Feedback: Brewmaster

Just a topic to clear out the feedback and merge all our opinions about what they’re doing with our class.

Let’s hope we gettin some attention finally. Gonna start with my suggestions:

  • Avert Harm (PvP Talent): Guard the 4 closest players within 15 yards for 15 sec, allowing you to Stagger 20% of damage they take.

Should be added as a PvE option to bring more utility for group in M+ environment, just add a % effectiveness and increase it for 100% while not on a raid.

  • Rushing Jade Wind (Spec Talent)

Main problem is that we already have a lot of buttons, adding 1 more and make it count inside GCD just to renew a buff its a bit annoying. They can just make RJW to proc with Shuffle uptime and renew when Shuffle does for example.

  • Lighter than the Air (Talent that allows you to lil dash after roll)


  • Fortifying Brew

Have 2 suggestions.

Hold IronShell Brew (instead of 20% DR and 20% maxHP → 30% both)
as it is and change Expeditious Fortificacion (Reduced CD for Fortifying 2min) for something like.
(Cooldown Reduction your Fortyfing Brew gets from Keg Smash and Tiger Palm is doubled)

So effective CD will be in the end like 2 min. Which seems to be in par with other tanks at least.

Second one is to change Fortifying Brew: Determination (Spec Talent): Fortifying Brew increases Stagger effectiveness by 15% while active.

Change because a 15% feels useless when u’re with shuffle up, change it for a FLAT 15% on MAGIC DAMAGE STAGGER. Cause right now and because of how the addition works, it increases Stagger% (while shuffle active) a 6% (You can test it on a dummy)


I agree with all these especially the first two, having no real group utility beyond cc, dispel and the occasional heals makes me feel at a loss with bm especially considering its typically a staple of a tanks kit.

I didnt understamd why they put RJW as a button on bm when its passive of ww I would think it would be the opposite but should certainly be passive for both.

I think you have some good suggestion to aid our “smooth damage intake” as Im not to sure how to approach this situation myself but something has to be done, weather it be armor, or some improvements on the tree the initial impact midigation is the current issue being like a yo-yo on bigger pulls.
As well as improving the inital damage reduction I think they need to add an extra stack to PB and make it a 3 stack.

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Posting here to hopefully get some noise brewing for Blizzard to do something. I understand monk is slammin in raids, but it just doesnt translate to m+ the same way its such a great and fun spec/idea it just needs a little tweaking to be truly competitive in mythic plus


I would love for then to get a team stagger cookdown. Maybe 30% stagger for for the team or something. They will still taoe damage but will survive the 1 shots

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Here I link you another post, longer and with more ideas posted. If u wanna interact with it to give some atention T-T


Why is there no feedback from other brewmasters oh right blizzard forgot that monks had a tank spec.


I would like for Blizzard to acknowledge Brewmaster players have concerns and address them. It could be “We think Brewmasters are fine and have no intentions of changing them” Anything is better than radio silence. Honestly, they should do this for every class before major content drops. Even if it’s just two paragraphs regarding their thoughts on the class going forward into the next season.


I agree, this would be very useful, but perhaps slightly broken. It would be the equivalent of putting Blessing of Sac on your entire party. I would suggest making it either target 1 person, or target only players within a certain yard range to keep it limited but still strong.

I don’t use RJW because it is another GCD and we’re already so GCD locked that you can’t justify using it. With the next tier set, we’ll be even more GCD locked, to the point where you might even miss casting Keg Smash or Breath of Fire due to procs.

Theres not really any other good options at that point, and the Monk class tree is already pretty light on useful things to take. What do you really give up for this? Clash? Windwalking?

With the CDR, Fort Brew is about a 2m cooldown with Expeditious. I feel like Fort Brew could be stronger, but its already a pretty decent cooldown on its own.

Now, for my suggestions, and I’ve said them before:

Keg Smash: Radius increased by 2 yards. Damage increased by 10%
Zen Meditation: No longer canceled by damage, including auto attacks. Cooldown reduced to 3 minutes.
Breath of Fire: Dot damage increased by 50%. Cooldown reduced to 12s.
Spinning Crane Kick: Energy cost reduced by 20.
Blackout Combo: Made the following changes to combo abilities:

  • Breath of Fire: Now causes Fire damage to heal you for 60% of the damage done for 8 seconds, in addition to its other effects
  • Purifying Brew: Clears an additional 20% of your stagger, in addition to its other effects
  • Rising Sun Kick: (New) Causes your Rising Sun Kick to cleave onto 4 additional targets

Celestial Brew: Base shield amount increased by 40%. Now causes you to reduce the damage of incoming attacks by 60% instead of 100%. Can now be cast oGCD.
Purified Chi: Now stacks up to 6 times, instead of 10.

Shado-pan Monastary

Wisdom of the Wall: Shadow damage from the buff is reduced by 40%, while baseline flurry damage is increased by 40%

(Note: The damage profile of Shado-pan is hugely favored towards having your Shadow damage buff proc at the right time on retail. This change evens out the damage and puts less emphasis on having lucky procs. You will still want to get three Shadow empowered flurry strikes, but it won’t be as critical as before)


Tbh the 15 yard radius is probably enough to keep it balanced. 15 yards is incredibly small, barely bigger than the auras we used to have and those hardly had any uptime unless you were nearly pixel stacked. Maybe increasing the CD slightly since I believe in PVP its ~45s would be fair to make it more in line with other party defensives, e.g. PW: Barrier, Darkness, AMZ, etc.

Well tbf their silence implies they think it’s fine right?

how many months has it been since monk brewmasters had anything to help their tanking kit. Like all the other classes did this season for mythic +. I’ll keep waiting. For no answer like usual.

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I’m starting to think we’re not going to see ANY changes at all. In a major patch…when were sitting at 2 brewmasters total who have any shot at getting M+ title.

Brace yourselves boys. Its going to be DF S3 all over again, with Prot Pally at the absolute top.


At this point I think that they are actively going out of their way to NOT make changes.

Correct, there is no brewmaster dev this cycle.
We can hope for a rework in 11.2 I suppose.

Last cycle has there been one in the last year?

Yeah we got those really fun changes to the Master of Harmony hero tree that is still useless in most encounters.

What is a Brewmaster? Spec you want added to game? I don’t think I ever see anything from Blizzard on it so I’m not sure it’s in the game.

Priory of the Sacred Flame is a hot mess.

That and the class buff doing roughly 15% of someones overall damage is insane and CANNOT go live.

Meow thats for the moderatore to show this thread to a dev please good points in here.

Tying RJW to RSK would help button bloat, make RSK more important in AoE and give you a competitive node w/ special delivery.

Avert Harm is a great util button they could give us, great suggestions.

Fort Brew is an interesting topic, Expeditious Fortification vs Ironshell is a fine choice node but base Fortifying Brew for Brewmaster should be 5 mins and Expeditious should bring it to 4. Would make these 2 more competitive especially in m+. Fort Brew Fort Brew: Determination should be baseline for Brewmaster as well.

Blackout Combo
Purifying Brew needs removed from it or completely reworked to something strong, a shield based on X amount purified or % increased purify amount to give you genuine choice and remove the stagger pause. Riyyahs suggestions on the other 2 abilities are good.

Reducing shadow damage buff but compensating regular flurry doesnt solve the issue because regular flurry doesnt cleave, if regular flurry cleaved then it would be fine but this would just be a massive nerf overall to shado-pan if you nerfed shadow proc.

Niuzao imo is the biggest hole in Brewmaster esp compared to the other 2 specs it’s just not a part of our kit and is better to not take it in majority of scenarios at least in m+ (i cant speak on raiding as much but i never took it in raid either). Giving us a reworked niuzao and now having another cooldown to cycle through would alleviate a lot of our issues that we face atm. Also thematically being the only spec that doesn’t care about their Celestial at all feels pretty bad.

Spinning Crane Kick needs massive buffs if this button wants to be used at all, after season 2 dragonflight it’s been more or less a dead button and in the war within that was amplified and you only press it for grouping threat if you want to do optimal dps even in aoe.

Tiger Palm variance needs removed and just shift it into baseline power, remove face palm and buff blackout combo + baseline tiger palm so its consistent.

This has been repeated since Dragonflight but fix the dead talent nodes and make them something useful or at least interesting. (Celestial Flames, Staggering Strikes, and every niuzao talent)

Press the Advantage, remove the “removes tiger palm” bit and let the rest of its functionality stay the same and you now have a passive node vs an active one. Also make the hero talents interact with Press the Advantage or just remove this for something new.

Celestial Brew needs to be off GCD, it feels pretty bad rotationally to hit it esp when all of your other brews are OGCD.

Some QOL adjustments I’d like to see is a Radius increase on Keg Smash and Exploding Keg, Chi Burst being instant cast (cast times as a tank are just so awkward), repeating it but RJW being tied to another ability or making it not hasted would help a ton because during lust/high haste points you can’t keep up.

4 Set Proc removes both charges if Blackout Kick hits more than 1 target, needs fixed asap.

Flurry Strikes sometimes fizzles and doesn’t do damage or proc at all if you pull a brand new pack and proc it immediately, or if a mob dies (even when you’re not targeting) or a couple other conditions i dont remember exactly (this one needs fixed so badly).

Really not sure if its a bug but the 2 set proc doesn’t give you Chi Cocoon from the Master of Harmony talent, would give us an actual choice node there if this worked.