I basically never log in and post (for many expansions now), but I logged in today to express my dislike of the Hunter tier set bonuses.
I’m really enjoying Survival currently. I just don’t like the idea of needing a Weak Aura to alert me when I get the Kill Command buff so I can avoid overcapping on Tips. I don’t mind going into Coordinated Assault with the single target build knowing that each Kill Command will give me 3 Tips, but I would dislike responding to that at random and it sounds like it would feel terrible in the current single target build with Coordinated Assault running, making the 4-set a useless, duplicated effect that munches itself in that window.
As for other tier ideas:
-It would be cool to get the Shrapnel Bomb portion of old Wildfire Infusion as a proc or on all bombs at reduced effectiveness (hoping that bleed would interact with Hunter talents).
-A proc that buffs and resets Explosive Shot / Butchery would make it so proper play refunds bombs slightly faster.
-a Flanking Strike associated tier set would make some people mad but it would be cool to get Flanking Strike resets (if it’s associated talent gets bugfixed)
As for Marksman, I don’t hate it but I’m worried about getting locked into uninteresting talents and there being a feast/famine effect on their DPS (can’t recall if bad luck protection was mentioned).
I am MEGA WORRIED about MM AOE becoming restricted further with the loss of Light Ammo/Heavy Ammo. We are losing obnoxious council damage and our target cap is going down in a world where people still want to pull bigger (despite the gross nerf to AOE stops). It really sucks to see the recent Trick Shots percentage damage buff followed by Light Ammo getting deleted. They need to at least be at the same target cap as Survival to compete. MM single target hasn’t been good for a while either. I think they need to have their damage profile turned on its head. If keeping them at this reduced target count is a certainty, they need great single target.
Frost DK tier compared to Unholy tier is laughably mismatched in favor of Unholy. Guaranteed, stack capped Winning Streak for 30 seconds vs. higher capped (but not stack capped) Winning Streak that can potentially immediately fall off.
Assuming 4 weeks into tier when everyone has their respective 4p bonuses, Frost’s base damage is going to have be tower over Unholy’s to make up for the difference in tier bonus.
An AOE focused set bonus is fine, but it has no additional effect in st. Compared to most other sets granting % dmg, design wise this seems to completely ignore any st value. Hopefully the primary target damage is tuned well, but I can’t see that being the case when adding 8 targets wouldnt make the effect insane.
I dont play bear a ton but the 2-piece looks so swingy(tbh all the tank ones do) adding no enjoyable gameplay to tanking, if anything itll probably feel worse with its rng proc system.
Did you accidently waste a bunch of defensives because it procced right before the bosses major tank buster that you were setting up for?
Did it go off in a pack of mini mobs and just mitigate some negligable white hits that could be handled with basic ironfur right before an actual dangerous pack?
Did it proc at the end of a pack? Not only did it get wasted there but the duration so short it wont even last into the next packs pull, where bear’s at its weakest and the extra DR would be valuable.
Maybe it did procced when a pull went south and actually saved your life? Nice, to bad you cant rely on that to happen ever again.
With such a large DR its really all over the place for value and bears focus on stacking and rotating out defensives gets undermined by it rng nature.
Since brew has a weaker defensive but with a longer duration to compensate i think smoothing out bears the same way might be something to consider; like making it give barkskin for 8 seconds instead of survival instincts for 4. That way its still a notable mitigation gain overall but:
its a mitigation we’re already likely to layer with others so it wont feel bad if it goes off when we’re stacking other defensives for big hits.
It wont feel wasted on minor packs since we’re already using it on cooldown anyway.
it has a small optional dps component with brambles.
Vengeance is getting meta which is a pretty large dps gain ontop of the major defensive so maybe rage of the sleeper could also work here, but survival instincts really doesnt feel like a good spell to put on rng.
2- piece: I can see why insurance is a really boring 2-piece to other healers but since resto’s biggest weakness is unpredicted/failure damage its pretty great for us, like a generic living seed passively set up by our normal hot ramping gameplay. Little extra burst when things go wrong to stabilize while we play catchup.
None of the following applies if the “removed” in “consume or removed” includes the buff timing out after completing its healing naturally, in which case the sets fine for raid even discounting the lifebloom portion entirely, as long as the generic proc rate for 2-piece insurance is decent, its just a luxuriant soil 2.0 with an extra step and thats fine.
Dislike for raids; especially the lifebloom portion, just doesnt seem very thought out. It’ll be on 1/20+ targets at a time, raid build doesnt run photo, and with flourishes new buff this season thats unlikely to change, so no bonus bloom procs for more triggers. The Lifebloom bonus at best is 1 standard insurance heal and 1 hot application/refresh to 1 target every 13*(0.3) seconds. At worse we’re constantly moving lifebloom to spot heal with HB’s bonus stacks so it wont get the chance to time out and bloom giving no procs at all.
The other half of the bonus is better, assuming general insurance procs are good its covers the easy spread hots niche we lost with luxuriant soils removal, but with a low health trigger to make the spread a little more consistent.
It does feel like it has a bit of anti-synergy with other healers. Getting our hots sniped has always been a problem in raids, but if Every Healer is going to have insurance pop off when the raid hits 40% and get their own bonuses; the auto applied hots can get consistently, passively, sniped.
In keys it looks pretty great, people getting 2-shot from failure damage between hot ticks is, as stated, our biggest weakness. In raids thats not a problem because other healers fill the gap but keys (especially pugs) is where we really struggle with it so the base insurance bonus is great. The lifebloom talent build here makes all of the 4 piece valuable; itll be on 2/5 people, with a bunch of bonus blooms to proc insurances. No other healer to snipe the hots applied so it will always have good value.
A bonus to consumed Insurance when all 3 hots are already on the target would be nice especially with how regrowth and rejuv are already pretty much 100% on all targets in keys but we spend a lot more time shapeshifted or doing utility in 5-mans so the just having the hots refresh if someone gets low is a decent bonus here.
Fort Brew is tied with Survival Instinct as the second best 2 set defensive ability, and they get Fort Brew for longer. Fort Brew also increases Max HP, don’t forget that.
Agreed, theyre all swingy, but a random defensive proc that incurs no cooldown on your actual button has zero downsides. (Although it is very boring and lackluster)
Yes it feels bad that it may proc when you already pushed something, but you lose nothing. The true problem lies in having to TAKE damage to proc it, simply because there is also a damage amp tied to getting the random proc. Off tanking a boss for 30 seconds and instead of having to push defensives, you can push damage, but you only get increased damage when actively tanking and (mostly) having to push buttons to be alive.
The 4 set here is… fun to me. I just would rather it cast a random bear ability because I dont need to see .5% of my overall damage be 5 casts of Wrath just because a mob was 9yards away out of Thrash radius
Just want to say that I agree with this conclusion based on the feedback given so far.
Honestly Blizz, put your minds to the grind and think up something better.
The main issues, imo:
RNG, nobody likes it, why would you put even more RNG into the game?
Where is the skill involved with taking advantage of/properly using a set bonus??
Ok so, it’s 4:15 and let’s say i put my mind to the grind and see how fast i can make a set bonus for Ret, that would actually be fun to play, with following the theme and rules set by Blizzard, so i don’t have much leg-room.
Original Blizz set is:
Proposed set is:
(2) Set Bonus: Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate a Divine Blessing!, increasing the damage of your Templar’s Verdict and Divine Storm by 2%, stacking up to 10 times. Every 8th Templar’s Verdict or Divine Storm makes your next Wake of Ashes remove Divine Favor.
Fixes rng, makes it actually track-able and players can use their brains to play around the bonus, if you don’t do 8 TV/DS before your next Wake, you have to weight if you delay it, or go through, which takes skill to ascertain.
(4) Set Bonus: When you lose your Divine Blessing! you get Recompense causing the last Holy Power spent to come back and the next 4 holy power abilities proc Divine Purpose and have their critical strike chance increased by 100%, anything over 100% gets added as critical damage.
Makes you actually feel like you are playing a paladin by renaming the Winning Streak to Divine Blessing and then we have the 4pc bonus which gets Recompense to top off the Winning Streak a.k.a the Divine Blessing.
And by getting Divine Purpose every TV/DS you are not rushed to spam only finishers and can focus on properly playing the spec. To top it off that’s how you do critical gains, excess gets converted to critical dmg, so the stat weights don’t become trash for critical strike. Is it so hard not to be wasteful?
It’s 4:30 now and took me 15 mins to clear this, should take a day’s work at most to revamp all the sets if 2 ppl stay focused on the task.
No excuses for a billion dollar company to not put in the effort.
Back again to express how disgusting it is that Blizzard even thought players would want this type of thing. You took away tier sets entirely for BfA and no one liked it. This is even worse as at least Azerite gear had spec specific effects and not homogenized stuff based on your role. Get rid of this.
11.0 you were like “tier sets are gonna be a bit basic opening patch”. Fine. Ok. Somehow you made them even more basic for 11.1 though. They dont even affect anyones rotation as the effects are all rng. Its horrible.
this whole set design (all classes) is a 0/10 for me.
I don’t want my DPS to be all RNG.
I don’t want a weak aura to be telling me what buttons to push - which of 3 gimmicky rotations I am using now based on what buff I have from the set. So cringe.
I just want to play the game. Please let me just play the game. Stop with the gimmicks.
Forgetting about the BDK typo for the moment (I actually got a chuckle from that), these set bonuses look pretty cool to me, and I’m looking forward to trying them out. I’ll reserve judgement on them until I’ve actually played around with them, kind of like most of the folk here who commented negative feedback without having a clue.
In my opinion, the tank tiers un general have an RNG component that is going tonbe frustrating, because it leaves your abilitie as a tank player behind leaving it to a proc luck, thats my take, but ibcould be in the wrong, it would be awsome if Blizzard referr to this concern
If you can’t realize what changes, if any, occur in your rotation based on the descriptions of the sets, then it’s you who doesn’t have a clue about the class that you’re playing.
Just shows how little you know how you’re going to be negatively effected by these bonuses if you play any of the Melee specs who all mostly have awful proposed set bonuses that will enable degenerate gameplay that deviates from the intended order of operations.