Feedback: Conduit of the Celestials Monk

The main problem with channelling in pve is mostly about being able to cast utility while channelling. If I can cc/interrupt I dont see any issue with that.

For pvp, bein cc’d during channel is a problem. But I’m assuming unity within triggers when interrupted, it should be fine :thinking:

I hope RJW gets some love though. It hasnt been used this whole expansion for both specs and could be improved to make these talents more appealing.

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This is a very important take.
If you want to use both talents to their fullest potential, you use up 6 points from the lowest row. And it requires a pathing towards them, reducing possible build variability.
This should be thought about (maybe making Sheilun’s and Faeline Stomp baseline, leaving their improvements in the tree?)

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As Mistweaver, it doesn’t sound that bad if the ability is strong enough, especially with the removal of Essence Font. As Windwalker I can see the issue here with such a long cast.
Maybe a possible solution would be to allow all non-cast and non-channel abilities to be used during that window?

You make me think about having a “celestial statue” instead, fusing all 4 celestials together into one. So a 15 minutes Jade + Tiger + Black Ox on a 1 sec CD. This would actually not be that bad then. (Maybe with Chi Ji as well, transferring little amounts of damage (10% ?) into healing)

Maybe make it usable while stunned (like the healing burst from Preservation Evoker)?

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I think these announcements make Cataclysm Classic look good.


From WW perspective Theme is great and I think adding in the second usage to the 4 second channel will make if feel better to use, but personally I was hoping we would losing Jadefire stomp for WW and get back Weapons of order. The 10 second maintenance buff is just not fun. (not to mention the movement restrictions)


Its already possible to cast defensive/utility/movement during the cast. If this includes cc/interrupt its likely fairly ok I feel :thinking:

It should trigger the capstone when cc’d I beleive. If not, its indeed a big problem though.

Even if it triggers the capstone it’s going to feel bad i think. For a 4sec channel the damage and healing has to be good during the channel, otherwise we just cast and cancel instantly to trigger the capstone.

As long as the other options are not statues or summons it would be ok i think, depends on tuning. If it was mandatory and you just kept moving around an amalgamation statue wherever you go then no thanks. :smiley:

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I actually really like this tree. I’m somewhat doom and gloom with the whole hero talent system, but this one gives me some hope.

My only critique is to remove the channel from Celestial Conduit. There’s no need for it and the loss of the healing/damage component is meaningless.


The theme is great, but the execution is awful. WW doesn’t need another CD to add to the pile and it certainly doesn’t need to be another channel where we won’t we able to auto even though that last part is small potatoes.

Blizz should have fixed our talent trees first before rolling out the hero talents. That said, I don’t approve of getting WoO back for WW. It’s just a different flavor of Serenity. If anything spend the development time on Serenity instead of making more CDs for WW.


I mean, I do hope it feels good to channel for 1.5mim cd. But I still think what we really want is the capstone effect to trigger.

Its not clear if the channel stops once triggered a second time too.

We’ll see how it plays when we test it but I get the feeling that it’s not meant to be played in our usual cd window, meaning that it’s probably not going to be the target for cc vs the big cd since ccing this would just stop the damage and not the capstone effect.

If anything our big cd should come after we’ve setup the stage with this, which doesnt sound too bad.

Completely agree here, hopefully the talent trees are being worked on at the same time and we get a reveal soon when the alpha starts.

Reducing CD stacking overall would be good for the game imo so i’m with you on not adding WoO back.


I mean if they give us a 4sec channel and the way we use it is to instantly cancel it for the capstone effect then why is it a channel in the first place?

I guess the usage all depends on if for example clones channel it too but as with most cd’s i would expect it would be optimal to stack it with other bonues like wep enchants/pots/lust etc even if the capstone effect is the “big hit”.

I personally loved the playstyle of WoO way more than any time I’ve ever played with serenity. I hate watching resources get capped and unused and WoO had a extremely satisfying 2 min burst window with no room for mistakes. But I also just want Jadefire stomp and bone dust brew off the talent tree and and canned like they should have been after shadowlands.

Understandable. Personally, I think Blizz needs to make the resource capping with Serenity worth it. Its current state is weak.

I mean….it seems pretty apparent from reading it that both abilities simply proc a damage hit and then 15% of the damage the proc does goes out as a typical smart-adjacent heal.

If it works differently than the way it was typed there and I end up eating my words then so be it but the way the tooltip correction reads is that both abilities can just trigger the proc that will do whatever % AP/SP coefficient they set it to for each spec. There’s nothing that would lead one to believe it would be based off the damage or healing of the trigger ability.

p.s. hi

Edit: For the devs: I am beyond excited to see essence font going the way of the dinosaurs. EF is the one thing I really have never enjoyed about MW. It costs an absurd amount of mana for what it does without upwelling talented, meanwhile with upwelling talented the ability breaks the flow of the spec in combat due to the excessively long channel. I hate virtually everything about it. That said, I am curious what they will tie Ancient Teachings to now, since they have previously made it clear that the healing it does must always be payed for by some trigger ability’s mana cost. I also wonder if perhaps they will keep JFS as its sole activator but move the ability to a spot on the tree that makes it significantly easier to access.

Hopefully this is also a sign MW mastery will finally get the rework it has needed for years. I guess we’ll see!

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Is there a way to replace Shielun’s Gift in Heart of the Jade serpent talent? Mana Tea would seem like a better fit? I really don’t like the idea Heart of the Jade Serpent when Shielun’s is so far down the MW tree.

Also, I’m pretty sure WWs don’t want to be tied to Jadefire Stomp at all. Perhaps rework it to a MW thing only.

Does this mean we can finally expect a mastery rework?


I’m looking at this from a ww perspective but I honestly don’t like it for mw either. The theme is existent, but it really is just 4 procs that are celestial themed and a big channel spell that to be blunt has no business existing for ww. Worst of all it encourages the use of talents that would be better served deleted or revamped. I know my opinion of this is mostly negative so I’ll try to be objective with my objections and state that what I want from a hero talent is a gameplay that would be interesting to play with.

The four second channel does not look interesting to me, how do we optimize it with ww ? Is it going to be cast with all three storm earth and fire clones or will it be a damage loss to stack these cooldowns? I don’t even want to think of using it with serenity because dropping a 4 second channel in the middle of resource free spender spam is antithetical to how that cooldown should be used. Stack it with Xuen should make sense but the cooldowns don’t match so you either hold it for 30 seconds(feels awful) or only stack them on pull.

I also can’t help but notice its a split damage effect which can very easily make it awful for a lot of cases where you don’t want extra targets eating the damage buff in fact heres a very common one: skytouched if this channel does convoke damage then I can see a world where you apply sky touch then channel and finish the channel with a rsk, maybe even some thing with like sky touch fist of wind lord channel rsk before debuff ends type combo. But in aoe you just don’t do that because the sky touch target is taking split damage from the channel and it isn’t worth it. The very concept of the ability is clunky and adding 4 additional procs on the capstone does nothing to help.

Speaking of the procs it has 2nd or 3rd best conduit energy where all of it is passive maybe trackable with a weakaura but fundamentally won’t change how you play much and gives no exciting rewards unless the effects themselves look flashy. Or if they do I’d rather they didn’t, Xuen does massive damage so hitting tiger palm more often is a dps increase? Miss me with that. Chi ji damage is massive? I see guess we don’t want to fist of fury in aoe since it won’t proc chi ji then. Also there is a possibility of xuen punishing you for building up teachings of the monastery by proccing twice in a row and eating a niozao kick charge. It makes me hope the effects are ignorable and passive which shouldn’t be how they should make me feel.

Finally we have the talent integration. Rushing jade wind on live is a button that I would consider rerolling over if it was made relevant via hero talent or tier set. It isn’t a fun button to play with. I tolerate jadefire stomp but still felt my day get worse when I saw it on this talent tree because it meant 1. jadefire stomp will still exist in war within, and 2. its going to be relevant. And it will be relevant because the 3% stat choice node it fights for is unlikely to be the best one for damage not when it can proc haste and also with the jadefire one enabling small burst combos with smart use of skyreach.

One thing I don’t see people complaining enough about is that whirling dragon punch is also enabled here for the yulon side, I would actually like whirling dragon punch and would like it to be relevant, but the support for it in this tree is basically nonexistent. Its cdr, and the issue with wdp is tuning, and cdr also messes with the ability besides since you can’t cast it while your spells are up. In the hopes that the tree gets a significant rework I would like to request whirling dragon punch synergies replace the rushing jade wind ones. I mean wouldn’t it be cool if whirling dragon punch had like 100% more dragon as in yu lon. You hit whirling dragon punch and yu lon shows up and breaths jade in front of you, make the mistweaver one function with thunder focus tea or something.

TLDR: I generally support hero talents as a concept but this one looks like it’ll make me not want to play windwalker next expac and I feel that the issues are entirely gameplay and are fundamental to the current tree itself. It would take a rework for me to like this tree. I’m not super big on it for mw either, but its not fundamentally flawed for mw like it is for ww so I’ll leave that alone.


I would like clarification on what “decrease the cooldown time by 100% for 8 seconds” means exactly (Yulon talent, left end of the tree).

Does it mean that during those 8 seconds, every 1 second that passes causes those abilities to reduce in cooldown by 2 seconds? (Each second is 100% more effective at reducing the cooldown)

Or does it mean that those abilities are spammable and have 0 cooldown (100% of the cooldown removed) during that 8 second?

Or maybe something else?

It seems like if the former it should instead read “these abilities cooldown 100% faster for the next 8 seconds” and if the latter should instead read “these abilities have 0 cooldown for the next 8 seconds”.

I am assuming everyone had their first interpretation in mind as what they think is correct, but it really is ambiguous. It is somewhat similar to Serenity’s concept of CDR, but is still worded differently…