Completely agree. Brann’s AI should have been worked on instead of nerfing his tanking spec. My biggest problem has been with him pulling random mobs from 30 yds away then dying (pretty bad problem in 11’s), murdering me in the process. This change just shows the player base how disconnected the devs are.
if your having trouble in a 8 delve. then man. idk that is like the most casual content in the game. there is nothing remotely difficult about delves
The problem is that healer specs severely lack the dmg that DPS or Tank are capable, specially in AOE situations.
And their ST dmg isnt that great either.
Priest straight up doesnt even have an interrupt.
Thats why Tank was essentially mandatory to use as a Healer, cause he could handle the packs largely on his own while you kept him alive, which you know, its the job of a BLOODY HEALER.
Now its likely back to having to pug with people cause Tank Brann will die in seconds to dmg that is unhealable.
At best it would be a snorefest of having to pull small all the time, at worst, not even worth soloing as healer anymore.
Like i literally had him die like 5 times to boss mechanics cause hes too braindead to move away when he was Healer, now you expect him to Tank with these nerfs? yeah no.
Playing as any other spec felt terrible when compared to a self-sustaining tank in delves. Mobs in the upper delves would just take chunks of your life away in non-tank specs.
Dps brann never seem to give the power to kill mobs before they would kill you.
Healer brann felt kinda dumb where he would throw potion “around” you instead of actually healing you consistently while you fight.
So then they brought in tank brann ( was super excited), thinking ok, his damage would be absolutely garbage (outside of when healed by an actual healer) but could hold and taunt the mobs long enough to kill them as a non-tank spec.
This nerf however just makes it feel like it’s a lose-lose-lose situation. All three specs have ( as other mentioned) AI issues, ability issues, or in the case of tank brann balancing issues. Sure he was overkill when buffed by a healer but the solution is not having him become extra squishy in addition to the damage loss.
If he is going to dies just as fast as a brann dps we might as well just choose DPS brann, tag a mob just s o that brann can get aggro and deal as much damage as possible, than play clean up after every pull. Of course this means you still get screwed on every elite/boss fight.
Only other side of this i can see is adjust mob damage so non-tank specs don’t get wrecked so hard.
I’m trying, but its difficult considering he was already a challenge to keep alive on many pulls, I don’t see how it will be possible with him now taking 60% increased damage while also having less health.
Its also frustrating to see them say that healing tank Brann was the best way to run delves “by a lot”, when playing a tank spec with dps Brann is easier. If they wanted balance they should have just reduced the damage done to solo dps players.
DPS Brann does some pretty incredible damage when I use him. Not sure what people are talking about saying he’s not useful.
Especially when he has lots and lots of robot dinosaurs.
No…the problem with HealBrann is that A) he doesn’t heal himself while he stands in - and now takes damage from - ALL the spots of bad and 2) requires me to move to potions (which invariably disappear just as I need them) which he throws haphazardly all over the battlefield, including into zones of “bad”.
DPS Brann has been completely useless since delves were introduced. Setting Brann to dps is like intentionally gimping yourself. So instead of fixing dps Brann Blizz decides to nerf tank Brann. Pretty typical Blizz not knowing jack squat about their own game.
If Heal Brann is the only role that is ever going to be useful they might as well just remove tank/dps Brann and correctly balance him around being a healer. Maybe if they could make him not stand in bad 100% of the time like a moron that would be great as well.
I barely did delves last season. With Brann I was actually enjoying delves since I am casual as hell these days I don’t have the desire to mythic+. I started this season with a level 25 brann, but i started to like the delves this patch and started leveling him up by running more. If he ends up being useless like healer Brann I will just stop doing delves again and play even less.
Healer Brann also pulls threat and dies constantly in T9 - T11.
Killing off Tank Brann only does one thing for me. Disable low ilvl Delve runs. Ok fine I’ll be forced into T6 rather than T8 on my alts.
Kind of annoying though. Bountiful Delves now being thrown away on Veteran gear. If only I didn’t feel that way about it. Yeah that’s right Blizz. You’ve made everything prior to Champion (And even Hero to some degree) feel like a waste of time. Maybe you should do something about that instead of nerfing Brann?
I made a long post about this a while back. Honestly I focused on the problems rather than the solution, but that’s how you start solving a problem. DPS Brann leaves a lot to be desired
I specifically said in that post that I didn’t want to just heal Brann, and that’s what we got. Now apparently that’s too good.
Anyway, you could buff DPS Brann quite a bit without making him overpowered. Especially since they nerfed his threat and survivability, you can’t really just sit back and let him do the work. In any case, I play a resto druid, and as an example of DPS Brann’s effectiveness, when I do Zekvir ??, I do 3x the damage that DPS Brann does, all while being the tank and healer as well. That’s kind of absurd. He could do a LOT more damage without being overpowered.
I think the main thing would just be buffing him in a way that doesn’t benefit Tanks more than Healers. Like make his damage scale with “healing done” or something. But regardless of that, I think his Traps just need to be buffed hugely. When you play with Healer Brann, his healing pots are like the whole show. Sure the other stuff is nice, but you 100% rely on his pots. Make DPS Brann’s Traps that useful.
This bug is (was?) pretty hilarious. I think I had 15 mechasaurs at 1 point. They did like 4 million dps.
I disagree. Delves make me avoid dungeons and raids almost entirely, as there is no reason to be there other than the odd weekly quest.
But that’s a good thing!
Let the ones who enjoy those activities to have their fun, but let us soloers have our cake and eat it too.
IMHO, over all this Brann debacle, I think having delves without proper tuning for each role, class or even spec is a mistake.
DPS Brann is the best overall. Healer is a “last resort” option.
His 30% HP “execute” alone makes him much better than the other options if you can survive on your own.
I also don’t know how people are getting their Brann killed all the time.
The only times mine even die, even in T11, is when charged by the Lost Hobgoblin trio or in some boss fights.
Now that’s true. Explorer → Adventurer might as well be deleted. They are very useless gear tiers for everyone except fresh 80s and people selling them the BoEs.
If I’m in my dps spec, heck even tank spec these days, having enough dps was never the problem. If you need more dps from Brann as a dps or tank spec then the problem is learning how to do your rotation properly.
The point is not “needing more DPS”, it’s finishing the delve faster.
Getting the HP sponge enemies a 30% nerf to their HP pool, even on a 1 min CD, is huge.
Getting an execute from Brann on boss and mini-boss mobs gains you what 30 seconds off your delve time?
Nah, I’ll take his pots instead.
They can nerf Brann and take away an enjoyable boon for healers, who haven’t had enough opportunity to explore delves, but they can’t fix Brann’s positioning so he isn’t literally picking your nose and licking your ear 100% of the time when you’re trying to interact with objects/NPCs.
Ugh, this still sucks btw.
At higher tiers, it grants much more than that.
With beefier enemies having 60-70M HP at T11s, and our regular rotation without burning CDs being around 1M DPS (at this point in time), each execute is 18s saved at least.
Getting one every minute ~= 30-35% time reduction in delve completion.
Not to mention his slightly higher DPS.
Healer Brann is only there if you can’t handle the damage in higher tiers.
In lower tiers it’s already unnecessary, so what’s the point of sticking to it?