Feedback: Epic Battlegrounds

08/02/2018 01:19 AMPosted by Bloodrusher
08/02/2018 12:02 AMPosted by Jugajr

? I'm saying it's even easier to do.

I can already see horde doing this next to make winning more efficient. Shoot gateway up and take GY behind us

Alliance can do it as well for IBGY...
08/02/2018 09:30 AMPosted by Jugajr
08/02/2018 01:19 AMPosted by Bloodrusher

I can already see horde doing this next to make winning more efficient. Shoot gateway up and take GY behind us

Alliance can do it as well for IBGY...

08/02/2018 09:30 AMPosted by Jugajr
08/02/2018 01:19 AMPosted by Bloodrusher

I can already see horde doing this next to make winning more efficient. Shoot gateway up and take GY behind us

Alliance can do it as well for IBGY...

Now you stop with that silly logic right meow.
08/02/2018 10:23 AMPosted by Meyka
08/02/2018 09:30 AMPosted by Jugajr

Alliance can do it as well for IBGY...

08/02/2018 09:30 AMPosted by Jugajr

Alliance can do it as well for IBGY...

Now you stop with that silly logic right meow.

Gotta get those druids behind us on that bridge and blow us all off.
AV is such a bad spot right now,

balance could fall into blizzards lap and they would just spit on it and stuff it in the dirt

its pathetic
08/02/2018 10:28 AMPosted by Bloodrusher
08/02/2018 10:23 AMPosted by Meyka


Now you stop with that silly logic right meow.

Gotta get those druids behind us on that bridge and blow us all off.

When you do a bridge defense, you aren't actually standing on the bridge are you? Or within a yards of it are you?

If so, you are doing it wrong. Stay off the bridge and make them cross and get knocked off.

Keep aoe active at all times. Keep hunter ice traps at the spot where the bridge meets the ground, mud traps further back on the bridge. Have explosive traps ready to launch when they come across. Ring of peace put up. Thunderstorms, typhoon etc and when someone manages to step foot on your side, blow him up.

You only need 30-32 to hold on if you do it right. The rest can keep an eye on the backside.

It's going to take awhile and lots of repeated explaining to get it through alliance thick-skulls no doubt. Could take months before it sinks in with some people.
it took me 20 mins to get into another epic lose battleground

i honestly couldnt tell you last time i won a bg on any of my alli toons

give me back my enlistment bonus b4 i stop careing about your !@#$ Alliance faction

Turnin quests just take too long to do. Even trying to do mines turnins (those mobs hurt again), the respawn on them is just too low. We can't make 28 turnins of 10 when that many supply objects don't even spawn in the 45 minutes the BG takes. These quests need to be reduced or modernized for today's game. Additionally, Player drop items should automatically go into your bags upon kills, instead of trying to loot the corpses (which bugs out constantly leaving you nothing).

Also would really appreciate if some of the turnin vendors actually respawned.
I do have to add that AV really should have all of its old NPCs (the trolls that were removed mid-Vanilla and the rest of the mobs that were removed in 2.3) reintroduced. At the very least, it will slow down the rush by trapping both sides in mid.
av is broken period.

horde strat is to wait and see what the alliance will do, if we attack they stay next to the gy right freaking at the choke point then attack when we are scatterd

if we defend out choke point is wayyyyyy back and they can just go around us defending shb, and make us scatter

this bg is soooo rigged and now with the buff to everything is impossible.
the devs that said its in good shape i freaking dare u to q as alliance in av
i bet! u wont say its "in a good spot"

Just return it to the Vanilla experience.
08/01/2018 08:32 AMPosted by Zekrad
Got into a long IoC last night that was clearly a loss early on but still had so much fun duking it out for 30 mins plus that I didn't even care about winning or not. Once the horde got our gate down we just ended up turtling in our base the whole rest of the game until they eventually pushed into our boss room cleared us out and won but it was still so awesome. Best IoC I've been in in a long time.

That's the general feel I get from IOC too, don't care much about the winning and losing, and it helps that the GY is close to everything. Honor is still about the same anyway, so it works out. One IOC I won was a 90 minute game. Two guys died about 35 times apiece, and one 40 times. They kept jumping into the fray in any random battle across the map. Must still be having fun to keep at it consistently for that long
07/31/2018 11:03 AMPosted by Gdtroll

ITEM #1 - Address the "recurring theme" of team A getting like no healers while team B gets like 9-13 healers

This is a (somewhat) common issue that comes up once every couple games... the match will start and team A only got 0-2 healers while team B got 9-13 healers. So what happens is the game is more or less "over before it starts". Even worse, intelligent/organized groups and voice-comm using premades almost IMMEDIATELY notice a healer shortage on the other team (due to specialized addons) and specifically instruct their premade members to ignore all objectives and charge "right at" the enemy team... resulting in a *total* slaughter of team B. The game quickly devolves into a farming frenzy where the premade/organized group "camps" team B at the graveyard just killing them over and over and over.


YEP sooo true I've lead a lot of teams to do just this when i note that much healer imbalance. We typically start by pushing SHGY and push them all the way to van without stopping.
Arathi's horrifically imbalanced unbreakable triangle to hold 3/5 bases with
- Mage Tower being a free cap in Eye of the Storm because it has NO PLATEAU to defend from, whereas Blood Elf Tower is very easily defended
- The entirety of Twin Peaks... carrying flags downhill with mobility skills and only 2 valid entrances into your flag room as opposed to 3 for Alliance

At least in my experience such details are often irrelevant overwhelmingly because for the overwhelming majority of groups the slugfest comes first and then strategy.

Meaning all the strategy or details are pointless if you can't hold. I have won bg's without healers due to Horde actually doing damage and staying active in defense in AB.

I have gotten crushed by alliance just the same from our team having pathetic damage and healing and even when strategy worked at the beginning we get steamrolled in the end because they're simply better and we can't hold.

The closest things I would say to seeing what you're describing is in RBG's and even then it's not a huge step up.
How about a wall on the outta edge of balinda's bunker and a wall on the narrow pass on SH Bunker, then we have that choke between bunker and balinda like horde have IBGY. That way taking bunker works both ways of thinning out the horde in the bunker. And then just start adding extra mechanics that break the turtle. You done it before with horde cave and done it before with closing fence at frostwolf keep. And you can add more los objects at any location you feel needs a buff for whatever team.... You can extend the frostwolf keep pass by adding more fencing that choke players trying to get in.... Not that they need it, but if you feel they do.

Cause most games now end once SHGY is taken anyway. Same thing for horde when they lose IBGY
Alterac Valley Feedback

Irondeep Mines VS Coldtooth Mines

For players in general, they seem fine.

My problem comes from when trying to use a stealth character.

Irondeep's neutral NPCs, the Troggs, are fine and can easily get in and assassinate the main NPC to take control in X amount of time.

Coldtooth on the other hand. The NPCs there, the Kobolds, have a damage aura (or a might aura). So as a stealth character is it almost impossible to stealth to the main NPCs for a quick cap. You get knocked out of stealth and with the stat changes...have to fight through all the NPCs.

Either give the Troggs a damage aura also or remove the Kobold's.

Give me the removal of the damage buff and and I will comment on the ability to cliff jump the DB towers in the alli base...making crossing the bridge obsolete.
Posted by Chromey
08/01/2018 03:57 PMPosted by Luku
I'm just a little worried now that since Alliance isn't winning as much and the outcry is getting louder that Blizz might over react and give Alliance an additional advantage somehow.

Let's not be paranoid...And you think what, precisely? That Blizzard who refuses to fix the above, 2/3 of which exist for a decade, is going to suddenly make some kind of Alliance favored changes?
Let's not go into tin foil hat territory here. They can't be bothered to fix blatant massive terrain advantages, which I'm sure only "coincidentally" all favor the Horde, they're not going to suddenly add some in intentionally to blatantly favor the Alliance.

Posted by Bloodrusher

How about a wall on the outta edge of balinda's bunker and a wall on the narrow pass on SH Bunker, then we have that choke between bunker and balinda like horde have IBGY. That way taking bunker works both ways of thinning out the horde in the bunker. And then just start adding extra mechanics that break the turtle. You done it before with horde cave....

No need for paranoia or a "Tin Foil Hat", that's whats being asked for now, an advantage be given to the Alliance.
Posted by Smokingbinge

Alterac Valley Feedback

Irondeep Mines VS Coldtooth Mines...

Irondeep's neutral NPCs, the Troggs, are fine and can easily get in and assassinate the main NPC to take control in X amount of time.

There's another point here, should the Mine bosses be soloable?
08/03/2018 07:47 AMPosted by Luku
Posted by Smokingbinge

Alterac Valley Feedback

Irondeep Mines VS Coldtooth Mines...

Irondeep's neutral NPCs, the Troggs, are fine and can easily get in and assassinate the main NPC to take control in X amount of time.

There's another point here, should the Mine bosses be soloable?

Either way, they should be even. If not soloable, neither should be.
If I can easily walk to one, I should easily be able to walk to the other.
If one can (basically) counter stealth, they both should counter stealth.
08/03/2018 07:30 AMPosted by Smokingbinge
Alterac Valley Feedback

Irondeep Mines VS Coldtooth Mines

For players in general, they seem fine.

My problem comes from when trying to use a stealth character.

Irondeep's neutral NPCs, the Troggs, are fine and can easily get in and assassinate the main NPC to take control in X amount of time.

Coldtooth on the other hand. The NPCs there, the Kobolds, have a damage aura (or a might aura). So as a stealth character is it almost impossible to stealth to the main NPCs for a quick cap. You get knocked out of stealth and with the stat changes...have to fight through all the NPCs.

Either give the Troggs a damage aura also or remove the Kobold's.

Give me the removal of the damage buff and and I will comment on the ability to cliff jump the DB towers in the alli base...making crossing the bridge obsolete.

Thats a good point, had no idea the aura of Kobolds broke stealth.
08/03/2018 07:30 AMPosted by Smokingbinge
Irondeep Mines VS Coldtooth Mines

I don't think this is an issue and comparing it to the backdoor entrances to Dun Baldar is pretty laughable.

I say it's not an issue because by the time any players meet in the middle, both factions have ample opportunity 3 minutes in to capture the mine by either clearing it of its denizens or stealth by and cap it. Capping it faster is not beneficial if there are no reinforcements to recuperate.