Tying RJW to RSK would help button bloat, make RSK more important in AoE and give you a competitive node w/ special delivery.
Avert Harm is a great util button they could give us, great suggestions.
Fort Brew is an interesting topic, Expeditious Fortification vs Ironshell is a fine choice node but base Fortifying Brew for Brewmaster should be 5 mins and Expeditious should bring it to 4. Would make these 2 more competitive especially in m+. Fort Brew Fort Brew: Determination should be baseline for Brewmaster as well.
Blackout Combo
Purifying Brew needs removed from it or completely reworked to something strong, a shield based on X amount purified or % increased purify amount to give you genuine choice and remove the stagger pause. Riyyahs suggestions on the other 2 abilities are good.
Reducing shadow damage buff but compensating regular flurry doesnt solve the issue because regular flurry doesnt cleave, if regular flurry cleaved then it would be fine but this would just be a massive nerf overall to shado-pan if you nerfed shadow proc.
Niuzao imo is the biggest hole in Brewmaster esp compared to the other 2 specs it’s just not a part of our kit and is better to not take it in majority of scenarios at least in m+ (i cant speak on raiding as much but i never took it in raid either). Giving us a reworked niuzao and now having another cooldown to cycle through would alleviate a lot of our issues that we face atm. Also thematically being the only spec that doesn’t care about their Celestial at all feels pretty bad.
Spinning Crane Kick needs massive buffs if this button wants to be used at all, after season 2 dragonflight it’s been more or less a dead button and in the war within that was amplified and you only press it for grouping threat if you want to do optimal dps even in aoe.
Tiger Palm variance needs removed and just shift it into baseline power, remove face palm and buff blackout combo + baseline tiger palm so its consistent.
This has been repeated since Dragonflight but fix the dead talent nodes and make them something useful or at least interesting. (Celestial Flames, Staggering Strikes, and every niuzao talent)
Press the Advantage, remove the “removes tiger palm” bit and let the rest of its functionality stay the same and you now have a passive node vs an active one. Also make the hero talents interact with Press the Advantage or just remove this for something new.
Celestial Brew needs to be off GCD, it feels pretty bad rotationally to hit it esp when all of your other brews are OGCD.
Some QOL adjustments I’d like to see is a Radius increase on Keg Smash and Exploding Keg, Chi Burst being instant cast (cast times as a tank are just so awkward), repeating it but RJW being tied to another ability or making it not hasted would help a ton because during lust/high haste points you can’t keep up.
4 Set Proc removes both charges if Blackout Kick hits more than 1 target, needs fixed asap.
Flurry Strikes sometimes fizzles and doesn’t do damage or proc at all if you pull a brand new pack and proc it immediately, or if a mob dies (even when you’re not targeting) or a couple other conditions i dont remember exactly (this one needs fixed so badly).
Really not sure if its a bug but the 2 set proc doesn’t give you Chi Cocoon from the Master of Harmony talent, would give us an actual choice node there if this worked.