Feedback: Class Sets in The War Within Season 2

Why are elf ears still sticking out of helms still?? Why is this still a thing?

As an example: season 3 dk set in dragonflight as a elf ears did not show through the helm.

Now we are back to ears sticking out of helms again! It does not look good! We can put short ears on but they still show through. I just don’t understand why this is still a thing.

Incorrect. What you consider as “too many resources” may be just the right amount to other people.
The problem is, and always has been, is the lack of resources absolutely kills specs. See, you would rather have fewer resources to make the spenders “feel” better [even though thry hit for the same amount so its at best a misdirection on your part] (even though parses are a large part of it), while the spec absolutely feels like trash to everyone else. On the other side, you complain about too many resources bc it “devalues” spenders all while the rest of players are like, “hey the spec is actually flowing now.”
For once, step outside of your box and play like the rest of the 99% of the population who might not play the spec perfectly.
Also, as a warning, the more you push blizz to do something, the more they go overboard on something. They do it every.single.time. ive seen it continuously happen over thr last 20yrs. So count your blessings with resources, quit playing “feelycraft” and enjoy the flow.

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Spenders will hit for the same amount whether you hit them once or 50 times. Your arguing “feeling” instead of actual reality.
All your doing by bottlenecking resources is slowing down the apm, making players wait for spells, and ruining the flow.
Again, this is about parses, not about play. Its the 1% who complains about resources. Who in their right mind complains about a good thing?

No we dont. Stop entertaining this.

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Mate you’ve got that all topsy turvy.

Builder spenders tend to feel better gameplay wise when they’re busy the whole time, you need to have a build up in their gameplay.
The only real builder spenders are fury and ret since they start from nothing and build to spend, your energy classes are somewhat build to spend but they manage their energy gauge to build a resource so they hit this slightly but at a different feel.

Cooldown management specs such as Enhancement don’t necessarily deal with a primary resource at all, so it’s prioritising it’s attacks from largest to smallest impact as they come up.

Then you’ve got the specs that are somewhat limited in what they can generate themselves Arms comes to mind here. Resources are only flooded in Arms due to a combination of the Windfury effect from shaman’s buff alongside their inability to use a variable rage dump (execute) pre 35%, it’s dump pre 35% is Slam which is a flat 20 rage per cast, as opposed to execute’s variable of 20-40.

Now in this phase Arms feels like it has a resource to manage since it’s actually able to interact with it and the increased rate of expenditure also funnels into overpower resets which make for a much more engaging finish to a fight.

Now let’s distinguish the heart of the problem.

Free attack procs/resets.

While they’re engaging and nice to play with they also cause concern for how they overwhelm the priority and muddy up the gameplay, now if universally resource generation was lowered and then your main spender got adjusted to being hit less throughout a fight (say every 10s to keep it interesting but also not make it scarce) then yes you would get the effect of spenders actually feeling like spenders. But that won’t ever be the case in the current design with how it’s set right now.

So calling for resource reduction without a proper rework of procs that bloat gameplay across the board to account for the gameplay implications is near sighted at best.


Well said, good sir.

There is zero need to call for “resource nerfz” when, in reality and not feelycraft, resource management is just fine.

Also, sidebar, this is why no one rly takes community councilmen seriously. They are just elitists, influencers, and streamers using the position to push their personal agendas. I dont think anyone even reads their forums, nor do they even approach significant topics anymore. They just address the topics they want to talk about. I think the last time i read their forum was a year + ago and it was filled with some of the worst biased takes on the game. I never returned. So it doesnt surprise me this guy has the worst idea about things.

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The amount of times this has actually been true can be counted on 1 hand.

No they don’t. The spec as a whole has to do a certain amount of DPS. So if you press a button more often, it has to hit less hard (or other buttons have to hit less hard to compensate, which leads to its own issues).
If we take a hypothetical spec where you just press Chaos Bolt every GCD, that spec still has to do the same DPS as the much better designed spec that uses 5 different abilities rotationally. To make that happen, Chaos Bolt needs to hit less hard than it would if you pressed it every 3rd GCD with 2 weaker hitting Incinerates in between. That’s just reality.

Parses. Have. Nothing. To. Do. With. Any. Of. This.


Many specs desperately need this, yes. Energy as a resource is SUPPOSED to have downtime in button presses, and yet energy specs have basically no downtime in the modern game.

No. For the flow of certain specs to work, downtime is necessary. Every energy spec, every DK spec, Arms and BM being the main ones. If those specs can fill every GCD, the designers have failed.

How do you keep repeating this meaningless line?

And most casters.

And these specs need downtime for their resource to function properly. The whole point is that you pool energy, spend it all in a short burst (which is the REASON why those specs have a 1 sec GCD) and then recharge. The alternative to this is the variant where you have to pace your energy expenditure in order to hit your big abilities on CD (WW, indirectly Feral/Assa because DoTs are effectively CD abilities). Unfortunately, that falls apart when you have too much energy/generate too many CP, which has been the reality of energy specs for a very very long time now.

It doesn’t matter if Arms generates too much or is unable to spend enough, the end result is the same and it doesn’t really matter whether you fix it by increasing costs or reducing generation. Blaming it on Windfury is also… weird. That’s not why Arms has too much rage, it has too much rage because it generates significantly more than it can spend, and that has to be fixed within the spec itself.

Free casts of your spender are effectively the same thing as generating more resource, so they’re part of the same overall problem of too many resources.

Good thing I’m not saying they should just reduce resource generation and do nothing else, then.

That is the entire point, yes. Why would anybody talk about topics they DON’T want to talk about? That’d be dumb.

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You mistake downtime as a positive thing, in most cases it is not and opting for increases your resource generation to reduce downtime is done for practically every spec.

Good downtime.

  • Channel/Cast times, they add weight and emphasis to the power being displayed in that attack.
  • Cooldown based specs when played correctly will always result in minor breaks, but these tend to be short and do not put a damper on the experience.

Bad Downtime.

  • Having little to no control over your primary resource generation when all you have is spenders (Mostly an Arms problem), this is also paramount in that it tends to favour maximising resource generation at the cost of other options. Diablo’s Barbarian comes to mind here as a comparison, no matter how much they nerf resource generation players find a new way to avoid generators at all cost to spam their higher damage spenders.

Ah so you have no clue as to how the spec functions then between it’s two hero talents and it’s reliance on Windfury pre execute and especially during it, got ya :slight_smile:


“Downtime” is an antiquated concept and entirely unnecessary. The ONLY benefit I can see in downtime is less risk of a Repetitive Strain Injury.

The biggest problem with downtime is that Blizzard has NEVER been able to compensate classes with downtime vs. classes without. Take Ret Paladins vs. Feral Druids for example. With the Ret Paladin uptime on wings and divine storm resets, they will always be able to climb ahead while Feral’s dots are ticking. Feral can’t rely on just dots and must ALSO be active that entire time just to compete, which seriously stresses energy unless you get some lucky procs.


I honestly think he is only here to troll. I dont think anyone can be that backwards.


Tank Tier Sets Feedback:
These tier sets fail to spark excitement or dread—they’re just uninspired effects that provide generic survivability and damage boosts without requiring much thought or engagement.

Overall Tier Sets Feedback:
Tier sets have lost their iconic appeal. They no longer introduce unique, game-changing mechanics to specs for a new season. Instead, they feel like a bland, thematic garnish, reduced to a routine task for class designers rather than a source of creativity or innovation. I think this is a reaction to the heavy criticism of “borrowed power” systems in past expansions—they overcorrected, stripping tier sets of the extreme power or excitement that made them memorable, even if only for a season.

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while i’d agree that resource over-generation to the point where you can never run out and/or are frequently overcapped is a bad thing, i don’t think meaningful resources are mutually exclusive with being GCD-locked

an example i’m personally familiar with: survival is very much about making the best use of resources, and it’s GCD-locked. part of the spec being GCD-locked has long come from managing focus wisely; having downtime more than every once in a while suggests that focus is being wasted somewhere, whether it’s being allowed to sit at cap or not being generated at times when it should be. TWW’s addition of a secondary damage-increasing resource (tip of the spear) makes for especially fun gameplay that’s both active and gives a feeling of agency

that’s not to say specs with a slower cadence don’t have a place. some folks might prefer the gameplay of executing well-timed attacks with downtime between. i just don’t think that’s inherently necessary for a resource system to be meaningful

i know you didn’t mention SV but afaik BM and the DK specs have similar types of “GCD-locked if you manage resources right” play

It is for some specs, and for every spec it’s healthier if you don’t just mash your spender every other GCD.

If it’s the highest DPS option yes. There is nothing about filling every GCD that’s inherently better than not doing so.

Reliance on… a raid buff that you always have? Not accounting for a buff that’s always present is a spec design failure, not that just removing 16% of rage generation from this graph would fix it:

Dude never drops under 50 rage until execute despite pressing buttons every GCD, and hits 0 rage twice across an entire fight.

Should Windfury be changed to not generate resources? Yeah probably, they did it for Ret last expansion already, and it’d be a step in the right direction for the remaining specs that gain extra resources from it, like Arms and Feral.

I don’t even know where to begin. This is just… wrong. Hilariously so. Assassination and Feral have both frequently had “high” downtime (in the 30%ish range) while being strong in terms of power. Number of GCDs filled has nothing to do with power level, it’s entirely a question of gameplay feel.

They aren’t mutually exclusive, but being GCD locked absolutely does mean that certain resources have failed at doing their job (energy being the main one, along with Arms rage and BM focus, arguably RP/runes).

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You still haven’t managed to explain how parses have anything to do with this discussion at all.

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what would you say their job is? why these specs & resources specifically?

i can see it for energy, i think, since that’s a resource that did traditionally involve frequent downtime. i don’t think every energy spec needs downtime, but it makes sense for the idea of spec that’s intended to have downtime

(though at the same time energy is kinda weird to me mentally bc focus is basically energy but orange, heh)

This is more a light bulb moment for me than anything else. It’s been bugging me why I don’t like going back to having to use raging blow on my warrior. I’ve had trouble finding the right words to express it. The annihiltor builds from DF felt better to me.

This is the problem. Raging blow resets don’t feel good to me and it was refreshing in DF s3 to not have those resets. I’d be happier if raging blow resets were removed from fury.

Note: My main is a slayer fury warrior. I go slayer because I love using bladestorm as fury. I haven’t even tried the thane hero tree because of the way slayer interacts with my favorite ability for fury, bladestorm.

For Arms it was explicitly the stated goal to make it the slower paced, non-GCD capped spec as a contrast to Fury’s high APM, GCD capped playstyle. BM is similar in that regard, where MM has the controlled ebb and flow of focus, BM is more unpredictable due to relying on procs for a lot of its focus generation.

Energy I’ve already explained I think. At its core it’s about resource efficient ability usage rather than about filling every GCD. Whether that’s pacing expenditure to use big abilities on CD (WW) or maintain DoTs/buffs (Feral/Assa), or pooling for damage windows and then spending a lot in one go (Assa/Sub). In the case of Feral for example, the reward in the past for pacing yourself correctly and just barely keeping plates spinning was that you got to Ferocious Bite. Now you have so many resources that the plate spinning happens by default and you spend most of your time pressing Bite.

Runes/RP are debatable, they’re somewhere in between resource efficiency and GCD maximization, so it’s definitely possible to balance things just right so you can fill every GCD without wasting resources if playing correctly. Most of the time, especially since Legion, it hasn’t really been possible to do that, instead focusing on wasting the “less important” of the 2 resources.

Focus is sort of energy and combo points merged into one resource yeah. Energy primarily comes from passive regeneration and gets turned into CP, focus is a mix of passive regen and active generation.

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im not entertaining this.

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I’m going crazy if people are willingly asking to be flooded with resources. it’s simply not fun to spam things like that. might as well ask for no cooldowns next and just slam XYZ big hitter 50 times in a row.

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You’re wrong there, it’s in the blogs about it too.

TLDR: They wanted a more clear defined use of abilities in each situation, Rend/Slam ST and TC/Cleave/WW AoE. Rather than muddying the gameplay where you stick to higher rage cost attacks to game overpower procs regardless of target count.
They also added options for players to choose how much additional generation they want in the talent trees so they can opt for a less downtime gameplay.