My Warlock’s Void Elf Form has Red Eyes.
Taking her Emoness to a whole new level. Edgier than a DK debatably.
My Warlock’s Void Elf Form has Red Eyes.
Taking her Emoness to a whole new level. Edgier than a DK debatably.
Because of domination magic according to Shadowlands, or the LK bestowing upon you everything he was. The fact that people dont know why their eyes are blue goes into explaining why they cant convince Blizzard to allow eye color changes.
“Just do it” isnt a convincing argument.
Helm of Domination is shattered and powerless. Frostmourne shared a similar fate. Bolvar is no longer the Lich King. Theres nothing dominating player DKs anymore.
We broke free of him like 5 minutes after waking up. 7 expansions ago.
Neither is anything you said. As usual, you have no clue what you’re talking about. Be quiet.
I didnt say the helm of domination, I said domination magic. Domination magic exists without the helm of domination. The Primus is the one that created domination magic, and the jailer was using it without the helm… so I dont know what your point is. We were created with domination magic, doesnt matter if the helm was destroyed.
Yeah, but that doesnt remove the gifted power. If it did then you wouldnt be a Death Knight.
Have they given you other eye colors or did they double down on it? Just because YOU dont find them convincing because you dont actually know the lore, doesnt mean Blizzard doesnt. They doubled down on DK blue eyes, act like a grown up and actually grow up.
Funny enough, if you have the night warrior feature, you can use that over the blue eyes. I see no reason they can’t let dks have other customizations.
This is exactly what I mean when I say you don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re vaguely gesturing domination magic with no clue how it even impacts player DKs. You don’t even attempt to explain your reason. The only 2 sources of domination magic on Azeroth were the Helm and Frostmourne. Both of which are destroyed. The helm isn’t even on Azeroth anymore.
There is nothing dominating player DKs. There isn’t even a Lich King anymore. Domination magic is what gives us our blue eyes in the first place as we see with Anduin in Shadowlands. Player DKs havent been dominated since the starter quest in Wrath but there was at least the argument that the Helm still had power over us as we see from Bolvar using it to communicate with us in Legion.
But that argument went completely out of the window in Shadowlands.
As usual, you’re ignoring multiple points in the lore that provide newer context that directly contradicts your stance. Its like you’re an NPC that stopped getting updated in 2008.
Yet the gifted power isn’t dominating us.
As previously demonstrated in point #1, it is you who doesn’t know the lore. Brush up and try again. Or don’t actually. Just stop talking.
And what is your point exactly? Get to the damn point?
Never said there was and if you read my post you would know that, but you are saying that im mixing up the Helm and domination magic somehow when im not, and then talk about sources of domination magic that no longer exist when we were created with domination magic when these things DID exist. Like what are you actually doing?
No its not, but its still a gifted power… again what is your point? Domination magic is used to dominate and that magic can be broken but it doesnt mean it just goes away. The jailer is evidence of that. The primus made domination magic to imprison the jailer and he took control over it. He wasnt dominated by anyone else but he was still using it, the runes were still on his body, his eyes were the same as DK eyes.
Screaming at me for a point that you’re failing to see is hilarious
Thats just too good. I impress even myself sometimes.
No im yelling at you because you just wont get to the point. The fact that you wont even say your point just means you dont have one. As I pointed out.
Keep gaslighting yourself, it really doesnt matter to me. Im not the one that thinks since the Helm and Frostmourne were destroyed that domination magic that is infused into a being just disappears. I guess if I put fuel in my car and the gas station burns down my fuel I just put in my car just disappears right?
You literally do not know what you are talking about and cant back up anything you say with substance and instead do these dumb little adhom attacks. If you cant stay on the topic the shut up.
No. I don’t think I will
Edit : I think at this point Kel has spent more time sending me unread replys than it has playing the game.
Yeah, run away like always when your feet are held to the fire.
In case anyone is curious what she looks like with RED EYES.
Maybe the Dks should have like glowing red eyes instead of blue at the player’s choice?
But yeah, her Void Elf Form is terrifying.
its actually so crazy they think that lore writtn 2 decades ago is a justification for a complete lack of eye customization. Every1 else gets eye options, even DH, so its pretty lame we do not. its just one more thing on the long, long list of exclusions for the crime of playing a Dk. Hope no1 here wanted to try out the new races, bc u wont b getting that anytime soon, unless u pick a whole new class. honestly just give me a new game bc i am sick of old lore making me feel left out of new things. Its bad lore, bad game design, and it needs to be changed for modern times. Stop clinging to the past and write some better lore to go with our cool new eyes.
i could not have said this better myself
No they dont. Eye coverings are completely different than changing your eye color. And it wasnt lore written 2 decades ago, it was lore written 2 expansions ago.
And if you are sick of the WoW lore dont play WoW.
Above, I think around “get off my lawn” post number 13 of 21 (so far!), you asked me for a bunch of things or changes or whatever to justify my point of view.
Hot take: I provided what I want, and no justification other than the game has evolved. I just want it. I think it would look cool. That’s it. And guess what, thats kinda where the game is evolving to: more choices for customization, not less.
And I don’t honestly give two flips about the lore you are hammering so hard. Seriously. Clearly, that lore tidbit that has lead you to tell people to go play another game if they don’t like it has had VERY LITTLE IMPACT on the player base… OTHER THAN YOURSELF.
Dude, its all of our game. You want to play Chris Metzen’s watchdog in the name of lore written by some dude two lead writers back, all for a character you haven’t touched since i450, be my guest. But try to find a way of doing it without crapping on everybody else who has read your point… now stated in 7 different ways, pick a flavor… and decided for themselves that the lore just doesn’t mean that much to them.
Out of curiosity, how do you handle the pages in Chronicals that have been retconned? I’m imagining great fits of anguish here, but hoping I am wrong and you accept that Warcraft lore isn’t etched in diamond quite so concretely as you believe.
Blizzard does.
Wrong, its Blizzards game, you just play it.
You mean the last lead writer? Even though he was fired,
Try to find a way to get something without crapping on people that want a consistent cohesive story.
You do understand retconning lore is bad writing right and people call it out when it happens right? But again Blizzard says that customization has to make sense.
And frankly I dont care that you “want” something to happen. Life isnt fair and just because you pay to access a server doesnt mean you get to dictate what Blizzard does or doesnt do. Like you saying Blizzard can do whatever they want, the same can be said back to toxic people like you. They can and have done what they wanted and doubled down on DK eyes being blue. So can you guys move on or are you going to keep kicking and screaming because you think you are entitled because you pay 15 bucks a month to access a server?
Just ignore it bro. Its a belligerent ghoulish syphilitic beggar troll with no social life to speak of.
Talk about the dehumanization of others and a huge projection from the dregs of the DK forums.
I’d like to try different colors for different specs. Red for blood, purple or sickly green for unholy, blazing blue for Frost…?