Feedback: Delves in Season 2

I see this argument a lot. For me, I want to be able to kick a** in any content I do just as much as the Mythic raiders get to, as long as I put in the work and skill to earn it (group OR solo). This includes world content or even just going into a still difficult raid early to try to solo bosses or elite rares.

There are so many things to do in WoW that aren’t even current content, and some of it can actually be very challenging. Gear ilvl can make it easier or even just be enough of a dps boost to make it possible for different classes and specs (not everyone plays a tank, pet class, or current meta class/spec). Furthermore, it shouldn’t matter what content people play, if they are capable of meeting the skill requirements (e.g., the relative difficulty level of group OR solo challenge), anyone should be able to gear up to the maximum every season and get to feel that powerful all over Azeroth.


Here a better question why people worry what others are doing?

It is a legitimate question, in that by allowing it it will cause people that do raids and/or M+ to feel they have to also do Delves.

Now, the counter to this is that there are plenty of raiders who ignore M+ and M+ers who ignore raids, because they don’t like that content. The fact that they allow this does make it seem odd to not give a way to get higher gear from Delves as well. It also makes Delves “lesser” content that doesn’t feel like they will actually go on to be part of wow in the future.

Limiting its rewards makes it seem like a “temporary” game feature.

Personally, I think the fact they they put some awesome weapons and trinkets into Delves/outdoor content feels bad if better gear doesn’t exist in raid/M+ (this coming patch). I see both arguments and feel there should be a way to make Delves full fledged content without making it the most efficient for obtaining Mythic gear.


The only way to do this (this gear only works in delves and outdoor) not a good ideal. They should make delves gear go up if m+ or raids want to do them then that is a choice no matter what people say. I bet raids thought M+ was temporary when it first came out but look at it now delves can go the same way. I can say i love doing delves because it goes with my schedule if i can get extra people to do it great if not i can still do it.

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I haven’t seen anyone acknowledge that doing a delve solo is a different experience from running them with others. Even adding one person to tank and having Brann heal/DPS means you could have coverage for all three roles and should make the run smoother. The loot is also disproportionate to M+ because for a Delve everyone is guaranteed a piece of gear which is definitely not the case with M+.

If the devs are worried that running Delves 4x a week with a decent group is not challenging enough to reward better gear, maybe remove the guaranteed loot drop and only give out one piece for groups of 1-3 and two pieces for groups of 4 or 5. Also allow drops to be traded by the party.

Why do I get the feeling you’ve not done any of these things and haven’t read the blue post about the S2 m+ changes?

I won’t spoil the read for you, but I will say that m+ is going to be much more rewarding very soon.

also…delves scale to the number of players. So of course they are different with more players. You also get more of Zeks followers(or whatever they are called ) when in a group compared to solo.

Wishing one of the bullet points was:

  • In Season 2, you’ll earn mythic track Delver’s armor sets that specifically apply buffs to Solo Delve content. (Something similar to the entire gear branch you created for PVP). And which incentivize running solo.

In Season 1, I’ve done over 360 delves across nine different classes. Most of those were solo runs for leveling and, at max level, vault slots. Prior to TWW I did mostly M+ for gear, and am considering doing some M+ based on the post. But this thread is for feedback on delves, which will always have a purpose because M+ expects a minimum group size and delves don’t.

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You are absolutely right. Not sure I understand your post at this point. So please forgive me and forget I said anything.

Here’s my feedback.

I bought TWW and subbed because we were told delves were going to be a new “4th pillar of end game gearing progression”. Never was anything mentioned that delves would be less or more rewarding than any of the the other 3.

The only reason I’m here rn is because of delves.

I don’t care about m+
I don’t care about raiding
I don’t care about pvp

So long as none of those other 3 effect me, I couldn’t care less what happens in them.

All I care about are delves.

I’m sorry if this sounds too direct or harsh, but thats what I’m interested in.

I did my time raiding and I’ve never had an interest in m+.

I lost interest in pvp years ago.

Make Delves the “4th Pillar” we were promised please.


I don’t think it’s harsh, nor do I think we disagree on the need for delves to get that fourth (or is it now the third?) pillar of progression as was promised. The complicated part is figuring out how delves fit into the gearing system already in place with raiding and dungeons. Comparing those to a potential change to delves has a few assumptions:

  1. At best, Mythic track would need to come from the Great Vault. None of the gearing tracks allows for a way to repeatedly do a thing and get Mythic drops from it.
  2. Heroic track could be repeatable, but difficulty should be comparable to what it takes to get Hero track from M+. This includes the probability of getting a reward at the end.
  3. Vault rewards should be the tier step up from what you get from the delve, on par with the dungeon track, because it’s a repeatable task.

These assumptions are why I’m suggesting that if Hero track gear is added to delves, that also include a reduction in the probability that a player in a group gets a gear reward at the end. That’s to keep group-content on similar footing for gearing. But if you solo the hardest delves, then you should get the Hero track drop because you just did the hardest solo content in the game.

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Stealth changed, or old news?


Stealth. They were definitely only giving 6 per t11 the last time I ran one on ptr.

I like the change.

Finally they treat Delves atleast a bit more than a 4. big endgame pillar.

7 instead of 6, 21 instead of 18… disappointing again… Delves are not part of the plan…

The crests from t11 will be enough for a myth craft every 3 weeks. Once crest conversion is unlocked it will be enough for 2 myth crafts every 3 weeks with enough leftover to max out a hero item. Once they uncap crests, sparks are going to be a bigger limiter than crests. The max ilvl will be around Myth 4. It will take longer but that is expected for solo noncompetitive content.

The only people I see upset about the limits are people who are shortsighted/impatient and non-delvers who are disappointed that they won’t be able to use delves to avoid m+.

I am not impatient but a lot of us dislike M+. i dont do M+ anymore and i wish to play the game by raiding and delving. i have been AOTC since it has existed. i like the social aspect but i cant fit M+ toxicity in my schedule. U mind me playing the way I want? I still want evolve my Char power even if I choose a different road… My road can be slower, but i dont like such a low cap…

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The main issue I had with S1 Delves was Zek’vir randomly showing up and ruining the fun.
He ALWAYS shows up when I’m in a section of the delve with no room to maneuver, which means his mechanics are literally physically impossible to dodge. Especially since he only shows up while I’m already engaged with 2-3 other mobs with their own 1-shot mechanics.

Just don’t, please. Cause If I’m going to have to expect to deal with that nonsense again of this “Mad Goblin” boss joining the fight unexpectedly while I’m already fighting 3-4 other extremely dangerous mobs, I’m just not going to participate.

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Aw. That’s my favorite part. One of my personal milestones is getting good enough on an alt to drive him off when he surprises me.

Make up your mind. Is M+ THE source for them and the intended end game content or are we supposed to have options like you claimed. Stop trying to force specific types of content. You either only want the one or you want us to have options. Pick one and stop being contradictory and hypocritical about it.


I don’t mind being surprised by him as a general concept. But my issue is he ALWAYS spawns on me when I’m somewhere in the delve with literally no space to move due to room design/other delve specific mechanics and/or 1-shot mechanics of the other 3 guys I’m in the middle of fighting when he decides to drop by unannounced.

I can deal with him on his own. And I can deal with empowered packs with careful pulling and cc/interrupt rotation usage. But not simultaneously and in a space that is barely big enough for his model to fit in that also has environmental hazards that have to be avoided.

I’d rather he just do some emote that yanks one of my bonus lives and move on without joining the fight since that’s what every situation he’s ever dropped into has equated for me. You literally can’t outskill being in a physical space that doesn’t offer enough room to avoid mechanics while simultaneously pulling 2 extra interrupts out of thin air that your class doesn’t have.