Feedback: Class Sets in The War Within Season 2

I am this days old and I learned that BlizZard doesn’t like unique tier set bonuses so this is their way to rid themselves of it all.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


i meant the bad gear bonuses being circumstance based

I appreciate the effort to change things up with the tier sets but these are mediocre, boring and uninspired.

I really want to stay objective and civil but I can’t help but feel frustrated because this is the best you all could come up with? Where is the class fantasy? Where is the excitement in any of these set bonuses? They’re supposed to be these iconic bonuses that make our rotations fun and interesting for a tier.

I’ll provide some constructive feedback/ideas for the sake of discussion and genuinely wanting to help the devs:

Elemental Shaman:
The 2 set bonus is neat, I like the fantasy of summoning a Fire Elemental. The 4 set bonus is BORING. Let me reiterate, bonuses that just increase spell damage are BORING.

What could you do instead for the 4 set bonus?

  • While the Fire Elemental summoned by Jackpot! is active, each Lava Burst cast by the Shaman is also cast by the Fire Elemental at the current target. Or, when the Fire Elemental expires it launches itself toward the target, exploding and dealing damage in an area of effect and adds a charge to Lava Burst.

Balance Druid:
The 2 set bonus is okay. I don’t like the idea of it being just another mushroom but I guess ya’ll really like mushrooms.

What could you do instead for the 4 set bonus?

  • Enemies afflicted by your Wild Mushroom damage over time effect explode when hit by Wrath, each Wrath hit while this effect is active are guaranteed to be critical hits. Or, enemies afflicted by your Wild Mushroom damage per time effect periodically are hit with a massive shooting star.

blizzard doesnt read feedback. every time its were listening and please give us feedback but then they ignore it say we didnt give any or im sorry were learning from our mistakes but there making the same ones for 20 years.

was it? i didnt even finish the story. my mistake was trying to force myself to enjoy it cause if i didnt do that i could have got a refund

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If you look at my other response, you see that I do take into account the talents and even without the talents, it is still a good defensive OF THE ONES PRESENTED on the sets.
You are NOT having to push it to waste your 6 minute CD, so bringing up it’s cooldown is irrelevant.
Saying I have no idea what I am talking about when you bring up cooldowns on a set bonus that randomly procs the defensive without incurring the cooldown is foolish on your part.

If you do simple math and start at 100hp and take a 50 damage hit, do the math on all the defensives listed, Fort Brew is tied with SI for effective DR, AND you get it for longer duration.
Sets arent great, theyre not even good, but as I have reiterated, a random defensive proc isnt the issue with them for tanks.

This is what I was talking about when saying amount. Semantics here, but it increases amount staggered per hit, not total amount capable of being staggered at once.
Even IF you take the increase Stagger talent, and it isn’t an additive 15% (base 35% + 15% = 50%), then it is still a literal 15% increase (35% * 1.15 = 40.25% or 80.5% Stagger because Shuffle and 70% (base Stagger with Shuffle) *1.15% (talent) = 80.5%)

This is so overtuned and imbalanced its not even funny. Compare this to Monk:

  • (4) Set Bonus: When you gain Luck of the Draw!, your next 2 casts of Blackout Kick deal 150% increased damage and incur a 2 seconds reduced cooldown.

Which will be a tiny increase in DPS for two casts…

Or Warrior:

(4) Set: During Luck of the Draw ! Sheild Slam’s chance to critically strike is increased by 50% and its critical strikes reduce the cooldown of Shield Charge by 6 seconds.

And its not even close. Its clear favoritism when you give one class what amounts to an infinitely spamable OGCD damage ability and give others a small buff that does slightly more damage. Warrior’s is laughably bad given that many warriors don’t even TAKE shield charge.

I also just realized that Warrior’s tier set has a typo, which makes even more sad.


No monks take the stagger amount talent. Baseline it doesn’t increase stagger. The talent for increasing Fort Brew stagger isn’t actually 15%, its more like 6% so its even worse.


I hope everyone here understands that these are horrid tier set designs, aside from our prot pally overlords. Blizz will not change them. They have lost touch with what THEIR plan was for DF and The War Within. Save us Bill Gates.


So Vengeance is the only tank that requires you to use a specific capstone talent to work? Why would you have to be forced to use a certain talent point to make a 4pc work? Terrible design on top of the already crap talent trees and gutted abilities for DH’s rn imo


Lazy design across the board.

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Resto Shaman 4 piece is looking awful even with the educated guessing and unless the numbers are absurd this is a significant downgrade from Season 1 set to the point might stick with it for a long time until get Season 2 mythic pieces.

We’re not HOT healers and even leaning in heavily to Riptide does not change that fact.

at the very least it should have interaction with ancestors/HST/CBT

Let the set bonuses like they are right now, be on live.
You already approved it and show it to your players. It’s means they are in a very advance stage of development.
Don’t be shy and release them like they are.
If something needs to be added to a game, is RNG. Feel free to the luck to carry you. Those are tier sets anyway and aren’t gonna be a heavy weight on performance, but just an extra.

Wanted to give some feedback on the Destruction Tier set from a pve perspective (Mythic Raid/m+)

I do like the 2p, i think it sounds cool and (hopefully) has a nice visual impact and might even have some synergies if things like raging demonfire apply to these bolts.

Now the 4p i have some issues with:

  1. I dont like that it devalues the existing capstone talent Chaos Incarnate as its effect is just a better version of it and during its effect it renders the talent useless
  2. I dont believe a 10s damage amp fits destructions damage profile as you dont press alot of high value spells into a short duration (like i’d like to be the case)
  3. It’s a little bit boring and doesnt read like it will have interesting synergies (only an anti synergy with CI like mentioned above). I dont think this procc will lead to the feeling a procc should desire to have (the “oh yeah im gonna do something cool now” feeling).
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The melee template of winning streak needs to be reworked. It has ‘feels bad’ as its core mechanic, and is so poorly designed that there are probably going to be specs that will choose to not equip the 4pc. It is embarrassing that this was presented as a legitimate option.

i got a feeling tset isn’t going to be bis for some warrior probably one of them since they mess up the stats on the gear so often ARMS/FURY DOESN’T NEED VERS

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will be so fun when our defensive as a tank pops at the end of a pack haha


Please don’t remind me of that. God awful design/and outright lazy.

This seems lazy for class tier sets. There’s no class identity with this, just role benefits. This absolutely is going to be a boring season if these tier bonuses stay this way.

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Thinking about it now, I think Blizzard is making this much more complex than it needs to be. Adding Jackpot!, Luck of the Draw!, Winning Streak! and Insurance! as key words to something that should be very straight forward and beneficial is, quite frankly, overly complex and absurd. Kudos for their imagination, but it isn’t something that’s needed. The Dev’s should stick to the tried, true and tested way it’s always been for tier sets.