Same here, got Transfer aborted instance not found just a few mins ago like 11:40am PST, knocked two of my group members offline, healer and I stuck inside the mythic
Same here. Everyone should submit a technical support ticket so blizz becomes aware of it. Can’t accept a summon, can’t port to a dungeon, cant take any ports in world either.
I’m sure they are aware, submitting tickets will just clog up the queue
If they are aware they should make a post about it somewhere, either on Twitter, The BNET app, etc.
Have same problem, time for more scheduled maintenance
No, they need to make a post on THEIR platform. Bnet app, forums, whatever. Twitter is not a legitimate site.
Anyway, world servers are down all over the game. Some places work, some don’t. Valdrakken is completly down on my server. If you go there you DC and can’t log back in.
I’m having the same issue on Zul’jin. I had issues flying out of Valdrakken and back into it.
Why is there no official post anywhere about this? Anyone home today??
indie game developer
Finally a voice in the darkness.
Queue is automated to give a generic response and delete. I doubt it gets clogged lol.
I am having the same issue. I did a time rift and now I am stuck in it. I keep getting the same error message even when I try to hearth.
Was getting bounced from entering Sepulchre
I did the usual - all add-ons off - bounced
Logout and scan and repair - bounced
It’s bad enough their code mas more memory leaks than a colander causing FPS to drop to the single digits and system alarms going - extreme high disk usage
It’s getting to the point where actual monkeys could put together better code…
Transfer aborted: instance not found when I try to enter the raid or take a summon into the raid. Then when I relog I get world server is down.
I tried to join a Timewalking dungeon and i got the error " Transfer instance not found " And then when i finally got in… Party members not found, Of course i had to leave the Dungeon and i got the leaver penalty ( for something that was not my fault ) and now i can not log in… Got a disconnect message
Same here.
I wonder if they went full ISP and just did an update without actually stress testing the code?
I was having this problem when this thread opened when trying to fly from the Azure Span to the plains, but after about 10 minutes it went away. Now I’m encountering it again heading into the Forbidden Reach. Died of fatigue after the third reload, was kicked offline and cannot reconnect.
(launcher message says authentication issues being investigated)
Yeah same. Can’t use Dalaran or Garrison hearths, any toy hearth, shroud of cooperation, or dreamwalk. Even the zeppelin from STV to Org failed and I ended up at a graveyard.
Is there anything that can be done? This is unfair… needed to run gnomer… during raid, our group DCs and we cant reconnect… group disbanded and now I’m locked into an instance…