Feedback about current Havoc, for Dragonflight

The problem isn’t our mastery not being good and I feel like I already said that. The problem is it’s not the meta, and you want it to be. Which I think I’ve stated generally earlier as well. Might have been a different thread

They could buff Mastery by 50% and your argument would still be irrelevant, the reason we stacked Mastery in Legion was because of Chaos Blades. So if they were too right now, buff Mastery 50%. Right off the bat, Chaos Theory would be a contender in ST Legos. Putting First Blood/ToR into play as well, believe Glaive Tempest does Chaos Damage too, so you could go both ways with that. You want a 4 Second DoT that deals Chaos Damage or do you want burst chaos damage? The only difference between Chaos Blades and the lego is that the lego only affects Chaos Strike, which, if our mastery is buffed 50%, Chaos Strike/Annihilation will no longer hit like a wet noodle, Trail of Ruin will do around 2500 over 4 seconds, and glaive tempest if chosen over ToR will be used on CD. Add in the new M+ rotation with the Karazhan stuff and you got yourself a pretty nasty build.

Also Eye Beam will do things… BIG THINGS… mmm minus the sq rt bull crap tho

Would we still stack verse? Sure why not its extra damage ALL AROUND. But would you rather go Haste/Mastery or Mastery/Verse?

Buddy you didn’t run chaos blades in antorus because you ran demonic

Im talking throughout most of legion my dude, not just Antorus, yeah the meta shifted with Antorus. But we ran Chaos Blades before then

Ok and my entire argument was antorus because it was a tier where our entire damage profile was chaos damage and yet mastery was only slightly better than just running vers. The mastery needs to be completely reworked at this point because it’s beyond useless

switching classes a long time and burrys any achievement progress you made thats not accoutn wide and alot of them are not account wide until fully completed

Demon Hunters are meant to be an incredibly simple spec and will never see complexity. Blizz said they designed DH around being a spec for newer players to pick up and master quickly.

If you want complexity so bad there are a myriad of classes and specs with what you are looking for.

“14 days later” go back and read the post I don’t

We were just talking about how complexity could be a cool rework.

No. It’s not ever going to be reworked to be complex. It’s one of the very few simple specs made for casuals. Those need to exist and Demon Hunter was perfect for it since it appeals to that type of crowd.

Yes and no, DH needs some complexity, even if that complexity comes in the form of a 3rd spec, like the warrior with Arms and Fury.

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That was a description and explanation of the design of the class from years ago. We have seen Blizzard offering new, simpler ways to play specs with the new talent trees. Fury wars single minded build and Destruction Locks with Mayhem.

It’s high time Havoc was expanded into being more than an “intro class” for the players who have stuck with it over the years.

It’s better for the game as a whole.

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It’s really sad that this is what people want DH to be. Just because it had a stigma before, doesn’t mean it can’t make a shift and get some more complexity in the future.


There is simplicity, and then there is current Havoc.

These are the buttons I use:

Demon’s Bite (forced to spam for Fury as passive regen is garbo)
Chaos Strike (only button not on a cooldown, forced to spam to lower CD of Eyebeam)
Eyebeam (to refresh Sinful Brand)
Sinful Brand (it’s at least 30% of all damage)
Immolation Aura
Fel Rush

So combat is Sinful Brand, Eyebeam, spam DB/CS until Eyebeam, use IA on cooldown, Fel Rush after IA. Doesn’t matter what we’re fighting, a boss, a pack of trash, that is what Havoc does and only does.

The only thought I need is am I standing near enough to be in melee. And for that I created a weak aura to say, “Range.” when I am out of range. So it’s just a Pavlovian response to move forward when I hear that sound.

I’m really tired of trying to relay my in game insights that havoc isn’t on a good spot when compared to other current SL melees in term of damage, noteably single tar, and survivability.

And every time I post about this, people, and even havocs themselves, come in here and try to debunk what I’m saying.

I do and still feel the class is tough to play, especially in arenas, where their defensive weakeness are exacerbated.

There always needs to be an intro class. It doesn’t matter if it was years ago, there’s still nothing to take its spot. The talents do not matter, as the talents do not change the ceiling. There needs to be a class with a low ceiling, and that is havok. Look at other games… like league. Garen is an incredibly simple champion. He needs to exist for the newer players. He will never become more complex. Best to just accept that this is what havok is.

Clearly, since you’ve been playing it, it can’t be all bad. If you hate it so much there are plenty of other classes.

you’re attributing words to me i never uttered.

get better at this.

No intro class to take its spot? Warrior?

Warrior is not an intro class. It has enough complexity and skill ceiling to keep it from that. Especially arms. Fury is somewhat in that vain but DH is the defacto intro class. Both its tank spec and its singular dps spec are all easy for newcomers to use and master.

Your funny

A Class that originally required a first character be leveled, that used Bloodletting Momentum while Snapshoting still existed, Where Momentum was the meta dps spec for the first half of This expansion.

Are you forgetful or willfully biased in your assessment?