Need to see how Marks works before discussing hypotheticals regarding tier set info
S2 will be 2pc or none at all. Lazzy design and horrid rng teir sets will lead to most specs not wanting them. GG Blizz, GG.
And god forbid more than 1 peice has vers on it.
… Are you serious? This set bonus needs to go back to the drawing board. This would make it feel bad to use Obliterate, the most awesome frost DK ability. I want Obliterate to continue to feel awesome to use and this does the opposite.
Why proc the AoE ability Frostscythe? It always felt terrible to use. I’m perfecly happy never taking it. Procing an AoE ability would feel bad when using single target builds.
I don’t want the proc to be solely AoE abilities with an important single target ability having a chance to lower my dps by removing the buff. This set bonus would feel awful single target (and AoE as well with Obliterate cleave being a signifant factor in AoE). When I hit Pillar of Frost with the Obliteration talent, I would have lots of chances to lower my dps (due to cancelling the set bonus proc) during a buff that’s supposed to increase my dps (Pillar) because of how often I would be hitting Obliterate. I enjoy the Obliteration talent. I want to hit Obliterate as often as possible.
Frost DK has too much rng as it is, and now you’re adding more with this set bonus. I think I see what you’re doing by making things casino based because of the goblin theme, but that doesn’t make it a fun idea. It’s not.
The set bonus will feel terrible. I want nothing to do with it.
Note: I will always use a 2h weapon. It’s important to me to have 2h frost be on par with dw frost dps-wise and this does nothing to fix that. I do mostly keys with some normal/heroic raids mixed in on my DK. I do not PvP.
Recent feedback on 2/4 sets:
Winning Streak sets(Melee dps): Most of these are really bad. Two types of RNG in one set, one where you gain a bonus and one where you lose the bonus. Some of these will feel terrible because it could stop you from pressing a button you want to press because it could take away your bonus and the 4p is not worth it in that moment.
Others, like Enhance, might have a 4p that is not worth gaining the effect of in favor of losing Winning Streak in some scenarios, leading to the set just feeling bad overall since you will either lose the stacks and be sad or not spend Maelstrom Weapon in order to keep the stacks and be sad you can’t spend.
I also don’t like that some sets have guaranteed ways of getting Winning Streak while others do not. That is odd, either they all should or all should not. All of them have chances to lose it, but not all of them have guaranteed ways of gaining it.
Two facets of RNG from Winning Streak sets just won’t play well. Too much RNG and 1/2 of that RNG could be a negative if the 4p isn’t strong enough to want to lose Winning Streak stacks in all scenarios.
Just as an example, I think Winning Streak should be more like this:
(The stacks would not have a duration until you reach max stacks, and the duration cannot be refreshed once you hit max stacks so it falls off naturally/resets naturally)
2p-"You Have a chance to gain winning streak from x/y/z abilities, increasing your Stormstrike, Ice Strike and Lava Lash damage by 5%, stacking 5 times. Consuming Maelstrom Weapon increases the chances of gaining Winning Streak by x% per amount spent.
4- “When you activate Ascendance or Doom Winds, gain an extra 5 stacks of Winning Streak, up to a total of 10 stacks.”
Jackpot sets(Ranged dps): Seems fun potentially and at least has a guaranteed way of getting the effect when you press your major CD. Theres no real negative effect to this one outside of RNG and it seems like it could be strong. Some tier sets in general have RNG anyway.
The Frost DK design just flat out doesn’t work. At most it gives more passive cleave which is what we already have in abundance. Why dos FDK generate on any ability and reset on our most pressed button? Whereas UHDK generates and resets on the same ability. Which also is their most damaging ability, as well as having guaranteed max stacks during their CD windows. With the top build being Breath we aren’t pressing Frost Strike that entire time, so it being buffed it pointless. Not to mention that Frost Strike is a negligible amount of our damage profile.
its absolutely ridiculous that using rampage the ability they said in the class changes that they want us to use more often, removes winning streak. Its a complete contradiction to that goal.
Any chance this could be changed to Explosive shot instead of kill command? Could be a lot of fun if it reset explosive and increased its damage.
Yeah its wild. The enhance set will very possibly stop Enh shamans from using Maelstrom weapon at 10 stacks sometimes because the damage increase to Stormstrike will just be better in that moment than getting CDR off doom winds and losing your stacks. Its a really bad set, most of the Winning Streak ones are.
I don’t mind the Jackpot sets at all, I like those because theres RNG that for most specs is very strong, and you also guarantee proc it with your major CD with 4 set.
Winning Streak having a major downside of removing stacks is a bit ridiculous, even more so when it seems very possible this set could stop you from pressing a major ability to avoid losing stacks. And if it doesnt, then it likely feels bad because then you just lose stacks potentially so its a lose/lose scenario.
This is horrible. Why are you stacking more RNG on the player? There is already way too much now. You need buff every class pretty significantly to counter all the massive nerfs in Season 1. Come on guys, you can do better than this. Maybe a trinket should have these things, but not set bonuses. It pretty much puts the player at the agency of RNG. I dont like these changes.
please look at the “winning streak” tag in general, it’s just so not satisfying for so many reasons,
I said this earlier but here’s more feedback for Survival Hunter in PvE in general:
- Winning Streak is a bit boring in general giving us a passive stacking buff to Wildfire Bomb when the majority of our tier sets since 9.2 have been passive buffs to WFB
- WFB takes away its own buff which won’t feel nice since you can’t really “game” or have any impactful decisions the buff of the 2pc by holding anything
- The 4pc bonus is NOT a satisfying reward for losing the 2pc bonus for two major reasons: 1) kill command damage is very low so a once-per-winning streak 200% buff won’t feel like a satisfying reward for losing the 2pc buff and 2) we have more than enough tip of the spear stacks already, so you’ll just end up empowering your filler 3) at this point in TWW more tip of the spear stacks aren’t really rewarding as we have so many from other sources already
Whoever is designing the gear for WoW lately might need to find a new job because the designs have been absolutely terrible. The quality and creativity of gear have gone downhill hard.
It’s like they’ve completely given up on making gear exciting or unique. No animations, no originality—just the same uninspired stuff over and over again. Where’s the flair? Where’s the effort? Gear used to feel like something worth chasing, but now it’s just disappointing.
And it’s not just the looks—the stats don’t even make the gear appealing. Take the Arcane Mage gear for PvP right now. The set doesn’t even correspond well to an Arcane Mage’s PvP stats. It’s like they didn’t even bother to consider how players would actually use it.
What happened to the days when gear design and functionality made you want to show it off and actually use it?
The only ppl who care about too many resources are ppl who care about parses. The other 99% of ppl would rather have more resources.
That looks fine.
If you make 3 buff, that will be awesome.
Essentially instead of having a unique tier set for each spec that changes their gameplay in an interesting way, we now have 4 total unique tier sets, one for each role. And those tier sets are not interesting at all - they are just entirely passive buffs or damage windows you can’t control. Wildly disappointing to hear.
Having boring/passive tier sets in a season 1 is fine. Having boring/passive tier sets in season 2 and beyond is lazy and inexcusable. Only doing 4 of those already lazy sets is just downright insulting. These all look so lazy and terribly designed it’s actually just embarrassing. If a tier set does not change your core rotation in season 2+, it is a fundamental design failure with the set.
The .7 patch was already so low effort you would think they would want to do something cool after it but instead it’s just more low effort garbage. It genuinely seems like outside of creating new raids and dungeons, the entire game could be (and potentially is) supported by a single person or two. That would at least explain the complete lack of design depth or interesting content that has been released (or teased) since launch.
Huh? No. It’s about gameplay feel, and it feels awful when your resource is meaningless/devalued because you have too much of it. Parses (or even damage numbers) have absolutely nothing to do with it.
Resources need to be tuned pretty tightly for specs to work properly, and unfortunately Blizzard keeps injecting extra resources into specs (via set bonuses or hero talents or what have you), which upsets that balance. And then there’s specs like Arms which just have infinite rage baseline for multiple expansions straight, which is baffling.
wrong as per usual. having your resource mean nothing will always feel bad because your spenders that use said resource will feel bad
Are you daft?
People tend to like hitting their spenders more than their builders in almost every game possible, it’s the whole point about doing maximum damage is to hit your big hits as much as possible.
have to mnuch resource means your “big” spender isnt big and relegated to be only a tad bit stronger than generators, which is what ret is rn.
im not saying make us resource starve either, we dont have to go from one extreme to another you potato. we can make resource mean something again by making judgement generate one hopo and buff spenders/nerf generators to discourage general hopo wastage
If all you press is your spender, that spender can’t actually do a lot of damage (and doesn’t feel special to press anymore). That’s why Starsurge and Chaos Bolt don’t do that much damage, you press them like every other or every 3rd GCD.
You need to press your “bad” buttons to provide contrast in order to make the “good” button actually feel good. This way the “good” button actually gets to do a lot of damage, which also leads to the ability to pool more damage for bursting priority targets for example.
There’s also the aspect where generating so many resources that they just overcap (Arms, Frost mage, both shaman DPS specs, SH Affliction etc) feels… wasteful. If managing your resource is not important, why is the resource there at all? Just make every Ice Lance autocrit, change Arms to a “press buttons on CD” spec rather than a resource management spec (despite it SPECIFICALLY being pitched as the not-GCD-capped resource management spec, as opposed to Fury).
The game needs both resource management specs that are not GCD capped and GCD capped “juggle a bunch of short CDs” specs where the resource is more of an afterthought. At the moment, the former “style” barely exists, because whenever the class devs have to come up with a new talent/set etc, the first thing they jump to is “inject more resources”, and this resource creep has been going on for a decade at least.