Feedback: Death Knights

Speak for yourself.

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Re: Festering Scythe, I think this would feel so much better if it was available by default and had a cooldown (one minute or something) that is brought way down by wounds getting burst. The notion that you would need to get twenty wounds into a pull before seeing it is unhappy.


Cleaving Strikes is a variation on a theme we see in Multi-shot-activated beast cleave, blade flurry, and crash lightning. Making it activate with Glacial Advance or with DnD becoming an aura would just be mimicking those abilities. There are only so many ways to make this dynamic seem different. It sucks that DKs are left holding the bag, but it’s NBD.

A different thing they could do though is also increase the baseline diameter or introduce a talent further down that does this along with some other perk (increase cleave damage by some low percent per target cleaved. There are several talents in the class tree it would feel worth swapping this in for IMO.


What are you even talking about? With what youre saying, its completely obvious that you havent even played them in the beta… oblit is literally doing more damage than breath right now… its only when you combine the two that you get a higher output, which shouldnt be the best choice in the first place.

What a surprise… you dont even play dk… just a breath hater kek

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Hello Designers:
Lately I’ve been thinking about how well one of DK’s signature skills, Runeforging, actually works.
Rune of the Fallen Crusader, Rune of Razorice, Rune of Sanguination, Rune of Unending Thirst, Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle, Rune of the Apocalypse, and Rune of Spellbinding.

We have seven runic enchantments, but only one or two of them are actually used.
Unholy DK and Blood DK only need to enchant Rune of the Fallen Crusader; Frost DK only needs to enchant Rune of Razorice and Rune of the Fallen Crusader.
All other effects have been left in the corner, especially Rune of the Apocalypse, which was buffed in version 11.0, and because of the restriction that only Unholy DKs can better use it, neither Blood nor Frost DKs will be able to use this enchantment.
Also, because of the restriction that only Ghoul attacks can trigger the effect, the effect of Apocalypse Run doesn’t pay off as well as the effect of Fallen Crusader Run, whether it’s multi-target or single-target.
Can we make some changes? For example, Rune of the Apocalypse removes the restriction that only ghoul attacks can trigger the effect.
Maybe we can create a new career talent?
DK’s weapon will glow with multiple runes, can have the effect of all rune enchantments for one minute and increase the effect by 150%, after which the rune enchantment is dormant, the weapon loses all enchantment effects, and waits 30 seconds to recharge.
Or can we be like Zovaal, The Primus, who give Rune’s power to a designated target? Have a certain teammate get Rune of Spellbinding, which has an effect of 300% of what it would otherwise have; have a certain pet get Rune of the Apocalypse, which must trigger the effect on its attacks; and have a teammate get Rune of the Fallen Crusader, which must trigger the healing effect.


So I noticed that some other classes gained some passive versions of either formally active abilities or have gained the option to do a passive version of it. Would it be possible to do that with a few of our abilities? Specifically;

  • Choice node for Soul Reaper that makes it apply to targets automatically when they are below 35% or so hp.
  • A talent for Death and Decay that will make it automatically be placed beneath our feet when we do a certain ability or attack similar to concencrate for paladins.
  • Making Reaper’s mark passive that applies with Obliterate/Heart Strike every minute (or less with swift end).

Also just cause, maybe add a talent for frost that makes Abomination’s Limb and Death and Decay shadowfrost damage.
Thanks, I do love the updates so far though.

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I spent a lot of time on the beta testing breath today and just didn’t care much for it in M+.

Overall, it feels like a pretty outdated mechanic, and is by far the most punishing melee spec in regards to mistakes that happen in M+.

I prefer Obliterate and Unholy builds gameplay wise, but perhaps there’s a more modern version of breath that could exist and be fun to play as well.


Make rune of fallen crusader a talent on class tree.


The FDK changes just keep getting better but its still far from perfect.

For talents I think the right side of the tree could be cleaned up a bit.

Swap Everfrost and Improved Rime. This just makes sense.

Swap Runic Command with Icebreaker and give Runic command 10% more rune regeneration.

Are we going to get another talent to mirror cold heart is that the chill streak choice node? Also cold heart is a dead talent.

Bonegrinder rework - When your AA (auto attack) fails to crit you get X% stacking AA attack crit bonus untill you land a AA crit then it resets. Similar to the mage talent. This could really help smooth out the killing machines without being forced to build crits for an ability that always crits.

This change can also really help the new talent column around AAs. You really don’t want to build crit in PvP so that makes this column dead on arrival in PvP play where we really need a longer pillar window.

If we don’t get a talent for AA crit forgiveness that The Long Winter needs to proc off Rime or KM instead of AA crits.

Class tree- Make Asphyxiate and Strangulate a choice node so we don’t have to waste a class talent and a PvP talent for one ability.

PvP Talents - Please delete Rot and Wither it makes me upset it exist. Give FDK a through put Talent to replace Chill streak.


Any chance we can just get the Gorefiend sub talent baked in? Speaking specifically about the CD reduction, the silence effect is w/e, but it would be nice to feel like I don’t just have a weaker sigil of chains on double the cooldown (without said talent). >_>


San’layn Vampiric Strike

  • There is no indication of when you receive a proc outside of DT. There is also nothing atm to create a Weakaura to attempt to track these to play around them. I only know when my Virulent Plague WA pops up after its been cleared.
  • Bad luck protection for Vampiric Strike appears to reset anytime you hit Scourge Strike, even if you don’t get a Vampiric Strike. This leads us to burning runes through Fester Strikes and D&D to build RP to spend. Feels like an extremely degenerate playstyle that forces us away from our normal rotation.

Commander of the Dead & Unholy Aura

  • Can we just massively bump the radius of these abilities? With Clawing shadows talented, we can perform most of our single target rotation (CS and Death Coil) without being in radius of Commander of the Dead. Its very unintuitive for newer players that don’t realize how punishing the radius is.

I forgot to add the most important. Can we get a glymph or something to let us see floor effects? Plz


After playing with Unholy blight changed to being a passive I do like the change. I would just hope that the aoe buff could be applied both around the pet and the player. Having it only apply around the pet requires a lot more micromanagment of your pets location. This also is an issue on bosses like sennarth from dragonflight where your pet would be off in narnia and wouldnt apply to the adds on that fight.


Yeah this can be an issue on those big bosses. Perhaps if pets just attacked by the DKs side and have their attacks unable to be parried etc could be a solution. The big clump of pets all stacked on top of each other on bosses always looks funny.


That could work but I suspect would take more work to implement and they already solved this issue in the past with unholy pact which I’m suggesting they just copy basically.

Hello designers:
There are a couple of bugs in San’layn that need feedback, and even though I already submitted them in-game at F6, I’d like to tell you about them on the forums.
The first one.
The Blood Queen’s Essence effect is incorrectly increased 14x by Gift of the San’layn.
The reason for this is that if I already have 7 tiers of Blood Queen’s Essence effect and I use Gift of the San’layn again, the maximum 10.5% haste provided is instantly increased to 147%, and the Frenzied Bloodthirst effect is instantly increased 14 times from 14% to 196%, which is a horrible stat that we need to make a fix for.
Getting Essence of the Blood Queen again will return the effect to its normal state.

A few weeks ago, you had tweaked Infliction of Sorrow so that the next Scourge Strike consumes Plague to deal 100% of its remaining damage, but despite our testing and calculations, we found that this effect didn’t take effect, and Infliction of Sorrow made the next Scourge Strike Infliction of Sorrow, so the next Scourge Strike still deals 200% of its remaining damage. I wonder if that’s how you guys designed it in the first place, or if it’s just an occasional oversight?

Sanguine Scent does something different than the skill description: Sanguine Scent causes Vampiric Strike to critically hit targets with less than 35% health.
I remember the original version of Sanguine Scent being described as causing a critical strike, but this is not documented in the current description. Please tell me if this is your design or just an oversight?

Now that i’ve had additional time to test

I also want to bring up soul reaper for frost death knight. this (and frostscythe) is an ability that was left out of the list of abilities getting their damage brought up to compensate, i’m assuming this is because changing it probably effects all death knight specs.

It’s still usable, but not particularly strong in its current iteration, and its single rune cost makes it feel very janky. i really hope that soul reaper would have gained further interaction within the frost death knight spec tree past obliteration in order to make it easier to integrate into the rotation. if you could do something like consume killing machine OR rime with this ability to make it (with killing machine) a guarenteed crit that explodes instantly in execute range OR (rime) free and do more initial damage. this would integrate it way better into the rotation.

I’m not saying these are the only options, but it needs help in actually fitting into the rotation. the delay on the explosion feels really bad, so making the explosion happen faster, or increasing the initial hit damage would make it feel a lot better.


I just had a thought… might be terrible… haha

What if Soul Reaper was redesigned to do a bit of damage then leave a 6 sec fairly strong dot. If the target is under 30% hp the dot does 200% damage or explodes for the remaining dot damage instantly.

Also we heal for a portion of the bonus execute damage or get runic power or a rune when the execute effect takes place. “Soul Reaper”

Maybe add an upgrade node under that makes ticks of the execute damage have a chance to reset the CD of Soul Reaper so we can stack the dot in execute.


Is anyone else experiencing Frostscythe triggering a longer GCD than normal?

No but i do get a lich ton of lua errors :rofl:

After discussing this with some more knowledgeable people on the Acherus discord, I’ve been told it’s that AA is just too powerful and easy of a pickup for the Obliteration-Breath builds, so I present a freebie easy solution to prevent this type of build from being the best: swap Arctic Assault and The Long Winter positions.

Reasoning: AA is an incredibly strong talent, possibly too strong. If TLW is moved under Obliteration, then that solidifies that as an Obliteration perk (longer Pillars) and keeps AA gated elsewhere and offsets its power by weaker talents. Breath could still path to Obliteration in this case, so maybe it’d need to revert to being a capstone, or TLW could have an added effect to make it really attractive for Obliteration but not more than AA.

I will agree that I do not like being limited to that one single mount. But I do understand the need to limit it to mounts that can’t fly. Still maybe they could have at least made a new mount with better graphics and a more up to date look.

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