Right? I guess I was expecting something along the lines of a certain “RP Elite” who has posted in the past of wanting some sort of gating for RPers or something to keep people out of certain RP.
I legitimately was not expecting what TC suggested, which honestly is a breath of fresh air haha.
Yeah, I don’t actively RP in WoW (At least not anymore, I check out some community events once in a while but not like I use to) but I think this is actually pretty clever and would be nice for RPers doing big events in some of the available settings.
I especially like the Karazhan example with the dinner party ideas and how normally its capped at 10 players.
I’m pleasantly surprised at how well this topic is being received. I hadn’t thought of this before but I love this idea. I’ve had ideas for events that I’ve used raids for, but being able to use a dungeon would be awesome. Scarlet Crusade guilds could hang out in the Scarlet Monastery, Dwarf guilds could make use of Blackrock Depths, etc. I really like the potential here.
Honestly, I’m VERY pleasantly surprised at the response thus far. I was actually expecting a negative initial response. But it’s being very well received! Maybe… just maybe… This idea can build some steam, and someone at Blizzard will see it and get some internal dialogue running.
“Blizzard may experiment with an exploration mode in Islands on Normal Mode, without time pressure. They’ll be playing around with the Island rules in Rise of Azshara.” In the 8.2 interview, it was mentioned that an exploration mode for Islands was being considered. Obviously, that’d be limited to 3 people… But they’ve already tossed around concepts that could tie into this idea somewhat.
I always thought it was a bummer that instances weren’t represented in the open world space very much.
AQ, ZG, Zul’farrak, and Highmaul (possibly others i cant think of) all seemed cool since you could go visit those places in the world.
Empty instance option would be awesome. Was especially bummed after doing BoD and getting to see the inside of the pyramid but not being able to go there otherwise.
Would be a very cool feature that (probably) wouldn’t require too much work to implement
You have my vote. You have no idea how much I would love this. I’ve cleared out old raids solo just to have an rp spot with a few friends in the past. Would be nice to do it with more people/not have to worry about clearing it out. Would be a nice quality of life thing for us RPers.
This is actually an idea that me and some of my RP friends have tossed around in the past - the ability to use areas that are nomally massively populated by enemies in order to get in and use for RP vistas. How I would like to have my Shadow Hunter take his companions into Zul’Gurub to obtain a lost Hakkari relic - or my Dwarf Warrior bringing his friends into Ulduar to help them forge new weapons.
With the Flex idea though i am not sure if that is something that would happen, even if it is a good idea. Mostly because undoing limits like that can be a hassle since Blizz is notorious for just building on top of old code instead of making brand new code for new things. Just seems like it would make it really hard for them to take out hard-cap in some of those dungeons to be used. Like MC for example is still tied to a 40-man raid size, so who knows if they would be able to open that up even though it could easily hold 100+ players.
Overall this is something I think the RP community has been wanting for a long time at this point. The ability to use more of the world to their advantage for events or just casual RP. That, along with dyes; but that’s a whole new show we won’t start now.
You have a good idea going here OP. But…I cannot overlook this.
You actually got it right, “Bare with me” is the wrong expression. Bare means to reveal/uncover. While “bear with me” means to be patient. You are one of the few that gets it right.
lol. Well thank you for noticing! To be fair, I can understand when people use bare. My initial instinct whenever I write it is usually “It can’t be bear… I don’t want people to be bears with me…”
I am so glad to see such a positive response! Hoping to keep this thread rolling to get some attention. Maybe it’ll happen someday!
I definitely love this idea. It would be so amazing to just explore some of the dungeons/raids by themselves, but being able to RP in them regularly on top of it?!? Yes please!
Yes, absolutely! I’m in full support of this idea.
As a M+ player and a Roleplayer, it would be so useful for both aspects of the communities I love. Running new teammates through the instances to show them the pathing, or hosting epic events in the beautiful settings of dungeons?
Right? Like yeah, it’s great that in a lot of cases, you can do so after you’ve cleared it entirely. But like- an upcoming guild campaign calls for a trip into Dire Mall. At an event like this, we’ll have 20~ players. But Dire Maul as we need it is limited to 5… Or like with Karazhan, as mentioned in the original post, being limited to 10.
Last night, we had an event that utilized The Nighthold as a proxy. And that instance being Flex-capable allowed us to maintain that as the proxy location.
Obviously, coding something like this isn’t going to be -as- simple as it seems like it should be. But all the framework is there. Adding a Flex mode, including a trigger that makes the instance read as ‘cleared’ to despawn NPCs… It seems like something so feasible.
Fantastic idea! Takes the incredible raids one step further to being used outside of at-level running and transmog/mount runs.
Also for the cross faction, there was a the Legionfall Assault on Broken Shore scenario that had Horde and Alliance running the instance together at the same time…I believe. So the tech exists! Perhaps for later if they implemented this feature.