[Feedback] Do not nerf Tank Brann

I might have been a little harsh there, if you enjoy dps Brann then more power to you. I’m glad you found your preferred playstyle. Healer Brann is the vast vast vastly more popular option though and for good reason.

I don’t disagree that people use Healer Brann more. He is required for a good long while.
But he is simply not the most effective option. That’s all I’m saying XD.

There is pretty much no reason to use Healer Brann if you can clear a delve (faster) with the DPS one.

True. I don’t disagree with the logic there but most delves take barely more than 12 minutes on average anyway. Shaving a minute off that just isn’t a big deal to me. I’d rather have the pots.

He takes 60 percent more damage. Thats huge. The other nerfs aren’t that bad.,

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Fair enough.

Tier 11s are ~20-25 minutes for me atm.
If I could use DPS Brann in there, it would be down to 13-17.
Definitely worth it IMO.

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Nerfing Tank Brann pretty much kills his utility for DPS classes. If you can’t tank and don’t have a tank pet…well, good luck soloing anything.


He held decent aggro in DPS Mode. I would let him deal damage then follow suite

They should have buffs for each of Brann’s specs.

DPS Brann should buff our own damage via mini lusts, movement speed CDs etc, provide CCs, a random class buffs, turning our single-target to cleave etc, debuff enemies like a real dps role… without making his damage so high.

So we can make choices and trade-offs.

“DON’T STAND THERE!” Brann yells as he stands there and dies.


On a few delves with gauntlets of mobs…like the one in Underkeep where you fight in the middle…healer Brann is better at higher levels (but that may just be because I have a pet to tank).

Or when you want to recover for a minute and he runs over to mine some ore and pulls another pack…love that.


If the 20% health reduction doesn’t offset that, then yeah…that could be good for DPS classes using him to tank.

Brann’s new Tank specialization has simply proven to be too powerful when players hang back and just focus on healing him.

That would be like saying. We need to reduce all of Brans damage becuase he does to much damage. We are reducing the healing of the potions because players are being healed to much.

It makes sense. Healers heal.

Then why not apply this to Warlock and Hunters pets to take 60 percent more damage as well…


this doesnt just impact healers either, squishy dps like myself are impacted, since they have no way to heal the insane 60% increased damage tank brann will be getting. sure theres a few “oh crap” cds to pop but even those can only do so much


True but when they are punishing healers for being healers… We are just standing back and healing now. Thats comes with the role.


Honestly kind of crushed. Just posted yesterday that I had more fun healing delves this week than I’ve had in WoW in a long time and I planned to actually play my healers this season. I expected some nerfs to his damage, sure, but taking 60% more damage means he’s just going to die on any packs like the hobgoblins and plenty of the bosses that nearly one shot him as it is.

Back to playing tank myself being the only non frustrating way to do higher delves with healer brann. Such diversity. Such fun.


NURF? TRY BROKEN for the past few days he’s dying more than he’s tanking or healing. last night couldn’t get threw 1 goblin mob its like they were 1 shotting him and then everyone else in group. if they nurf bran any more no one will be completing any delves


I’ve been on WoW since the Burning Crusade release, and have been a healer since WotLK. Healers have never had the kind of awesome content we (used to) have with Brann tanking delves. It wasn’t a cakewalk, frankly tank Brann doesn’t have a very smart AI, and seems to seek out pools of green to stand in while fighting, routinely loses aggro, and regularly just goes to sleep. However, it does provide a great way to practice healing, and I was finally able to start being able to progress with non-dungeon/raid content. Being able to heal through delves was awesome, and prophylactically nerfing Brann because it made content easier for elite healers undoes this great thing you did.

You’ve cut off your nose to spite your face. You’ve taken a self-destructive action impulsively and without any real thought. You’ve shown healers that you have the ability make the game more fun for us, and then you just took it away. Any goodwill you created with the healer community is now gone, and you’ve shown us that, given the choice, you’d rather make healers lives worse than better.

It’s truly a shame that you have decided to destroy Brann’s tanking ability completely for no good reason. But, at least we healers, as a community, know where we stand.


Brann is going to be squishier than the healers who were using him. Fun content indeed.


They could have accomplished the same thing by simply taking tank Brann away. In his current state, he’s unusable, no better than season one where healers had no way of completing content without switching to dps.