Class: Warlock.
Spec: Affliction.
1º - Concerns in Regards to the (2) Set Bonus.
Truth be told, a Haste Proc for affliction is a good effect in PVE, specially given it should have something close to a 30% uptime with it’s 1ppm + haste and darkglare proc.
But it’s not the most original tierset effect, in fact, this tierset is very similar to the one who existed in Vault of the Incarnates for affliction, both offering a 12% haste proc who is also hasted by itself.
If compared to the tiersets of Destruction and Demonology, the number of interactions and synergies with talents fall on the basic side.
In the end it is a tierset who increase your damage by 4% or so, but don’t actively change anything on how to play or how you interact with spells/talents, thanks to that it looks more like an effect who would exist on a S1 tierset (like Vault) than in a S2.
2 - Concerns in Regards to the (4) Set Bonus: Single Target vs AOE.
The idea of spreading damage over time effects from one individual target to multiple ones is quite a brilliant idea, makes me think a bit about Necrotic Plague who Unholy DK’s once had in Warlords of Draenor.
But it’s power balance between the single target value and the aoe value is at odds, its power in single target is very low while in aoe its much higher.
The effect is currently weak in single target, at a 30% uptime, with Unstable affliction at some 7%-10% of your overall puts this effect at 1%~1.5% damage gain.
But buffing this effect can be dangerous because, on the other hand, in aoe, not only will it add 3 more UAs for aoe at a 30% uptime, it will also increase the damage of Malefic Rapture and generate additional shards if the targets affected by those UA come to die under its effect.
This will be partially limited by UA’s only going to 3 additional targets, different from many tiersets who fully scale with AOE.
In conclusion, i find it will be challenging to make this effect meaningfull in single target and aoe at the same time, without creating issues where its “too powerfull” or “too weak” in specific situations.
3 - Concerns in regards to the (4) Set Bonus: M+
I also have some amount of worry towards how this tierset will interact in M+.
Procing this effect at the end of a pack will feel quite a bit of a waste after all, as not only the pack will shortly be dead, not giving enough time to extract value of the additiona UA’s but any Soul Shard generated will quickly vanish due to the soulshards being reset to 3 while out of combat.
Procing the effect at lower soul-shards counts will also be fairly limiting, as the biggest benefit of Unstable Affliction is increasing the damage of Malefic Raptures.
As the Target Count increase up to 4, the effect grows exponentially, 4 UA’s in a pack with 4 targets is after all not only 4x more UA damage, but also Extra Malefic Rapture Damage due to the extra Dots and from Focused Malignancy.
But, after that, the higher the target-count of the pack, the more limited will the effect of 3 additional Unstable Afflictions will become as the damage of those UAs will only reflect on a smaller % of the pack.
4 - Concerns in regards to Refreshing Unstable Affliction.
Currently, whenever you refresh Unstable Affliction, any other Unstable Affliction at a different target is removed.
One of my concerns is, would this also happen to the Unstable Afflictions added by this tierset? as this would lead to the unintended impact of forcing affliction warlocks to not refresh Unstable Afflictions if more than 1 UA is active due to the tier effect.
On the other hand, allowing to refresh without the removal of the Unstable afflictions meant that, once the proc of the tierset happened one could always refresh the existent Unstable Afflictions as long as you did not allow them to expire.
5 - Conclusions.
I don’t want to go and suggest something like “oh scrap this tierset”, i think the (4) bonus is very creative and some warlocks i talked to are excited about it.
But i am concerned over the sucess of this tier-set once release in an spec who have had some hard-times in more recent history.
I am worried that this tier-set will struggle against more generalistic tier-sets who seems to be a trend among the others.
I am worried that it ends up harming affliction more than helping, specially in regards to how the spec is balanced across different types of target count.
But i do wish for more experimentation, more crazy attempts at creating and help affliction identity and in this case the (4) does attempt that.