Feedback: Druids

So going back to the Class Talent tree, while yes I’m so ever, ever grateful Moonkin Form is back it essentially turns Balance/Resto spec into an extra Talent point investment or waste.

My example, due to the addition of Moonkin form we have one extra node now on the Right Side of the tree, now this isn’t just an issue for my OCD that it’s not symmetrical :sweat_smile:, but I find it extremely odd and frustrating to an extent that Moonkin Form unlike every other form isn’t just baseline and more so blocks Sunfire from Wildstalker Kittyweavers.

Not me, I enjoy Owlweaving but a friend has spoken to me off his frustration not getting Sunfire anymore.

Don’t get me Wrong Moonkin Form is great returning but it definitely shouldn’t be a Talent option it definitely should be baseline.

Currently as Balance baseline they learn 3 Talents, Starfire, Starsurge and Moonkin Form. Essentially losing a Talent for a should be baseline form.

What should happen is Moonkin Form becomes baseline, the First Node should be Sunfire that extends to the right into Starfire then where Moonkin Form is currently should be Starsurge that extends into the right into Starlight Conduit.

So this then gives Balance Druid automatically Sunfire, Starfire and Starsurge learnt literally the bread and butter abilities automatically learnt.

But then for the other specs wanting to pick up just Sunfire, for example Resto Druids which even Wildstalker has a node Hunt Beneath the Open Skies, easier to get without a further 2 point investment in Starfire and Moonkin Form which are useless for them to get to Sunfire.

I just think the return of Moonkin Form is great and amazing but having it as a talent seems very clunky and not thought out well. Seriously just make Moonkin Form Baseline like every other form in game.