valley game that is already in-progress.
Just a really weird experience, I haven't had this happen in any other battlegrounds.
Sucks that I have 30 minutes of time down the drain/wasted *waiting* on this AV game to pop up... only for it to be bugged out once I get in, forcing me to leave.
08/03/2018 08:57 PMPosted by GdtrollMYSTERIOUS BUG
There's a bug I'd like to report, it happened to me just now actually.
What happens is as follows: my Alterac Valley battleground will be ready and pop up, I enter the battle. Then I notice it's a match already in progress... yet the little "dots" that indicate friendly players on the radar map do not show up at all. I also see NO "friendly player dots" on the larger full-screen map.
Even stranger: I cannot see or type into instance chat AT ALL. In one of these bugged AV games, communicating with other players is almost impossible other than using manually-initiated whispers. And of course, not being able to see instance chat prevents you from knowing where the enemy team is at, who needs help, what the plan is, etc. When I attempt to type something into the group chat /i channel I get some sort of error message saying I'm "not in a raid group" or something like that.
I ended up just leaving the battleground and just "taking" my Deserter penalty, you just can't play AV "blind" like that. I have noticed this bug here and there even before patch 8.0, but it seems to be a rather infrequent glitch.
The common theme of the bug is it only seems to happen when a new player is "loaded into" an Alterac Valley game that is already in-progress.
Just a really weird experience, I haven't had this happen in any other battlegrounds.
Sucks that I have 30 minutes of time down the drain/wasted *waiting* on this AV game to pop up... only for it to be bugged out once I get in, forcing me to leave.
I've had that bug a few times myself, sometimes at the start of a match. It is infrequent and seen it more a few days ago. Not so much now but
08/03/2018 10:31 PMPosted by Bloodrusher08/03/2018 08:57 PMPosted by GdtrollMYSTERIOUS BUG
There's a bug I'd like to report, it happened to me just now actually.
What happens is as follows: my Alterac Valley battleground will be ready and pop up, I enter the battle. Then I notice it's a match already in progress... yet the little "dots" that indicate friendly players on the radar map do not show up at all. I also see NO "friendly player dots" on the larger full-screen map.
Even stranger: I cannot see or type into instance chat AT ALL. In one of these bugged AV games, communicating with other players is almost impossible other than using manually-initiated whispers. And of course, not being able to see instance chat prevents you from knowing where the enemy team is at, who needs help, what the plan is, etc. When I attempt to type something into the group chat /i channel I get some sort of error message saying I'm "not in a raid group" or something like that.
I ended up just leaving the battleground and just "taking" my Deserter penalty, you just can't play AV "blind" like that. I have noticed this bug here and there even before patch 8.0, but it seems to be a rather infrequent glitch.
The common theme of the bug is it only seems to happen when a new player is "loaded into" an Alterac Valley game that is already in-progress.
Just a really weird experience, I haven't had this happen in any other battlegrounds.
Sucks that I have 30 minutes of time down the drain/wasted *waiting* on this AV game to pop up... only for it to be bugged out once I get in, forcing me to leave.
I've had that bug a few times myself, sometimes at the start of a match. It is infrequent and seen it more a few days ago. Not so much now but
Did you guys try /reload? Often helps clear such things but I've never seen that particular one.
08/04/2018 05:28 AMPosted by Squeektoy08/03/2018 10:31 PMPosted by Bloodrusher...
I've had that bug a few times myself, sometimes at the start of a match. It is infrequent and seen it more a few days ago. Not so much now but
Did you guys try /reload? Often helps clear such things but I've never seen that particular one.
Yes, tried closing wow and log back in as well.
08/03/2018 08:57 PMPosted by GdtrollMYSTERIOUS BUG
There's a bug I'd like to report, it happened to me just now actually.
What happens is as follows: my Alterac Valley battleground will be ready and pop up, I enter the battle. Then I notice it's a match already in progress... yet the little "dots" that indicate friendly players on the radar map do not show up at all. I also see NO "friendly player dots" on the larger full-screen map.
Even stranger: I cannot see or type into instance chat AT ALL. In one of these bugged AV games, communicating with other players is almost impossible other than using manually-initiated whispers. And of course, not being able to see instance chat prevents you from knowing where the enemy team is at, who needs help, what the plan is, etc. When I attempt to type something into the group chat /i channel I get some sort of error message saying I'm "not in a raid group" or something like that.
I ended up just leaving the battleground and just "taking" my Deserter penalty, you just can't play AV "blind" like that. I have noticed this bug here and there even before patch 8.0, but it seems to be a rather infrequent glitch.
The common theme of the bug is it only seems to happen when a new player is "loaded into" an Alterac Valley game that is already in-progress.
Just a really weird experience, I haven't had this happen in any other battlegrounds.
Sucks that I have 30 minutes of time down the drain/wasted *waiting* on this AV game to pop up... only for it to be bugged out once I get in, forcing me to leave.
Logging out to character screen and logging back in always fixes this for me. /reload won't fix it. This bug has been around since Legion, got it more frequently in IoC, but occasionally get it on alliance when joining late.
Ivus bugging out even with all druids up, cost us the game cause he just wouldn't be summoned
i love the changes to AV it's a step in the right direction with it make it an even 1000 and make the turn ins less and the flight master able to make it back then we get AV back up and running
07/27/2018 04:27 PMPosted by Phalanx
Alterac Valley
- Increased the number of Reinforcements by 100.
- The NPCs health and damage will match the players level and gear, which will result in a more consistent difficulty.
i love the changes to AV it's a step in the right direction with it make it an even 1000 and make the turn ins less and the flight master able to make it back then we get AV back up and running
07/27/2018 04:27 PMPosted by PhalanxGreetings,
You may have noticed we've been doing some updates to Alterac Valley and Isle of Conquest recently. Our goals with these changes are to both improve the gameplay experience in these battlegrounds and to also design them around a longer duration format. We feel that with the longer match length, players have more room to switch strategies in a match, change from offense to defense a few times, etc. to provide a, well, more epic experience.
With that, we're looking to you to give us feedback on these changes.
Here are some of the changes recently (through hotfixes, so they are very recent):
Alterac Valley
- Increased the number of Reinforcements by 100.
- The NPCs health and damage will match the players level and gear, which will result in a more consistent difficulty.
Isle of Conquest
- Increased the number of Reinforcements by 100.
- Increased the health of the walls significantly.
- Increased the damage the Siege Engine, Demolishers, Glaive Throwers and Keep Cannons deal against players. (The Seige Engine in particular will now be pretty scary!)
- Increased the siege damage dealt by the Siege Engine and Demolisher. (The Ram ability will deal a lot of damage in particular)
- The Refinery and the Quarry now generate Reinforcements more frequently.
- Increased the health of the "bosses".
We welcome your feedback! Please focus your feedback on the gameplay in the map, in particular the pacing, balance of different mechanics etc.
Thank you!
I want to start by saying i love all the changes and this amazing that these battlegrounds are getting attention and iit is great seeing Blizzard making their game one of the best games ever.
Just a thought that i had. Kind of curious if it will gain traction. Why don't you add in a menu in the opening of the battleground that you can select a role that you want to perform like defense, offense and objectives (mines and rams). An example being overwatch. Before the match begins it tells you what you have what you don't have. It suggest the roles that need to be filled. Why not do that with Alterac Valley. You could suggest a certain amount of players that should be capping mines and running resources. You could give a tool-tip at the start for the role they selected and how they can perform that role. That doesn't mean they cant help defend bunkers and towers should the need arise but it would help people get objectively oriented. It would help break apart the zerg mentality. Also, you can award honor for performing in those roles.
If you have a defense team why not add a simple task the defense team needs to perform to keep people from mindlessly standing next to a flag and performing a patrol quest from one tower to the next. It opens the game up for the enemy offense to prevent mass turtle behavior and it gives defense a changing environment.
Here is an example for the basis of a patrol.
The patrols they do make the archers in the towers stronger and more able to fight off solo cappers at first and then a group of cappers at its highest level. It wouldn't make anything impregnable but a little more difficult so that defense contributes and bolsters, or have the patrols award reinforcements or points to a cavalry charge. You get honor for performing these tasks and you get an honorable kill for each kill the npc you helped gets. If you need to have someone babysit a flag then you could award them honor for the patrols of his teammates since he is in the defensive team. (Just my thoughts)
Defense is just helping offense from a distance. And now defending a point wont be boring and without reward.
It's your battleground do as you like. I just want to help the battleground accomplish the epic feeling that people want. They want to summon an infantry charge. Well now you have a team that is awarded honor for gathering supplies. You want a cavalry charge now you have a team that gets honor for getting wolves and rams. Adds incentives and it adds organization to the battleground. I'm rambling now so i i think I'll close.
I hope this suggestion helps. I love all the changes that have been made i even started a community for Alterac Valley and it is so great to see care given to this battleground. Thanks for your time.
Yeah we alliance on a perfect game always sit behind 1 tower cause of the bunker. We are using the get the big mid fight happening then get IBGY from behind. It forces the horde to not want to zerg so much. We actually could've won if we summoned ivus. But then he wouldn't summon, we had rogues doing sap on the npc they sit there for 30 secs and we couldn't summon ivus... Then rogues saping players and druids jumping and disorientating roar..... I don't know seems like just 1 rogue could stop ivus when there is 10 players trying to summon him. This doesn't feel right, something needs to change.
08/04/2018 10:24 PMPosted by BloodrusherYeah we alliance on a perfect game always sit behind 1 tower cause of the bunker. We are using the get the big mid fight happening then get IBGY from behind. It forces the horde to not want to zerg so much. We actually could've won if we summoned ivus. But then he wouldn't summon, we had rogues doing sap on the npc they sit there for 30 secs and we couldn't summon ivus... Then rogues saping players and druids jumping and disorientating roar..... I don't know seems like just 1 rogue could stop ivus when there is 10 players trying to summon him. This doesn't feel right, something needs to change.
Ivus is intended to be used after you gain full control of the center, in which case you should be able to kill the rogue, barring excessively rogue friendly mechanics.
08/04/2018 10:22 PMPosted by Täendil07/27/2018 04:27 PMPosted by PhalanxGreetings,
You may have noticed we've been doing some updates to Alterac Valley and Isle of Conquest recently. Our goals with these changes are to both improve the gameplay experience in these battlegrounds and to also design them around a longer duration format. We feel that with the longer match length, players have more room to switch strategies in a match, change from offense to defense a few times, etc. to provide a, well, more epic experience.
With that, we're looking to you to give us feedback on these changes.
Here are some of the changes recently (through hotfixes, so they are very recent):
Alterac Valley
- Increased the number of Reinforcements by 100.
- The NPCs health and damage will match the players level and gear, which will result in a more consistent difficulty.
Isle of Conquest
- Increased the number of Reinforcements by 100.
- Increased the health of the walls significantly.
- Increased the damage the Siege Engine, Demolishers, Glaive Throwers and Keep Cannons deal against players. (The Seige Engine in particular will now be pretty scary!)
- Increased the siege damage dealt by the Siege Engine and Demolisher. (The Ram ability will deal a lot of damage in particular)
- The Refinery and the Quarry now generate Reinforcements more frequently.
- Increased the health of the "bosses".
We welcome your feedback! Please focus your feedback on the gameplay in the map, in particular the pacing, balance of different mechanics etc.
Thank you!
I want to start by saying i love all the changes and this amazing that these battlegrounds are getting attention and iit is great seeing Blizzard making their game one of the best games ever.
Just a thought that i had. Kind of curious if it will gain traction. Why don't you add in a menu in the opening of the battleground that you can select a role that you want to perform like defense, offense and objectives (mines and rams). An example being overwatch. Before the match begins it tells you what you have what you don't have. It suggest the roles that need to be filled. Why not do that with Alterac Valley. You could suggest a certain amount of players that should be capping mines and running resources. You could give a tool-tip at the start for the role they selected and how they can perform that role. That doesn't mean they cant help defend bunkers and towers should the need arise but it would help people get objectively oriented. It would help break apart the zerg mentality. Also, you can award honor for performing in those roles.
If you have a defense team why not add a simple task the defense team needs to perform to keep people from mindlessly standing next to a flag and performing a patrol quest from one tower to the next. It opens the game up for the enemy offense to prevent mass turtle behavior and it gives defense a changing environment.
Here is an example for the basis of a patrol.
The patrols they do make the archers in the towers stronger and more able to fight off solo cappers at first and then a group of cappers at its highest level. It wouldn't make anything impregnable but a little more difficult so that defense contributes and bolsters, or have the patrols award reinforcements or points to a cavalry charge. You get honor for performing these tasks and you get an honorable kill for each kill the npc you helped gets. If you need to have someone babysit a flag then you could award them honor for the patrols of his teammates since he is in the defensive team. (Just my thoughts)
Defense is just helping offense from a distance. And now defending a point wont be boring and without reward.
It's your battleground do as you like. I just want to help the battleground accomplish the epic feeling that people want. They want to summon an infantry charge. Well now you have a team that is awarded honor for gathering supplies. You want a cavalry charge now you have a team that gets honor for getting wolves and rams. Adds incentives and it adds organization to the battleground. I'm rambling now so i i think I'll close.
I hope this suggestion helps. I love all the changes that have been made i even started a community for Alterac Valley and it is so great to see care given to this battleground. Thanks for your time.
I'm all for this gives motivation to stick around SH gy, but i am scared of ppl just stacking here in a big clump and not actually do pvp
After another week, I have a total of 4 Alliance wins out of 20 (+/-1, as I wasn't keeping perfect track early on) battles. The idea that Horde are winning 80% of the time is consistent with other posts on the forums about wins and losses and about a much longer Horde queue time. As discussed in this thread, the winning Horde strategy is to defend in the Iceblood area and at Galvanger, moving as a 40 person raid so they can win at Galvanger and at any tower or graveyard they contest. These are Horde wins even if all 40 Alliance stay together because the Icewing area is closer to the Horde graveyards.
Two of my wins were early on. One I believe was due to better gear or many more healers or much more coordinated healers; this one was won simply by having twice as many Horde die as Alliance. The other was using the "all to Stonehearth bunker" strategy.
I don't think either one of these can even the game. Obviously if Alliance need better gear or more healers to win, and Horde win when gear or healing is roughly equal, that's still unbalanced. The Stonehearth bunker defense, with appropriate retreats to Stonehearth graveyard, can contain the battle in the center but because the Alliance graveyard is more exposed and Alliance have two objectives to defend in the center - Stonehearth bunker and Balinda - while the Horde has only Galvanger, the Horde will eventually get ahead on reinforcements and win in most games.
I came into one of the recent wins late; this was the only win that involved killing Drek, and while I don't know for sure what strategies were involved, I suspect the Horde raced instead of defending. In the other recent win, there was a long battle in the center, and Alliance eventually managed to send a group to Galvanger that killed him before Horde arrived, and we eventually won on reinforcements. The latter strategy can't even up the win chance because it's dependent on successfully defending both Stonehearth Bunker and Balinda while the Horde fail to successfully defend Galvanger; defending two objectives is necessarily more difficult than defending one, even ignoring the graveyards, where Stonehearth graveyard is more difficult to defend than Iceblood graveyard.
Ultimately I don't think reinforcements can be reconciled with having an "epic" feel for the Alterac Valley and balancing the battleground. Regaining the "epic" feel necessarily involves restricting the battle to the center for a while. In Vanilla, it was okay if the Horde destroyed more objectives in this stage, because they still had to push into the base to win. With reinforcements, they don't have to push into the territory at the north end of the map that's difficult for them.
To make AV epic again, you need to remove reinforcements from the game, accept highly variable game lengths, and find a way to balance the honor reward around that variable length.
Two of my wins were early on. One I believe was due to better gear or many more healers or much more coordinated healers; this one was won simply by having twice as many Horde die as Alliance. The other was using the "all to Stonehearth bunker" strategy.
I don't think either one of these can even the game. Obviously if Alliance need better gear or more healers to win, and Horde win when gear or healing is roughly equal, that's still unbalanced. The Stonehearth bunker defense, with appropriate retreats to Stonehearth graveyard, can contain the battle in the center but because the Alliance graveyard is more exposed and Alliance have two objectives to defend in the center - Stonehearth bunker and Balinda - while the Horde has only Galvanger, the Horde will eventually get ahead on reinforcements and win in most games.
I came into one of the recent wins late; this was the only win that involved killing Drek, and while I don't know for sure what strategies were involved, I suspect the Horde raced instead of defending. In the other recent win, there was a long battle in the center, and Alliance eventually managed to send a group to Galvanger that killed him before Horde arrived, and we eventually won on reinforcements. The latter strategy can't even up the win chance because it's dependent on successfully defending both Stonehearth Bunker and Balinda while the Horde fail to successfully defend Galvanger; defending two objectives is necessarily more difficult than defending one, even ignoring the graveyards, where Stonehearth graveyard is more difficult to defend than Iceblood graveyard.
Ultimately I don't think reinforcements can be reconciled with having an "epic" feel for the Alterac Valley and balancing the battleground. Regaining the "epic" feel necessarily involves restricting the battle to the center for a while. In Vanilla, it was okay if the Horde destroyed more objectives in this stage, because they still had to push into the base to win. With reinforcements, they don't have to push into the territory at the north end of the map that's difficult for them.
To make AV epic again, you need to remove reinforcements from the game, accept highly variable game lengths, and find a way to balance the honor reward around that variable length.
08/04/2018 11:11 PMPosted by Yarrow08/04/2018 10:24 PMPosted by BloodrusherYeah we alliance on a perfect game always sit behind 1 tower cause of the bunker. We are using the get the big mid fight happening then get IBGY from behind. It forces the horde to not want to zerg so much. We actually could've won if we summoned ivus. But then he wouldn't summon, we had rogues doing sap on the npc they sit there for 30 secs and we couldn't summon ivus... Then rogues saping players and druids jumping and disorientating roar..... I don't know seems like just 1 rogue could stop ivus when there is 10 players trying to summon him. This doesn't feel right, something needs to change.
Ivus is intended to be used after you gain full control of the center, in which case you should be able to kill the rogue, barring excessively rogue friendly mechanics.
Sap shouldn't be 30 secs on an npc, we were telling our DH to spectral sight he said he couldn't find any. So he was obviously running in, sap for 30 sec run out.... don't say that isn't op
08/04/2018 11:17 PMPosted by BloodrusherSap shouldn't be 30 secs on an npc, we were telling our DH to spectral sight he said he couldn't find any. So he was obviously running in, sap for 30 sec run out.... don't say that isn't op
Oh, rogues are overpowered all right. It's just a rogue problem, not an AV problem.
Incidentally, the reinforcement value of towers seems to have been increased from 75 to 100 some time recently? This is a step in the wrong direction, and makes AV more unbalanced.
When even the Horde are complaining about how unbalanced it is - which they are in regular threads - you know it's a real problem.
When even the Horde are complaining about how unbalanced it is - which they are in regular threads - you know it's a real problem.
08/05/2018 01:14 AMPosted by YarrowIncidentally, the reinforcement value of towers seems to have been increased from 75 to 100 some time recently?
Objectives have been worth 100 reinforcements since the cap was reverted to 600 following a reduction to 500 in 2012. 75 x 4 = 300 + 100 for a Captain = 400, 100 x 5 = 500.
08/05/2018 01:12 AMPosted by Yarrow08/04/2018 11:17 PMPosted by BloodrusherSap shouldn't be 30 secs on an npc, we were telling our DH to spectral sight he said he couldn't find any. So he was obviously running in, sap for 30 sec run out.... don't say that isn't op
Oh, rogues are overpowered all right. It's just a rogue problem, not an AV problem.
sorry rogues, didn't mean it that way. But that npc needs to be immune to cc or use the pvp restrictions of 10 sec sap.
Isle of Conquest is playing out much better with the most recent changes. :)
I'd still really like to see High Commander Halford Wyrmbane and Overlord Agmar immune to taunts, or at the very least cause them to ignore pets. Have had many a good boss defense ruined by earth elementals, turtles and voidwalkers meaning the bosses do no damage to players while they kill all the pets.
I'd still really like to see High Commander Halford Wyrmbane and Overlord Agmar immune to taunts, or at the very least cause them to ignore pets. Have had many a good boss defense ruined by earth elementals, turtles and voidwalkers meaning the bosses do no damage to players while they kill all the pets.
08/05/2018 02:30 AMPosted by Bynir08/05/2018 01:14 AMPosted by YarrowIncidentally, the reinforcement value of towers seems to have been increased from 75 to 100 some time recently?
Objectives have been worth 100 reinforcements since the cap was reverted to 600 following a reduction to 500 in 2012. 75 x 4 = 300 + 100 for a Captain = 400, 100 x 5 = 500.
Perhaps a solution would be to eliminate the reinforcement reduction for objectives, using reinforcements solely as a game length limitation. The objectives could just be part of the final honor calculation.
08/05/2018 04:45 AMPosted by BynirIsle of Conquest is playing out much better with the most recent changes. :)
I'd still really like to see High Commander Halford Wyrmbane and Overlord Agmar immune to taunts, or at the very least cause them to ignore pets. Have had many a good boss defense ruined by earth elementals, turtles and voidwalkers meaning the bosses do no damage to players while they kill all the pets.
Pets are kind of overpowered in the epic battlegrounds anyway. Maybe in these battlegrounds, if your pet dies you shouldn't be able to get it back until you die.