Feedback: Death Knights

Personally I would like the ability to choose which one. Maybe added to the barber shop and let you just choose any undead type ground mount.

no one gonna mention that obliteration is now using the same animation as frost strike? just me?

The “twirl” animation that Obliterate currently uses is garbage and should really be used for big hitting abilities only, but the animation is only replaced during mounted combat. That’s fine because animations while mounted are funky and it’s not having any real impact on gameplay otherwise.

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Back again, asking for Unholy Bond to instead make fallen crusader baseline for all dks(even if it needs to be nerfed). It is the go to choice and has been pretty much since dks were introduced and will be again. Just bake it baseline so we can actually have some choice.

Soul Reaper has been brought up a few times now. This ability is clunky, doesn’t feel good to press, and just isn’t fun.

I think Soul Reaper should be redesigned.
Firstly, based on the name alone it should have a cool purplish dark scythe animation as if you are actually taking someone’s soul. Or something that shows a “soul” leaving the enemy when it procs.
I think it should cost 2 runes, that way it fits all 3 specs rotation. Make it have a cool down if needed. I’d love to see it do shadowfrost damage still. If you are reliant on the delay, please let it do full damage even targets die while it is applied, or healed back up.

I would much rather it be a very hard hitting ramping disease that increases its damage depending on the hp of the target. Meaning at 35% it ticks for decent damage, but the lower they get, the more damage it does.

Or another option, when enemies are below 35% hp, obliterate, scourge strike, and heartstrike or deathstrike do X% additional damage as shadowfrost. This way it causes no issues with rotation. (Or death coil, death strike, and frost strike)


Super minor, relatively unimportant gripe:

The Frost Strike sound effect is incredibly lame, and could really use some improvement imo. It sounds like you’re throwing 2 snowballs at your target. Sound alone is not going to save the ability and make it feel good to use, but it would definitely help for me.



I have some feedback regarding the DK gameplay that I would like to share.

I believe there are opportunities to enhance gameplay and simplify certain spells to improve the overall experience.

Specifically, I suggest the following adjustments to spells:

  1. Death and Decay: Transform Death and Decay into an aura-style AoE effect centred on the character, or make it a castable effect that spreads aggressively causing small “Death and Decay” effects under each affected enemy.
    This way with these changes you wouldn’t need to implement several macros to utilise DND effectively, as its clunky to utilise as its currently designed without macros.

  2. Cleaving Strikes: Remove Cleaving Strikes and focus on utilizing the existing AoE effects that are already available.
    This will reduce the slow and unfun gameplay of spending a GCD on placing DND to get some extra cleave damage and hope that the enemies don’t get knocked or moved out of DND.

  3. Unholy Ground: Consider removing Unholy Ground. If Death Knights require the +5% haste bonus, it could be incorporated into other abilities.
    Constantly manoeuvring in circles exacerbates the already slow and restrictive nature of Death Knights.

Thank you for considering these suggestions.




Yeah, I am not the biggest fan of Breath of Sindragosa, which you seem to be and that’s fine. I also admit that I jumped the gun in my post, but it was just out of annoyance with the recent changes. I haven’t tested the changes to see if Obliteration truly is doing better or worse than Breath, but that is irrelevant to me because tuning isn’t even in place. While most of these changes were still good for the spec as a whole, I still think Obliteration was gutted but in it’s fun factor, which is my biggest issue. The fact of the matter is that Obliteration objectively feels less fun to play with these changes.

Firstly, they removed a mechanic that made our overcapping of Runic Power not as big of an issue and this talent made pressing Frost Strike feel better and fun to press. This mechanic was strictly a change to Obliteration and it only lasted a week.

Secondly, the aspect of the spec that made Obliteration remotely fun and included some semblance skill expression was the CDR from Icecaps. I still think the change to a flat decrease in CD was fine. However, I also still think it makes Obliteration more boring, because losing a fun interaction and mechanic that was maximized if you were Obliteration just feels bad. We didn’t even get anything to compensate after these changes to keep that fun aspect alive. So we lost 2 aspects for Obliteration that made the picking Obliteration fun to pick over Breath if that was your preference.

My suggestion, imagine if they gave Icecaps an additional affect that said “Every Obliteration and Frost Strike critical during Pillar, accumulates X% damage and explodes when Pillar ends” this would give Obliteration some AOE and keeping the Frost Strike changes they had for Obliteration, would make it so this particular aspect of Icecaps would benefit Obliteration more than Breath, but Breath can still benefit from it with their own Obliteration criticals.

So as someone else said in another post , “We shouldn’t really be arguing about Obliteration vs Breath or 2H vs Dual Wield, as the real main issue with Frost/DK in general is Cleaving Strikes exists and it’s tied to DnD.” This simply has to go and I hope that’s something we all can agree one. This is why it baffles me that nothing has changed after countless feedback has been given about this mechanic.


The issue is it was tied to pillar use. I think they should bring it back as a talent in general, that way it feels good to press outside of cds. But that also means howling blast rime procs will be so weak, to the point you ignore them in some scenarios.


that bonus was not bad at all, but yeah i think it being tied to obliteration and therefore pillar as well was weird as heck. this feels like a breath of sindragosa build talent for when breath is down. this should be what hyperpyrexia is. because whatever hyperpyrexia is… isn’t really needed especially when after a 3-4 minute parse its 1% of my damage when its at obliteration’s level.

i don’t understand why it’s a 25% chance to deal 30 PERCENT of a runic power spendature’s damage OVER 4 SECONDS. its ridiculous. why not 50% chance to do 35% of a runic power spender’s damage instantly?

With soul reaper becoming more accessible in the class tree is there any plans to make this fit better into the rotations of each spec?

Maybe have it cost 2 runes for starters and either have the ability to consume procs or generate them? Like have it consume the class procs to do damage as if the target was in execute range as well as do aoe?

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Back again, asking for a red rider mount for those who completed the shadowmourne chain.


As Gorkroth said, this only happens while [On A Paler Horse] or [Death Charge] is active. My guess is the mounted combat talent applies an aura that essentially activates the change in animations, primarily to keep the character from weird animation interactions while mounted. An example is the animation for Obliterate while mounted before the change.

And while on the subject on Obliterate, please consider having this ability use different animations when DWing. This has already been done for Frost Strike, so I imagine itd be an easy fix for Obliterate.

I really dont want to be running Oblit+AA and breath to do good dps devs… plz do something. Basically ruined the talent diversity by letting this happen. Two columns in the last gate are useless, Cold heart still bad, ChillStreak still bad, and Cryogenic Chamber still bad.

Reduce Breath cost down to 16rp/sec again. It feels incredibly bad playing rn as is. There are plenty of ways to still reduce our economy. There are still times were obliteration is flooded with RP and ignores it STILL…

Soul Reaper remains the White Tiger Statue of the class, conspicuous in its positioning as the only actual damage ability with no utility component, fitting awkwardly into all three specs’ kits for not particularly spectacular damage. No one is excited or grateful for it anymore.

Please make it go away until you can create a fun version of it that integrates well into the class again. Or make it a spender. Literally anything other than it being a button we all feel like we “should” take that when played perfectly amounts to a 3% gain. It sucks so hard.


I agree, but I think it was tied to Pillars, because that’s when most of our burst occurs and it’s also when we typically have the most runic power generation due to essentially limitless Killing Machine procs which really is the source of our quick RP capping.

It only kind of works on unholy and is jank af for frost and blood. Honestly, it’d be great if each spec had ways to modify it. Eg, using rime procs on frost, and it healing you or something on blood.

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Is there a chance we could get Fatal Fixation baked in? The two stacks of Killing Machine. Especially for Obliteration makes it feel so much smoother. I saw it was removed and not added back in baseline? A small but a great change.

Good day,

I have some additional feedback and suggestions to share.

I suggest exploring the possibility of giving all Death Knight specs ghouls to replace the current Raise Dead mechanic. Ghouls could be more engaging to play with, applying damage over time effects or increasing procs for burst damage. Similarly, this concept could be expanded to include various ghouls as delivery mechanisms for de-buffs, bleeds, and wounds, each tailored thematically to enhance gameplay diversity.

Additionally, consider introducing a larger patchwork monstrosity for Unholy Death Knights, serving as a significant area of effect burst ability. For Frost Death Knights, multiple liches could perform Remorseless Winter or something thematically fitting to provide a similar area of effect burst.

As Death Knights, why should one specialization exclusively command the undead?



That’s the issue though, tied to pillar. The spec had way too much power behind 1 button press.

it was though?

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