Feedback: Death Knights

That’s hilariously bad lol

Pretty sure Vamp Strike proc is bugged; submitted a report but that’s probably why you haven’t gotten a single proc, because law of averages with 10% means you should see a fair amount (and I, too, have seen 0 over minutes of testing without using VB or DT).

Edit: So you actually do get Vampiric Strike procs, it’s just that there’s no notification that you’ve gotten a proc.

Easy way to check this:

  • Go to a target dummy, do not press Scourge/Heart Strike
  • Spam Festering Strike/Marrowrend for RP, dump with Death Coil/Strike
  • After using 10 Death Coils/Strikes, press Scourge/Heart Strike
  • See that you receive the Blood Queen buff even though Scourge/Heart Strike didn’t change icons or animations (Details will show this Strike as VP, too)

Essentially, VS procs have a form of BLP where every DC/DS that doesn’t grant a proc adds 10% to the next one, so pressing DC 3x and never getting a proc means the next DC has a 40%. However, if you Scourge/Heart Strike at all during that build up, the BLP resets.

TL;DR: Vampiric Strike procs are work, they’re just completely hidden from the UI side. Report as a bug that they’re hidden and need to be visible.


Very small DK question:

Is there a reason that Frostscythe’s upcoming TWW design (cooldown, non-KM) if I’m reading it right, would need to deal 4 times normal damage with critical strikes if it now always critically strikes regardless of Killing Machine?

Thinking of it like, (current base value)x4 is the same as (2x current base value)x2, or the usual critical damage bonus that everyone assumes. Same result.

It sounds like its base damage could simply get beefed up to compensate if the 4x crit KM interaction is now irrelevant, and that soon-to-be archaic 4x damage mechanic to it could be removed to clean it up tooltip and all. It will not affect critical strike chance scaling tied to raw Frostscythe damage alone because a guaranteed crit Frostscythe is just no chance-based scaling regardless, a static 4x or 2x or otherwise.

Strikethrough style scaling (critical strike damage bonus, dwarf/tauren racials) wouldn’t be relevant in this situation either since, instead of the strikethrough being doubled % value, it would simply be scaling a smaller % crit damage bonus up with a larger base value instead (should be same net bonus).

In fact, if it’s a pointless mechanic and I’m not missing anything, all this current 4x crit form would do now that it’s an always-crit is nerf the ability against Denounce-style critical strike suppression (however rare those mechanics may be).

Mostly inconsequential mechanically but worth cleaning up if I’m reading this all right.

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Guaranteed critical strike abilities need to have a damage bonus from critical Strike rating like Chaos Bolt does. Otherwise Critical Strike rating becomes severely devalued and that just doesn’t feel right.


This ^^^^ could be an idea as well, instead of the static 4x crit damage which wouldn’t impact scaling at all, it could scale up damage dealt based on critical strike chance if that were desired.

Nerf Unholy DK damage in pvp by 20%

Can we PLEASE have an option to change the riders and our horse the the Nightmare horse model? That model w/ the colors yall had are literally the best mount model in the game. The horses w the ghost legs look weird bc they look like they are just floating saddles…


While we’re at it, I feel like DKs should have the option to have blood red eyes.


omg hahahahaha that’s really weird


Nerf Unholy DK damage and pet damage, now. All dks have to do is summon their pets they don’t even have to do any of their rotation in pvp now except summon their pets and the pets just eat everyone down with mentally challenged dps. NERF NOW

You do realize that NO CLASS has had any real kind of number tuning, right?

Right now they are primarily working on mechanics. Number tuning will start around release and continue as more data comes in after release.

Even IF what you claim is true, nerf X posts are absolutely pointless right now. The only things you are doing is cluttering up a thread and wasting your and everyone else’s time.


Just a few points of feedback:

There have been too many pets in the game for a long time and Unholy continues to have more added. Sure sure, pet fantasy or whatever, but there is an upper limit to what’s reasonable.

In Dragonflight season 3 when trying to get the legendary I joined a raid that had 6+ Unholy death knights. During the initial pull when all the DKs used army and apoc and summoned their gargoyle my computer literally froze for 20 seconds.

This could’ve been an addon issue, and my computer is also starting to show it’s age, but the only time this has ever happened was when there were a lot of Unholy DK’s summoning pets.

Even outside of performance issues, the nameplate clutter is hugely problematic. The default nameplate filtering options aren’t sufficient and while there are addons that do it better, none of them are without issues.

There are way too many powerful AMS talents and anti-magic talents in general. 2/5 capstone talents affect AMS directly, and 3/5 are designed to mitigate magic damage. Combine this with the Spellwarden PvP talent and the Horseman’s Aid hero talent and DKs just have way too many eggs in the AMS basket.

Again I think DKs are in a position where they will be too strong vs magic damage (like in Season1 DF with the old Spellwarden talent), which will result in nerfs, while still having limited options for mitigating physical damage. And then, depending on the pace of the game, it might be that DKs will be weak to casters anyway because arena matches can be drawn out to late dampening.

This was probably done to reduce GCD bloat. A good goal, but… I hate this solution.

In my opinion any aoe effect centered on a pet is a bad idea. Pet AI and positioning just isn’t reliable. I think Unholy Pact is bad, I think the Horseman DnD (Morgraine) is bad, and I think this is bad.

I’m also against combining abilities just for the sake of combining them. Usually the argument seems to be “oh, but you always use them together,” which is only true from a pure DPS perspective.

Unholy Blight has uses separate from just doing damage. Unholy Blight can be used at the start of an arena match to get a rogue out of steatlh, and it can be used to apply diseases to a rogue through Cloak of Shadows so if they vanish you can use epidemic on them to break them out of stealth.

In cases where I would be using Unholy Blight purely for it’s damage, I may not want to use Dark Transformation for damage. Dark Transformation can be used to root, and then stun, as a peel or maybe I want to use it for an interrupt to stop CC.

Combining these abilities just to reduce 1 GCD ignores the other gameplay uses of each ability. I just don’t understand why there is such a refusal to remove Dark Transformation from the GCD. Get rid of the shadow aoe and take it off the GCD, and leave Unholy Blight as it’s own ability. If people don’t feel they would ever use them separately then they can macro them together.

I also feel like too many abilities are getting too many modifiers and extra effects tacked onto them. People make a big deal about the game being too complicated from a # of abilities perspective. The real complication is in how many talents/other effects modify each ability and the number of buffs/debuffs there are. It makes understanding what is going on at any given time either require a ton of knowledge and experience, or more reasonably, a bunch of addons that have the potential to lag your computer when there are 100 pets on the screen.

Death Pact is still useless in PvP because the healed amount is affected by heaaling debuffs and dampening, whereas the Heal Absorb is not.

I’m highlighting some negative things, but there are a lot of good changes too. For example the UI change for Harbinger of Doom is something I have been asking for for a long time.


Because Breath is objectively bad, and so is obliterate. The entire spec of frost needs a ground up rework, barely anyone plays frost DK. The number of people who love Breath are statistically insignificant compared to how many people would be pleased to see frost turned into something that’s actually fun. The class needs a FULL REWORK similar to ret paladin. New abilities, trash old ones, an entire new spec appropriate mechanic like negative temperature gauge like I explained. Something innovative to breath new live into the spec/class. DK has been neglected long enough while classes like Pally and Mage constantly get overhauls we’re stuck getting drip fed slight changes.


I agree, Frost should be DW centric, not 2h. There’s unholy and blood for 2h.


Once again, are you okay bro? You can calm down. I can play breath, anyone can play breath. It’s not hard, it’s just that it’s not fun, it’s clunky, it feels crappy, you’re part of the extreme minorities of DKs who think its good. I’m not sitting here saying Obliterate 2h needs to be better, I think it needs to go. I think the ENTIRE SPEC needs to be reworked, how is this not getting through to you? The abilities are all sht, they don’t flow well, it’s just a messy mishmash of bullsht from old expansions hamfisted together like puzzle pieces from different puzzles that make no sense together. They need to throw all of it out, go back to the drawing board from the beginning and give us a new, fun and innovative frost DK spec instead of this incremental tuning here and there to try to slowly salvage what is a spec that no one plays anymore because its boring to most people.

6% of players play DK, then among those probably like 10% play Frost, there’s barely anyone playing this forgotten spec because IT IS OBJECTIVELY BAD. I’m proud of you for being able to copium yourself into believing breath is great and everyone else is wrong or whatever but no, what you’re doing is trying to body block any effort to change this trash by being as loud as possible about how it’s totally fine and everyone else is wrong. It would be a lot better if you and everyone like you stopped deluding yourself and got onboard the calls for a rework. Frost DK deserves the ret pally treatment.


Glad to see some pillar changes with this latest build, and overall ability damage increase.
Might frost actually have sustain now? I guess we will see. Will need testing but happy to see these changes. I still think the lone winter should be updated to just be a flat increase of 4-5 seconds. Or removed and replaced with something to affect sustain still, as increased auto attack damage doesn’t feel really good overall. I’d love to see a capstone that affects rime procs for HB.


Seriously Blizz?! You removed the increased cost increased damage frost strike Oblit functionality just like that? And the Icecap nerf? So you’re just going to remove mechanics that actually make our rotation and gameplay fun, and do what you ALWAYS do for Frost DK, and just give us a blanket damage increase. This is just piss poor development guys. I’m so sick of the absolute COOLEST specialization (aesthetically) having it’s eventual redesign punted to future. Make Breath VIABLE for M+ and Raid content. Make the Frost rotation for Oblit/Breath more INTERESTING, FLUID, and less dependent on mobs staying inside of the stupid D&D. Make D&D look like a frost ability for FROST DKs. Make breath a toggle on/off, or a metered passive proc, or 3-6 second effect on an empowered Oblit. JUST BE CREATIVE AND STOP GIVING US THESE COP OUT BANDAID SOLUTIONS.

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This is such a terrible take.

They buffed frost sustain by a lot so it isn’t so reliant on Pillar for damage.
Pillar is now a base 45 sec cd. The str scaling was removed so you weren’t forced to hold skills til the very end of pillar.

The FS during pillar change was reverted due to it causing even more reliance on pillar for damage.

How are you complaining when frost as a whole will be in a much better spot now? Imagine, if you will, actually doing damage outside of your burst windows. Feels good.


I’ve noticed it’s usually people playing FDK as an alt or never actually posting on their DK in general that “love” the bad design choices that were made for Frost.

You can see it above with the FS change and if you spend a few minutes digging on the DK forums, you’ll find people praising DF Obliteration builds rarely having to spend RP and massively overcapping.

The FS-Oblit functionality was a bandaid. Nerfing ME is the actual fix.

Pillar having uncapped ramp was a bandaid. Putting the damage directly into the CD and baseline is the actual fix.

Icecap not being mutually exclusive with Obliteration was a bandaid, specifically one for non-Breath builds. Making it flat CDR is the actual fix.


Back to say again, appreciate the frost changes. Asking for the lone winter change to either be a flat 4-5 sec duration increase, or simply removed and a new SUSTAINED capstone added, maybe to buff Howling Blast.

One note, I do think removing the increased FS amp from obliteration was a good idea. I would like to see a FS in general talent to increase the damage like this overall instead of just during cool downs would be nice to have in general. Though I am not entirely sure where it would land in the tree. But this in general would make it so you may ignore rime procs ect. Which we don’t want.

I want to point out a couple talents that kind of just feel dead atm.

Chill Streak: Feels a little out of place. Visually doesn’t look that great, and isn’t a “feel good” skill to press. I’d be all for this being removed, or made baseline with something else in its place. (maybe the FS mentioned above could replace it)

Cold Heart: Like Chillstreak, doesn’t feel like it would really get much use. The concept is interesting for sure. But I can’t see this really being picked much.

Inexorable Assault: This talent feels really bland and doesn’t add much overall. I would love to see this redesigned. Maybe make it have some howling blast interactions, or FS?

I think frost is going in a much better direction than it has in a while.

Why is raise dead even a talent for UH in the spec tree? UH should just have the ghoul pet be perma based on the general tree.

Festering Scythe is a cool ability in concept. I would much rather have it as an active skill we can use, rather than one that procs based on how many wounds were already popped. That way we wouldn’t be forced to not pop wounds if we know we are close to the cap and the pack is about to die. It was mentioned before, but replacing Vile contagion with Festering scythe (maybe on a shorter CD) would be a nice change.

This however, would not fix the issue of festering strike feeling good to press. The current design of Festering Scythe also doesn’t fix that issue. The issue at hand is wounds aren’t a fun mechanic in general. The player base has been asking their removal for years now. At this point it is too far along for that to happen.

With wounds being so passively added now, why even have them at all? I’d kill for wounds to be gutted and real disease play brought back.

Currently, I feel in the UH tree, there are far too many choices with a few dead on arrival talents (Ruptured Viscera is a good example of why would I ever pick this)

That being said, I do think DK is in a better spot than before.

In general DK needs updated animations like really bad. Even the ghoul we have looks so outdated.

On note about the general tree, Unholy Bond, can this just make fallen crusader baseline for all specs? It will still be the go to choice, even after the rune forge updates from a few builds ago.

I am sure it will be mentioned again, but let’s talk about utility and cleaving strikes.

I am not a fan of cleaving strikes. I think the update with the 4 sec grace period is nice, but let’s be real. Majority of the player base hates this. An easy comprise is to just make dnd be an aura around the dk. Make it a choice node if you have to, but it will solve so many complaints and issues.

As a blood tank, I use macros to place it at my feet anyhow. For frost and UH, the rider we summon has it as an aura… why can’t we?

Utility wise, I think grip is very strong when needed. When it isn’t needed, unless dk is popping off in damage, why even bring one to raids?
Maybe DKs should get something like Death Presence or something like that. Increasing mastery or haste by 2% for the raid.