Feedback: Aldrachi Reaver Demon Hunter

Illidan throws his glaives in Black Temple to summon an entropic elemental from each one. If Throw Glaive was a short cooldown like that, it would have been more on the mark. Boomerang glaives never really made much sense to me thematically. Cheers to anyone who enjoys pressing it but meh. It is lazy and looks dull.

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man it figures a guy naming himself brain would be acting like he smarter than someone else. and just cause you dont like my post shouldn’t be reason to start insulting my intelligence.

my point was they should be using lessons they learn anywhere in their design process for what gets players excited or not. it sure would be nice if they did anyways. i have like 8 max level characters including a DH. i’ve played the game for a literal lifetime. i know a thing or two about this game.

but, and this is important, i am not particularly special or unique. i’m typical. and so if i’m less than excited for these new talents, in fact it makes me feel like a disappointed father, then that is probably the typical response you and blizz is gonna see from these new hero talents. in fact many of the hero talent trees are similarly disappointing. and if you read this thread in its entirety, i think you’ll be witnessing a surprising amount of disapointment from posters, as should be expected from ordinary people playing the game to be entertained,

and yet it seems for whatever reason, blizz has a good track record lately of hiring people who have no idea how to do anything exciting or entertaining. some of the talent tree re-works in dragonflight have been solid. but the world itself feels dead and pointless. how much fun can a person have playing a fun class in an utterly drab and shallow world? we are all learning this at the same time, cause we’re all experiencing it live

Nah dude im not insulting your intelligence; you’re clearly very passionate and care a lot about some of the WoW content we got.

I do think that posting “OM NOM NOM NOM” unironically was hilarious but also a little unhinged. People make mistakes, like Blizzard did with torghast and covenant swapping, but posting stuff like that kind of makes your feedback difficult to take into consideration.

Main DH since it came out here.

I like the option of being less dependent on Metamorphosis. I also think this one might be more difficult to new players since we have to manage souls which implies in mastering the class’ mobility, which for me is very good. I suppose Fel Scarred will be easier to play, more meta focused, etc. I will probably like both, but AR atm is what I always wanted for the class, to be less dependent on meta.

Honestly, I never liked Throw Glaive as a visual spell, I would like it more if we just used some fel fire instead of throwing a glaive, something like destruction warlock’s Incinerate. The animation of Reaver’s Glaive is better than the regular one though.

What I want you to do is give us new good looking warglaives (and sets)… You always do that with swords, give us something to use rather than artifact appearances. There are few warglaives in the game due to it being a recent (2016…) addition, but you can do it.

You said the class is easy to play but then you don’t like it when it gets more difficult? Soul management is ok, the class moves a lot. I bet Fel Scarred will have an easier gameplay though.

The hero class is not only Reaver’s Glaive, it is about enchancing Chaos Strike and Blade Dance, which are blade spells, Aldrachi Reaver is a “master of blades” kind of DH, less dependent on meta and more about your fighting skills, etc. Which is ok with the class, Illidan is always on his meta form but he is one of the only DHs that managed to do this in the lore so far. And also Varedis Felsoul, I am probably forgetting about something though… I think that DH boss from Blackrook Hold, perhaps.

remove some and make more sustain playstyles viable/king like old havoc


Not unique feedback here, but as many others have said; Havoc has way too many low duration damage amps / buffs as it is, and this tree triples down on it.

Also Throw Glaive is lame, there I said it. Not a fan.

Hopefully Fel-Scarred is a return to form for Havoc, because this isn’t it.


I dont think you understood my sentence, above quoted.

For once it seems that movers and non-movers have found a common enemy, the excessive damage windows :ox: :poop:.


Aldrachi? Fel-Scar Heroes let’s go!

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    • Aldrachi Reaver
      • Wounded Quarry now always procs bonus damage while Reaver’s Mark is on your target. Soul fragment generation is still a chance.

      • Reaver’s Mark duration increased to 20 seconds.

      • Art of the Glaive activation thresholds doubled.

      • Intent Pursuit cooldown reduction increased to 4 seconds.

      • Evasive Action no longer extends Tactical Retreat fury generation periodic.

      • Evasive Action no longer resets Initiative.

      • Reaver’s Glaive damage increased by 200%.

Even with the changes it’s still insanely bad


It is functional, and it removes the stress that the previous version caused, that already makes it better than what we had before.

That said, it’s practically a passive maintenance buff, one of the most boring forms of gamplay, and while it doesn’t further stress the game of managing micro damage windows, it doesn’t alleviate it either.

My question now is, do we even need a damage window to make this work? Couldn’t we just center on the weapon attack upgrades and discard the damage windows? I have no problem with Thrill of the Fight but I really don’t like Reaver’s Mark.

Also, Reaver’s Glaive must work with each and every one of the talents that affect Throw Glave, otherwise it is a failure as an improvement of said power. I can’t check this since I don’t have alpha but I know it wasn’t working with all talents in previous versions of the alpha.


They’re doing mostly the wrong things, imo.

By making the window longer and increasing the uptime so much (provided it’s not nerfed) we’re talking of a 15% damage buff that’s up most of the time.

That’s going to flatten our profile a lot, turning it into a maintenance buff.

These windows should feel impactful, a buff that is up all the time is anything but that.

I appreciate they made RG stack souls, so you can’t waste them anymore. That’s nice.

The window itself is not the problem, it’s how it’s triggered. Absolutely no Havoc likes playing with souls, and TG is also an extremely boring button to press. Good news though, RG is oGCD so it would’ve been fine even in its initial state.


  • Souls as Havoc suck in every conceivable way. Worse resource to attach a system to.
  • TG is an extremely boring button. TG is also looking like it’s going to be extremely dead next expansion after all the builds that use TG talents will be gone after the tier set is gone.
  • Hero talents should feel impactful or change your gameplay in very noticeable ways to create highs in the rotation. This new iteration is anything but that. Throw a glaive from time to time and get a damage buff. Ugh, cool I guess.

There’s been a lot of suggestions lately, but something as simple as “Blade Dance buffs Chaos Strike, Chaos Strike buffs TG, TG buffs Blade Dance would have been better received”.


Why not a tree called infernal flames for vengeance demonhunter or something since they mostly revolve around fire damage. I hope there is more than one tree for DH because this one is not something I would be interested in playing and would probably ditch my DH all together if their isn’t something that fits the mold better.

I’m having a lot of fun with my BM Hunter, I’m tired of playing a class that has a dev that thinks they know better than the entire DH community and everything is ALWAYS a fight! There’s no constructive criticism or feedback, it’s just people attacking each other over very toxic gameplay that is not only encouraged but implemented by the dev! I hope major changes happen soon or this class will shrink at a very large rate!


Hunters have NO class dev lol. What a weird comparison

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stay in bm hunter then

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Vengeful :clap: Retreat :clap: is :clap: not :clap: an :clap: offensive :clap: ability :clap:
Quit making it part of our rotation.

Backing up to get a running start at the boss doesn’t make you feel like an awesome demon commando. It makes you feel like you’re setting up a YouTube stunt.

If you want Momentum/Inertia to be cool and play to the class fantasy then make it so that we stick to the boss and don’t have to use up our mobility for the buff.

An easy way to do that? Procs

For Example: Felblade could proc a ‘clingy’ Fel Rush that simply moves you to the other side of the boss without taking up a base charge. So the rotation would look something like this;

Fel blade closes and procs a boosted ‘clingy’ Fel Rush > Fel Rush procs a free Blade Dance > Blade Dance procs Momentum > Eye Beam and Chaos Strike for numbers.

THAT is the kind of rotation that would make us feel like agile demon commandos savagely attacking our foe. Throw Glaive and Vengeful Retreat need to be left to their utility roles or put in a separate spec.

Thank you for coming to my (late) Fel Talk.


They’re more likely to have a class dev than just about anyone else lol. It’s literally one of WoW’s most popular classes. The amount of attention on their hero specs does seem a tad weird right now. I think blizz is trying to force some to reroll. But with only 2 actual pet classes out of 13 in the game, and it’s the only non-edgy one, fat chance lol. Just gonna get people to quit.