08/01/2018 09:19 AMPosted by
It's true, but only because Alliance are playing foolishly atm. They rush to their deaths trying to kill Galv or take IBT instead of defending SHGY/SHB and taking and holding SFGY then pushing forward.
If it's SO easy and SO valuable, why isn't your side doing it exactly?
SO many of these "[I]The changes are great guys![/I]" are coming literally only from Horde players.
Your side already had the general advantage in gear/capability.
On top of that, you have massive terrain advantages in Alterac, Arathi, Twin Peaks, and Eye of the Storm.
So congrats, you already had the easiest time in the world getting easy wins, but now the only 2 BGs Alliance had a fair shot at getting rewards from favor you too because the AV zerg is gone, and IOC is just easy mode workshop deathball for the win. I agree that this does "fix" these 2 BGs, but "fixing" them just means constantly Horde favored as it does with all BGs.
As a very very casual PVP player, I just want the reward structure fixed. I already know Horde has the general advantage in players AND every non-mirrored terrain advantage, I can accept that. Even if you fixed all the horrible terrain, Horde would still win more.
Can I just get fair rewards for my time investment instead of literally half just because I picked the faction that isn't full of tree-burning backstabbers?I mean good for you, AV is fixed, it's now the free win it always should've been for you. But don't pretend it's "[I]kek alliance am dumb, me am smart, zub zub, defend easy free win[/I]". Your side definitely has better players but AV is also just hilariously terrain favored for you guys as well. So no, the Alliance can't do anything to fix that. You'll have those exceptions where the queue gives Alliance more geared folks, more healers, etc but that advantage goes to the Horde almost all the time, and that's all that matters in unranked PVP.
08/01/2018 11:50 AMPosted by
Now that Horde know that Iceblood is unbreakable if they defend it, it's literally impossible to win as Alliance.
AV was always unwinnable against Horde on defense, because their team is almost always going to have more gear and more healers. Thus they always win direct fights. This is why Alliance never goes Workshop on IOC.
No amount of map changes to AV short of somehow breaking the map to favor Alliance would fix this, and you shouldn't just skew maps in Alliance favor to balance winrates. That just wouldn't be fair.
If the map is even, Horde wins through more geared players and more healers.
The ONLY reason AV was ever won by Alliance basically ever is because mutual zergs bypasses Horde's advantages, both in terrain, and in gear and healers. Horde already always won by defending.
You can't fix this problem but you CAN fix the reward structure by shifting rewards from winning and kills to time on objectives and participation.
08/01/2018 12:25 PMPosted by
Another problem seems to be with the "quality" of the individual players themselves (skill level, DPS output, healer output, knowing what to do, etc), it seems many individual Horde players are the "equivalent" of 1.5-2.0 Alliance players.
Correct. It's a self-perpetuating cycle. Or perhaps the childish angry tantrum races who ruin everything all the time naturally appeal to aggressive people who like PVP or something.
No offense. But I mean, even your "good" Tauren are burning down the forest over here.
I'm kidding with all this, but it would not surprise me that a lot of players want to pick the big hulking roid rage monsters for their PVP, though Human shoulders definitely live up to the steroid accusations. I prefer Gnomes for PVP and Goblins would be fine too, for the irony of getting wrecked by a tiny little thing.
On my original server, I was a bit infamous for often being at the head of attacks on Orgrimmar on a pink twintail gnome mage. People would try so hard to kill me, but I would find so many ways to escape. Fun times.