[Feedback] Do not nerf Tank Brann

RE: Adjusting Tank Brann - March 11

God forbid Healers get one good thing this patch that makes delves enjoyable.

Instead of nerfing Tank, why don’t you buff DPS and Healing Brann?

DPS Brann is functionally useless for casual players. He doesn’t provide any safety nets as much as Healer brann does. And healer brann on a good pull might drop a few good potions.

I don’t see why Tier 8/9 Delves can’t be just a fun thing with an OP Brann to help you. At best you get what? 4 pieces? of Champion gear per week and 1 piece of hero gear (Assuming you get your weekly map and don’t have to farm extra)

I do not understand why the dev team is so hostile to the casual player. Making 4 pieces of Champion gear/1 piece of hero gear/a good vault row accessible each week is a net good for players;

  • A really good starting point for people with tank/healer anxiety to get started and get some champion gear to bridge the gap into some M0s
  • A really good starting point for alts, particularly for solo players.
  • Makes us want to play Delves more and feel much less like a chore.
  • All of the above, wrapped up in a nice little package which doesn’t abuse our time or feel painful.

One. Good. Thing. That is a very good entry point for new characters - and you take it away rather than expand it - lift other Branns up.

This doesn’t invalidate Mythic 0s/Normal mode at all. It helps characters get into them by giving us a good starting average item level.

Delves do not need to be insanely hard at Tier 8 and 9 for champion gear and this week, being a healer in them was finally fun and felt like it respected my time so I could focus on multiple characters or give me more time to jump into other game modes. Make the challenge 10+ if people want that.

But these tank nerfs are objectively awful for everyone. The answer is buff DPS and healer Brann for everyone else.


I’ll wait to see how it plays out before I get upset.

But can we also do something about the Underpin mobs? They hit like a two ton truck and are insane damage sponges.


Too late, they are nerfing our beloved idiot.

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If they didn’t fix the Brann AI, it’s going to be even worse.

I was running with some randoms, guildies. and some solo runs…all groups the tank Brann was getting oneshot constantly to dumb mechanics. Running around pulling things way out of the way and generally frustrating to deal with.

I had better luck with a warlock tank pet and then having Brann just be a dps dying anyway.


I personally prefer Tank Brann to Healer Brann running as a Frost Mage at T8. He’s mediocre at best healer and it’s easier to just single-pull and have the enemies cave his head in than to deal with that non-sense. While I can sleep through a T8 as a Resto Druid the trade off is that it’s less engaging and slower than other methods and even then he can just get flattened for zero reason because either the mob hits like a nuclear devices or he is just standing there and letting himself get trucked by dumb stuff.


I can manage T8’s with Bran as tank as a fire mage, but it’s popping cooldowns every undermined mop pack and a bit of a dance to rez him when he invariably dies in the boss fight…

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I’m trying not to myself lol. But even before the nerfs Tank Brann was a bit of a nightmare.

The Rushdown Hobgoblins that football tackles, he just stands in the line. Sure I can heal him up but that 60% damage taken is BRUTAL especially on T11. Then the PAC nerf where now Brann loses all threat and targets the healer if he gets stunned. I’d be less bothered by this if the bot didn’t land right on Brann but it does time from time. So it goes from being a good curio to a bad curio off that alone.

Everything else I can manage but they took a chainsaw to his tank spec, I probably shouldn’t be surprised nerfs were coming but jeez.


blizzards shareholder feedback>your feedback.

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I always end up with a dead Brann tank. Especially on those Underpin mobs. I never saw Brann die last season, so I never got the Raisin’ Brann achievement.

Pretty sure I got that achievement 20 times over now. :crazy_face:


Tank and healer Brann being the safe+slow option would be excellent.

I don’t know how dps Brann could effectively be balanced though. You don’t want him so strong that the player only worries about keeping themselves alive or hiding while he does all the work.

As it is now, dps Brann is most useful for tanks that are basically soloing the place no matter what he does, or for ranged that are very good at kiting/CC.


Although I agree with the general idea of the post…

The game might be leading us toward having (sic) “5 mains” instead of “1 main + 4 alts”, I’m certainly not a fan of it.

If for no other reason than it gives the devs no reason to pay attention to class balance.

“meh… so that one chr sucks atm, just play a different one.” And you can take that attitude when the game is built around “having 5 mains.”

Not a fan. Tired of WoW being such a RIDICULOUS time sink just for ONE chr. >(


I’m playing these alts because I genuinely want to try out the specs they have, not because I feel forced to in anyway. The game is only this way at the very high end, but also, the process of levelling a handful of characters for fun or to play around at end game is relatively easy.

It’s just that, once they’re capped, that’s when we hit this massive wall of sitting in queues to get no loot from a dungeon. I love spending 20-30 mins to start of queue for a heroic until dungeon leave to get almost nothing except a small handful of valorstones (Sarcasm. This is sarcasm)!

At least with Tank Brann being relatively beefy it allowed me to get comfy with a new healer/spec build while earning some champion gear to jump into content that’s actually reasonable and rewarding, or make that heroic dungeon go a bit faster.

The change I’m proposing - to make delves fun and make it not so awful to get a handful of champion pieces each week as it was for healers this week - means that 1-character gamers actually benefit too, because you can spend more time doing more things than just pulling teeth in delves.

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I agree that dps brann is functionally useless, and tank bran popularity was not a reflection of how good he was rather how bad dps bran is


I wish I could enjoy the joy of a fun system.


ION FUNPOLICES WANT YOU TO SUFFER, and that makes it not entertaining.

The devs think their MMO is a Soulslike, but they forget that imitating other famous games was the biggest mistake for the game.

It’s a shame they are so cruel.


I started using tank Brann on my Shaman because I was just too squishy to survive some things even with Brann healing, and even though I couldn’t really keep him alive as enhancement, it at least allowed me to race to kill most things before he died. He’s going to be completely useless to DPS specs now.


LOL that was my strategy too. :rofl:

“Hope to gods I can kill these things before he dies! GO GO GO LIZARD MAGIC!”


It mostly worked and encouraged me to do good DPS, don’t think it’ll work any more though. Back to healer Brann it is.

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Problem is… I go back to healer Brann and now I can’t kill the Underpin mobs. They take half my health in one hit. Ain’t no way Brann is healing me through that.

So I guess I rely on guildies now to tank for me, since Brann can’t tank and I can’t tank.

Me to my guildies:



I am more annoyed that they seem to bug out, gettin’ stuck in combat. In particular the big goblin chargers, group 'a three. Getting stuck in combat for the entirety of the delve nullifies at least one curio, the Koja’cola one that provides stat buffs when you pick up mislaid curiosities. But, if you’re in combat, you can’t pick them up. And then, since you’re also in combat, you can’t change the curio to something more useful.

I stopped running with that in case I find my way back into this bugs loving arms. :scream:


100% how I’ve used him. Even if he went down I might have the chance to shield and get him back into the fight or at least kite long enough before he does it himself.