Classic team, thanks for taking the time to make a feedback thread.
I personally queued for around 5 or 6 Protocol Twilight dungeons on PTR, all as mage. I have a couple of notes for your consideration.
Fundamentally I think the blobs just travel to the boss too quickly. Tanks without a full understanding of the mechanic, who can drag the boss away from the blob spawns, cause the boss to have 3 abilities and I believe that will be extremely hard for appropriately-geared players to contend with. In my opinion the strongest part of the design of the Yor’sahj mechanic is the agency the group has in choosing what they want to face mechanically, but the movement speed of these blobs takes away that agency, and might be too high of a DPS check for many groups - especially at a 353 item level.
I found that against caster groups ill-equipped to deal with the Mana Void mechanic tended to suffer.
During every boss encounter I did not experience the Dark (add-producing) Globule.
I only played a caster DPS but I had the opportunity to play with my Melee DPS friends. I have no actionable information on the Tank or Healer buff.
Melee DPS felt that the buffs’ maintenance conditions were too adversarial:
Bronze Buff
The loss of damage due to taking relatively unavoidable damage felt bad for everybody, but seemed to affect Melee DPS disproportionately, so the Bronze buff felt like a poor fit.
Blue Buff
Movement in dungeons is absolutely vital, both during combat and to transit the dungeon campuses in general. The Blue Buff stacked at the same rate as the Bronze Buff, but fell much more often due to running through the instance and required that dungeon groups stand still for nearly two minutes in front of a boss before pulling. For my groups this created awkward gameplay, especially on high-movement encounters, and resulted in the blue buff being nearly unusable.
As a caster I found myself using the Bronze Buff overwhelmingly often, and found myself frustrated when an encounter would cause many instances of damage within a short window of time (Siamat, Karsh Steelbender). On fights like Karsh (high-damage, low movement) there might be a use case for Blue, but on fights like Siamat where movement (forced movement through being thrown around) and damage (chain lightning) are both frequent, there is a lack of player agency and a feeling of punishment where it isn’t deserved.
DPS checks on the blobs felt extremely high. At a high gear level the dungeons generally felt like hack-and-slash encounters, which was rewarding to a point, but I imagine the bosses will cause issue for players with lower, intended item levels.
The only real disappointment of the entire Protocol Twilight experience was a lack of transparency in gearing. The announcement for the system gave four bullet points regarding the distribution of loot from the final boss, but those bullet points offer separate, valid interpretations of anywhere from 3 to 5 pieces dropping.
Second, not having any context of Obsidian Fragment prices leaves a lot of unanswered questions for my live Cataclysm guild, including a question of the approximate time investment we will need to allocate toward this dungeon system.
Finally, it is ambiguous if the available items from the Obsidian Fragment vendor will consist of every LFR tier piece or just “weapons and jewelry”.
Entirely subjective, but I really enjoyed these dungeons as a Dragonwrath Fire Mage. My damage felt unreasonably high and my massive Combust spreads were the envy of my friend group, but as an end-of-expansion gear catchup I enjoyed being able to enter, have a good time with my friends, and be rewarded for having fun. I imagine that these will give a good deal of enjoyment and fulfillment for me and my friends as we use the system to grind out LFR gear.
I hope you will find any of this feedback actionable.