Feedback: Delves in Season 2

Blizzard can easily clone the level of Brann to a new companion or let him start at level 40. With the whole TWW S2 background a Goblin companion would make much more sense.


There alot of things blizzard can do for delves but what they want to do is another thing.


delve gear was way too gud idk why we want to be making it better except to kill m+ harder

Look at it this way. Wouldn’t you want to play M+ with people that want to be there?

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This is a legitimate question - if you’re not doing group content (e.g. high M+ or mythic raid), what is the purpose of gear past a certain level?

I mostly ask because I use delves for alts but I don’t do any content that really needs me to have past a certain point of gear, so it sometimes seems obsolete since I won’t really use the ‘higher’ gear for any purpose.

you already nerfed the map chance?? 12 delves zero map so far

How are delves feeling in S2 PTR versus M+ mechanics? Is it still largely white damage auto-attacks with really spongey enemies, or have they introduced more movement/positioning-style difficulty like M+?

1). If you pug, better ilvl = better group invites. I didn’t get aotc this season until i was past 630.

2). Unlocking mythic transmog by upgrading hero gear.

3). While you don’t need a high ilvl, having it makes challenges like Zekvir easier.

I only max out a few alts. Most get enough to unlock the mythic transmog and a myth crafted weapon, then they’re done.

Not for nothing, but the player you responded to was asking specifically about reasons outside of group content, so this point is irrelevant. Pugging is still doing group content.

Anyway, I’m inclined to say that I feel like delves are positioned just fine even in S1. I won’t complain about the addition of guaranteed gilded crests to successful T11 clears, but it does seem to be a move away from T9+ being ‘optional’ since there are now tangible rewards on offer from these levels. I guess too many players don’t grasp that concept or something? Probably some overlap with the players who’ve been asking what the ‘point’ of Zekvir was after they’ve already beaten him.

He used high M+ or mythic raid as examples of group content so anything below that level is still relevant.

I think increasing the runed crest drops from t9-11 is a smarter move than keeping them optional. This gives people something to work towards and makes it so they aren’t almost completely reliant on the vault for upgrades past a certain point. I didn’t mind doing the higher tiers for achievements but I’d rather get continued use out of them. I don’t think the plan was to keep them optional forever. They likely wanted to collect more data before deciding what to do with them.

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i do notice, that brann is dying to much again (i tested him as a healer spec)
Not sure if this is a bug or that they removed the damage reduction thing he had because of the addiation of the tank spec.

Mostly their are some tuning problems
-The hobgoblin underpin bosses feel a bit overtuned
-Their was another 3 elite bosses, i don’t remember the name but they feel a bit undertuned.

The new curious are fun, i really like the copy of a eliite one.

I do like that the new bonus objective (the one that replace zekvir) now also can rewards crest when completing them, making it more worthwhile to do them.


While I have yet to try the new delves on the PTR, based on season 1 delves I’d like to give the following feedback.

Delves, at higher tiers (such as 8) were pretty overtuned.
Even when outgeared (playing a 624 ilvl character in tier 8 which has a recommended ilvl of 600), enemies still took some time to kill if I didn’t use my offensive cooldowns on them, and could still bring my character to 50% health or less in 2-3 seconds.

When playing tanks it became even more evident as the damage was still challenging for a tank, while the enemies felt like damage sponges.

Delves were still possible, even at tier 11, but it just feels bad.

Please tune the delves lower, what is currently tier 8 should be the tuning for tier 10 or 11.

This is the lamest part about season 1 delves imo. 90% of the challenge was just tied to absurd damage output from auto attacks and more cast bars than you can stop yourself.

The boss design and balance was massively better in this regard, but trash was annoying and frustrating


The big reason for this is crit damage from mobs. Sometimes things are fine and then you are suddenly close to death or dead because of some random crit.

This is part of the reason why tanks are absurdly easy in the content.

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Great callout, and I agree this is the major contributor.

TBH I never really understood why these things could crit to begin with.

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Please allow the Dinars later in the season to apply to gear from Delves too.

Also, i do like that is their a dude who teleports us to delves to test them out, but the same dude should also be at the delves entrance to tp our back, or to tp to other delves. (just like how it worked in beta)

The new items that can drop in Delves (based on items from Undermine) are really fun and useful to fill in holes in the itemization for the raid and M+, please, please, please allow the Dinars to function for Delve loot too.

It will be well past any competition time, but given that the trinkets for agility users are incredibly underpowered vs the plate dps, it would be great to have options eventually instead of being stuck with heroic trinkets or weapons.

This. Make it fun, make it hard, make it happen
It is time Blizzard


Absolutely supporting this. During Blizzcon was announced that TWW will have 3 ways of gearing by Dungeons (m+), Raid and Delves.

It is time now to make this happen and allow Delves to be an equal source for gear and crests.