Momentum was a mistake and even blizzard knew that. It was never really meant to be viable and it was gutted pretty quickly. So not what you are on about. Besides, Momentum was there for players like you who wanted it, but it was a horribly flawed playstyle that no one even ran even when it was meta.
I mean, look it was blizzard’s own words that Demon Hunters are meant to be a casual spec. So you can say I am biased all you want but… blizzard is the one who is saying it and building DH that way. And it’s fine. DH is the perfect class for newer players.
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Please point me to the appropriate blue post
That’s pretty funny man. Which class has their abilities light up for them again?
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I’m not trying to put any class into that stigma of “intro class”, but if I had to BM hunter seems like a good spot for that…
Any class can be an intro class, its very subjective. Some people will take better to certain classes at the start of the game.
Honestly play the class that you enjoy playing in a game else you aren’t going to have fun in the game.
The concept that Havoc is purely a “intro class” is small minded. Every one goes through a “Intro to the Class” through leveling. And most classes, ones with multiple specs to choose from, have different levels of complexity to them which warrant a high risk/high reward input/output. Havoc shouldn’t be labelled a static intro class, and if it is to stay as a beginner level toon, then they need other things that can make them break out of that stereotype. Examples of that can be a 3rd spec, or talents that make it more high risk/high reward for those who choose it to be. The playstyle of havoc currently is mindless and is actually kinda high risk/low reward with sinful brand and the heavy reliance on RNG. It is just not in a ideal place right now, and to argue that and just say go play something else is the least constructive thing you can do. Many of us only have one toon that has had a lot of time invested, and favor the aesthetics/lore of the class that they don’t want to reroll.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA Clearly they didnt learn
It’s not gonna stick around. I mean momentum will be a thing cause it existed before and they had to make something. But it’s gonna be garbage tier. Even if it spawns overturned, people will complain cause vast majority of DH players hate it, and it will just be made useless like it has been every tier.
If somehow it’s good, it won’t even last a week. So don’t even get your hopes. Don’t. Cause you already know deep down in your heart how this is gonna play out.
Linking this for those that were not around in March: Havoc Wishlist for 10.0
Yeah I hear this all the time and I don’t remember at any point blizz talking about DH as an “intro class.”
Maybe I’m also misremembering but what I heard a lot of at the time is that DH was meant to be a MOBA style “skill shot” class i.e. you aim the eye beam, you aim a fel-rush. I’m a proud momentum troll bc I think momentum has been the one havoc build that’s most consistent with that vision, even though it’s always been a bit of a mess. When they introduced UBC I thought “ok yeah that makes sense they want direction and orientation to be how you perform, like a skill shot.” I think if they slowly factored all of these things out and it just turned into a reskinned warrior I’d probably go off and play something else.