Brewmaster changes Feedback (Oh Wait...)

Ideas for the lack of changes we have planned for 11.1 :upside_down_face:
Can’t believe how they are treating the best class they’ve ever designed (objectively)

So in case there’s no changes cause they don’t know what to do with Brew, i bring here some ideas and suggestion from a Brew monk since a long long long time ago

  • Increase Keg Smash Radius. +20%, or from 8m → 10m

No way a keg smash don’t even hit all mobs of a pull, for ex. 1st pull of City of Threads, when any other tanks have the way to pull without wasting resources with 1 ability.
Druid has moonfire (Freecast, no cost, 40m), DHs have throw glaive (Lil CD, hits more targets) etc.
Maybe for giving Brewmaster some AoE Scaling you can do Keg Smash to reduce Brews CD 1second per mob hit, in case just hit 1 → 3 seconds. With cap on 5 targets (5s reduction).
This would lead into Fortifying brew recovering CD faster, givin us a bit more defensive potential. But would need some tunning on Blackout Combo talent, to avoid degeneration on the rotation in favor

Spinning Crane Kick
Main problem is about threat generation which I hope it’s not a problem after threat buff, but can be fixed reverting a bit the nerf on Charred Passion (talent) instead of a 100% (how was when released) to a 75%

Bring Back Keg of HeavensKeg of Heavens 4pc Tier Set Shadowlands S3 & S4

For all those who don’t know, that was 4pc Tier of S3 & S4 Shadowlands. It can be brough back in substitution of someone of “Niuzao Improvements” talents, which as I say after, should be merged into a single point talent (maximum 2 point node)

It can be brought obviously with some propper tunning : For example

50% additional Keg damage → 10/20%
66% Healing from Damage Dealt → 33%
Maximum Stacks 10 → 5

  • Avert Harm (PvP Talent): Guard the 4 closest players within 15 yards for 15 sec, allowing you to Stagger 20% of damage they take.

Should be added as a PvE option to bring more utility for group in M+ environment, just add a % effectiveness and increase it for 100% while not on a raid.

  • Fortifying Brew

Have 2 suggestions.

Hold IronShell Brew (instead of 20% DR and 20% maxHP → 30% both)
as it is and change Expeditious Fortificacion (Reduced CD for Fortifying 2min) for something like.
(Cooldown Reduction your Fortyfing Brew gets from Keg Smash and Tiger Palm is doubled)

So effective CD will be in the end like 2 min. Which seems to be in par with other tanks at least.

Second one is to change Fortifying Brew: Determination (Spec Talent): Fortifying Brew increases Stagger effectiveness by 15% while active.

Change because a 15% feels useless when u’re with shuffle up, change it for a FLAT 15% on MAGIC DAMAGE STAGGER. Cause right now and because of how the addition works, it increases Stagger% (while shuffle active) a 6% (You can test it on a dummy)

Dead talents (Never used, not worth even for niche situations. Just decorative talents)
Black Ox Adept
Staggering Strikes
Walk with the Ox
Improved Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox

Niuzao requieres an investment of 4 points, for a very disappointing result. Should be tuned somehow, because right now it doesn’t work.

It is just taken sometimes on raid to increase DPS on logs :)33333333333333333333

**QoL Changes**

  • Rushing Jade Wind (Spec Talent)

Main problem is that we already have a lot of buttons, adding 1 more and make it count inside GCD just to renew a buff its a bit annoying. They can just make RJW to proc with Shuffle uptime and renew when Shuffle does for example.

  • Lighter than the Air (Talent that allows you to lil dash after roll)


Make Crackling Jade Lightning don’t use energy on activation for BrM. One press (Initial tick) for pulling something far, no energy cost.

That part is for an idea I had during the post
Blackout Combo

Blackout Kick also empowers your next ability:

Tiger Palm: Damage increased by 100%.
Breath of Fire: Damage increased by 50%, and damage reduction increased by 5%.
Keg Smash: Reduces the remaining cooldown on your Brews by 2 additional sec.
Celestial Brew: Gain up to 3 additional stacks of Purified Chi.
Purifying Brew: Pauses Stagger damage for 3 sec.

My suggestion would be to change it into

Blackout Kick also empowers your next ability:

Tiger Palm: Damage increased by 100%.

Spinning Crane Kick: Damage increased 100%

Breath of Fire: Damage increased by 50%, and damage reduction increased by 5%.
Keg Smash: Reduces the remaining cooldown on your Brews by 2 additional sec.

Celestial Brew: Celestial Brew used with this buff will have +3 Purified Stacks (If at 10 stack (+200%) would be a shield of 13 stacks (260%)

Purifying Brew: 20% of Mitigated Stagger explodes in form of Purified Chi and deals AoE damage OR healing

Im sure in a week or two they will post something like “We’ve been listening to your feedback…” And after reading the new development notes find out that won’t be any changes for brew :slight_smile:

If have any ideas ill add them to the post, so Brews, let me know what you think