[Feature Request] Exploration Mode

If they need a practical reason to rationalize the workload (outside of just making sure everyone can see that :hot_face: environment art :hot_face:), there’s merit to the idea of being able to get familiar with an area layout outside of the action.

I agree with you, tbh; we have PvP wargame instances, we have flex raid sizes.
We probably can have an explore mode.:relieved:

From a coding standpoint it should (keyword should, as there is no guarantee it was setup logically like this), be a simple matter of running a ‘clear mobs’ or ‘dont load mobs’ type function on entering if the specific difficulty mode was selected when entering.

They should not have it setup where mobs would have to be individually removed for any circumstance, logically.

That’s my thought process, too. There would definitely be a little work needed, but it should all be stuff already available.


It’d take very little effort to implement and would go a long way.

Does RP Difficulty express what it is? Would another name make it seem more accessible and useful to a general audience? ‘Sandbox Mode’ or ‘Exploration Mode’ might be more helpful names.


Yeah I think maybe an “exploration mode” name would work really well fort his purpose. I would love to haves something like this just so I can go wander around and take in all the various raid and dungeon locations.

I know you were all waiting for my two cents. So here it goes. I approve of this, Blizz. Please make it so.

Yeah, the idea being “RP Difficulty” was more to explain where I was originally coming from with it. There’s definitely better naming for it. Since they did toss around the idea of an exploration mode for Islands, I’ve updated the title to “Exploration Mode”, since it would be more encompassing.


Weekend? Perfect time for some thread love! RP/Exploration Mode support powers activate!

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Since Waycrest Manor has been mentioned…what’s another dungeon you’re most eager to see in a sandboxy, exploration way?

Stormstout Brewery would be very fun! :slight_smile:

My eyes are set to Shadowlands, for the Halls of Atonement, and Castle Nathria! Old instances, probably Scholomance,

Zul Gurub was always my favorite instance to explore in. Is it even still instanced?

Also, I can think of some really cool scenarios to play in Stratholme.

Yeah, there could be some really cool things to pull off in Stratholme.

They would have to overhaul the instance server to do this. Remember at the beginning of WoD when players had problems getting into their Garrison, part of the problem was how many players were trying access them. The instance server was being overloaded (phasing uses the instance server).

“can’t launch instance: Too many instances open” is one of the other reasons why.

Having the main gameplay element of an expansion instanced, so that the vast majority of the games playerbase would in or trying to enter specific instance servers, is pretty far different than what would be a relatively minor portion of the playerbase that would wish to explore or RP in empty instances at any given time.

It really isn’t any different. Whether this mode opens 1 or 200 instances, every time a group or an individual enters a dungeon or raid it adds one more open instance to those already open. It doesn’t matter why someone enters the instance. The more instances that are opened the more chances someone will run into the error message that prevents them from entering the dungeon.

An entire expansion of players all opening instances, vs a very small percentage of the playerbase doing so, is a very big difference on whether there would be any such issue, their servers could not handle an entire expansion of players doing it at the same time and regularly, they would not likely have any issue with the small percentage that would be doing this.

Is it possible? Yes, is it likely? Not very. That said, I’ve said my two cents on the matter

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Came late to the party, but while you’re at it, on EM, let dungeons accept raids. There are many cool dungeons.

That said, I’d still prefer a Guild Hall with no frills. Basically the hall from the Garrison minus all the NPCs and throw in a handful of 4 seat tables in addition to the long table. Then add a “door” to it in every major expac city.

However, at least I could hold a meeting in peace with this feature. You have my support, for what it’s worth. :slight_smile:

Yeah… Guild Halls, or Player Housing would definitely be a very much preferred addition. But EM with flexible sizes would open a whole new world all the same.

Guild Halls, Player Housing AND Exploration Mode. :smile:

I think the Exploration Mode is a much easier jumping-off point – though Mossclaw’s idea is a wonderful one.

Maybe giving some experimentation with instances NOT aimed at expansion-specific progression or combat will provide some helpful data for Blizzard to make proper housing a reality.