Why does Rejuvenate and Wild Growth have to pop you out of Moonkin form while Regrowth doesn’t? It’s very unnecessary and clunky and any heal should be like Regrowth.
IIRC there was something to do with pvp balance going as far back as legion when moonkin form did allow rejuv casting and it was removed in BFA. but for the majority of back then up through DF we still also had swiftmend as an emergency off-heal to compensate somewhat. it’s great that we can renewal ourselves but losing the off-healing component of a swiftmend for a party member feels bad.
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Oh. Well they should just make it not work in pvp or they should make PVE only talents the same way they have pvp only talents. Feels so bad. It’s bad enough you gotta bear form all the time as is.
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Increase Rdruid ability to spot heal.
Give moonkin to all specs baseline, no need to spend a talent point on it.
- The removal of moonkin form took away Flap and a disengage from every other spec of druid and for no good reason.
Give Feral either refreshed TF cd back, or reduce the cd per mob killed with a bleed effect.
-Energy starved going from pack to pack feels pretty bad compared to the last several years of playing Feral imo.
Just my opinions, but those would be a start to getting me back as a druid. The changes made going into TWW made me push it to the side for the first time in over 6 years of maining Feral.
Does anybody ever uses this? I know Treants have their own issues, but in no situation I can think that Nourish is a good idea.
I wonder if they are even bothered by this seemingly dead talent, because right now it just looks like a new player trap.
Maybe it could simply go? Or perhaps a treant variation that functions differently?
The only way I could see that talent getting some wind is if Nourish was included in the Nature’s Swiftness boosted spells.
Not only did it remove class fantasy and what you mentioned above, but literally was the only way Resto Druids as once known as “Owlweaving” or caster dps focused would be able to use Convoke offensively. As an actual proper dps cooldown.
This is personally the biggest downside easily fixed by bringing back Moonkin Form.
Honourable mention to turning into a Moonkin to dance!.
Also can we get Treant Form fixed finally, firstly Starsurge and Starfire still take you out of Treant Form, secondly Treant Form when activated should be a permanent form replacing the base Player Form.
So regardless if you shift to cat or bear or travel when you turn back to heal it reverts back to Treant Form until toggled off, this be great. Love to also see Treant Form colour variations in the Barbershop aswell.
Idk I overlooked this, but Guardian and Feral no longer need to take Starfire to get Sunfire… I wonder if that’s gonna have some use with Lycara’s meditation as Feral for AoE.
Since its a capstone on the resto and balance side of the class tree (so it would make sense that itd be a valuable talent for balance) the new Symbiotic relationship should probably be retooled for non-resto druids similar to nature’s vigil.
Balance has none the near perma-passive self-healing Resto has (ysera’s, photo/lifebloom, passive aoe run off) or the normal gameplay of healing other players to decently benefit from either half of the current talent.
Its got renewal, sitting in bearform for FR,
and wellhoned for itself; some buffed regrowths if running keeper, and Nature’s vigil to heal others if it doesn’t prioritize themselves
If they are taking damage the balance druid will pretty much always be better off directly healing themselves instead of using the gcd to heal another for 8% of it back and the replicated healing will be pretty pitiful on the partner outside of major cooldowns/procs because boomy’s normal regrowth’s aren’t good.
The current iteration is probably more useful for guardian since they have a decent amount of self healing they could combine with this talent to protect a squishy healer or dps, and options like AtwF or DoC to heal the group that can now loop back to them, but if thats the intention it would make more sense towards the center of the tree between guardian and resto’s starting nodes.
For balance (and probably feral since they’ll likely still be in that half of the tree for innervate/vigil) it would be better to have a separate variant for non-resto druid’s that something similar to:
Form a bond with an ally. Your self-healing also heals your bonded ally for 10% of the amount healed. Your bonded ally’s self-healing also heals you for 8% of the amount healed.
That would make it a valuable defensive for boomy/feral that they could stick on a healer, or high self sustain tanks/dps for a decent amount of passive healing.
Lycara;s Meditation might need to be looked at.
It combines with Fluid Form, will encourage boomkins to transfer to human every 5sec to keep uptime of the 6% haste.
I think lyraca’s meditation would probably be better if it gave a themed non-stat bonus after form change so it doesnt promote spam shifting for thorough-put like it currently does.
Like its a neat idea on paper for DotC or kittyweaving resto but in practice itll probably be so minimal you ignore the talent or a pain on gameplay trying to maintain it by form shifting constantly.
Keeping health from bearform for 5 seconds, leaving catform keeping the speed, no form applying a rejuv or swiftmend.
Theres also the easier route of giving it an internal cooldown/minimum time in that form requirment so its more of a HotW synergy type talent when we pop out to off-roll a bit.
Please buff Guardian dps, at the very least on opener. We hit for like, 200k when other tanks have multiple million damage openers.
Our actual ST is pretty abysmal unless we talent into it, or use our biggest defensive CD offensively (incarn > ironfur spam w/ thorns of iron is our only real damage window)
Some comments for both the class tree and balance tree:
Class Tree
Lycara’s Meditation is going to cause some whacky gameplay with form shifting. An alternative solution would be to grant a small portion of the other stats when maintaining your chosen form, based on Lycara’s Teachings.
For example:
Lycara’s Meditation
Lycara’s Teachings also grants 1% of stat bonuses not associated with your active form.
What does this look like in practice?
While in Humanoid Form, you gain 6% haste, and 1% critical strike, mastery and versatility.
While in Cat Form, you gain 6% critical strike, and 1% haste, mastery and versatility.
While in Bear Form, you gain 6% versatility, and 1% critical strike, haste and mastery.
While in Moonkin Form, you gain 6% mastery, and 1% critical strike, haste and versatility.
Balance Tree
Astral Smolder should be reverted back to critical strikes, like it was in the first half of Dragonflight.
This makes gear and certain talents that grant critical strike, such as Wild Surges and Balance of All Things, more impactful.
As of now, we are largely avoiding critical strike in favor of mastery and haste. Preferring certain secondaries over others is fine and expected, but talents like Astronomical Impact will never be taken because of how little we gear for crit.
Furthermore, like Astronomical Impact, there are several spec talents that may never see the light of day due to how costly, out-of-the-way/disconnected, or undertuned they are compared to other talents in similar positions, such as Crashing Star, Hail of Stars, Astral Communion, and Power of Goldrinn.
Ugh, that sounds too clunky and totally what will happen if it goes live as it is.
I think the only way this idea could make it is putting an internal cooldown to the effect and buffing it accordingly.
giving more attention to this, please listen blizzard
100% this really! I stopped playing resto druid because cpm vs hps/dps got further apart this season than ever. To remedy that, they added treants and upped regrowth heal, which ironically made it worse… it killed what the class was meant to be (a HoT healing class) and severely hampered the ability for resto druids to keep up with high aoe dmg situations compared to most other healers. To make things worse, for reasons still unknown, they decided to kill boomkin form for resto and forced the spec to catweave, which added even more buttons to mash and minigames/resources to manage.
To fix this clustercluck situation, I suggest 3 simple things:
1- give resto its boomkin form back to help with dps and reduce stress on people’s fingers
2- separate flourish into a separate node in the tree and 100% unnerf it to make this spec viable again vs other healers (esp for raids)
3- buff rejuv in a major way (extend its duration for min 2 secs and up healing by 100%+) to make it meaningful. Right now it hits like wet noodles - it is supposed to be our main healing spell
There are many other quality of life changes that would certainly help, but these 3 are non-negotiables in my opinion if we are to get back to relevency. When some other healing classes have 4-5 spells that can insta-top whole raids in burst dmg situations and all druids get is a channeled ramp heal and convoke, i think we can all understand why druids are not the go to choice for top end content. And i am sure when you play a game, you want to have fun and feel that you can compete in a fair way. Right now, resto druid feels like it is losing in all these departments. Personally, i switched to main a lock this season and did not regret it one bit. Until they make these 3 changes to fix class fantasy, competitiveness and playstyle, i would not go back to main a resto druid. Frustration and pain is just not worth it. Thanks for listening Blizz and i hope this helps.
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Or, rather than catweaving, change things around for resto to bearweave for survivability and allow them to continue to heal others in that form, and give Balance the cat instead for movement.
Just an idea.
I’ve tried convoke a few times…it mostly just stacks Iron Furs for me…like 7-9 stacks. I dont think its possible to make convoke any less inspiring lol
If you’re trying to simplify Resto Druid damage, then why does Wildstalker have a hero talent (Hunt Beneath the Open Skies) that increases Moonfire and Sunfire damage (encouraging balance and feral spells to be used).
If anything make this buff swipe damage by 400% (jk but whatever value that makes it worth pressing or just redesign this for bleeds).
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Has to be an oversight or something they intend to change in a later ptr build. I assume it’ll just be a node to buff thrash when it’s implemented.
As a long time Druid, I expect it will remain unchanged until 2028.