Feature Request: Death knight elf barbershop customization

Should Mechagnomes have Unholy Green Eyes? :thinking:

But wait
 My Mechagnome is dedicated to frost. :weary:

this is a great idea, and it makes perfect sense! Kelliste is a foul gatekeeper with terrible opinions, and we should all perma block them so we can no longer see their terrible opinions. Please add more Dk eye colors, and if you have too change the lore so poor Kelliste can stop crying.


They havent backpedaled. Not to mention Darkfallen would only apply to elves. The Blood Spec talent art which is just background art isnt an elf. So how exactly does that work and why limit it? If DK’s can have other eye colors then it should apply across the board
 so where are they all hiding?

Maybe if you used your eyes and not your hate you would see it and understand it. Its called immersion.

Just calling something pathetic doesnt make it pathetic if you cant back it up with evidence. You have claimed things that have been proven false and that is what is pathetic that you think people wouldnt look into you like you want to look into others.

The projection is insane in this thread lol.

Do you even have anything legitimate to actually put forward that isnt just a parrot of someone else that is wrong? I mean you have been going at it with just about anyone that doesnt carry your coat tails for you and you block anyone that calls you out on your nonsense. Go make a discord for all these people to go to if you want an echo chamber.

So people running around in Murloc onesies is perfectly fine but letting people change their eye color is too far? :joy:

Its called an opinion dude. It doesn’t need “evidence”. I think your actions are pathetic. Its my opinion and its coming directly from me. Thats all the “evidence” you need.

Lmao nope. Not even once.

Yet the “evidence” points to exactly that. You’re on here in all hours of the day doing literally nothing other than arguing with people. Not once have I seen you comment something positive or supportive or even being able to respectfully disagree with someone. You’re condescending, uninformed, rude and just an overall net negative to this entire forum. What makes you even more insufferable is that you’re the most opinionated person here, yet YOU DONT EVEN PLAY THE GAME. You’re a little scrublet doing Heroic Dungeons and LFR (from last expansion) and you try to talk to people who play at a high level like you’re one of us. You’re not. I’ve seen you argue with Mythic Raiders who can parse 90+ and 2k+ rated PVPers. The best of the best. The top echelon of DK players. You’re either astoundingly oblivious or the most stubborn person to ever exist in the millions of years of our species existence. You have never have a single clue as to what you’re talking about. You’re a bad joke. Nobody who is in a good mental spot and has friends does what you do. You’re literally paying to post in a forum that doesn’t want you here. How many people here have you on ignore, myself included? Take the hint. Leave. Get help.


Hes about to run and post now. Wait a minute he did already

Is this really your argument? REALLY? Because eye color is equal to something you wear yes? Get a better argument.

Except you arent giving an opinion, you are trying to say im wrong yet you have absolutely nothing to back up that claim.

You project way too much dude.

Not evidence, where am I wrong? Where is this hot take?

Points to wards what? DK’s having blue eyes? Yes I know.

Thats you dude. Again quit projecting your actions onto others.

Thats you again.

You again and something you cant back up, as I said.

Again thats you. Ever since you came back here you have done nothing but be ugly towards others. Thats literally you.

So what?

And you get carried
 again so what? What does playing the game have anything to do with visuals and lore from the past? Absolutely nothing yet you stick on it like its actually going to do anything. ITS NOT.

Says the person that was trying to say hes an orange parser and then linked LFR while going into heroic he was grey and green. You are the biggest narcissist here trying to inflate your ego with absolutely nothing to show for it.

So tell me where I am so uninformed about this lore while you just sit here and try to do ad homs all the while not even attempting to stick to the topic.

So have you, and you buy heroic carries.

Dude you just keep projecting your own insecurities onto others. Your entire post is just a sad attempt at insults that you know isnt going to do anything. You are wasting your time and showing your age which has got to be under 20.

Yet there is you claiming you are in a good mental spot, acting like you are, while saying you have friends and others dont, trying to belittle others that clearly doesnt work because that is just pathetic.

Yes, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. At least I was talking about the topic and you were talking about me. And i had you on ignore LONG before you even came back to these forums, and you put people on ignore when they absolutely destroy you in conversation. You get pissy and put people on ignore. Its a badge of honor for you to ignore people, look at your post dude. Before you go insulting others and tell people to get help, you should do it first.

Again, I was talking about the topic and you were talking about me. Who is the bad person here again?

Read your own post Mr. Toxic.

More toxicity

more toxicity

You act superior, you try to post your accomplishments as a way to shut others up even those that are better than you, you say people are wrong without EVER backing up your claims, then you proceed to insult and eventually ignore them and the only people that support you are other toxic people like Bergdorfs who was ran out of the Warrior forums for their toxicity, and others like him. You guys constantly talk about people and not the subject and then if people actually say anything to you like calling you names you would be all over the report button. You want to dish it out without repercussions while everyone else cant say anything about you, especially me which I rather talk about the subject anyways.

So do you have anything to dispute what I have said about the topic in this thread or should you just take your own advice and leave because you literally have nothing to contribute to the conversation. It takes a low type of people to actually think talking bad about another makes you look good. Keep gaslighting yourself buddy.

You failed to accurately understand a single thing I said. Remarkable.

Only to you and the small minutia of others who dare try and tell me I don’t know how to play. Because I am superior to 90% of DKs. Thats not a flex, thats facts. Thats what orange parses mean. So yea, when its necessary I shut people up because I’ve been playing this class for 16 years and I play it damn well. Not one person on this forum or game is going to tell me I don’t know what Im doing. Full stop. I’ve yet to get into an argument with anyone who is actually better than me. Why? Because the people better than me know wtf they’re talking about so theres no disagreement when it comes to the facts. We already share common ground before one of us even says anything. That is why you have the exact opposite experience. Everyone tells you off because you’re wrong and you’re utterly incapable of accepting that. And you’re wrong because (as everyone points out) you have no experience. You don’t partake in any form of endgame content whatsoever. You’re perpetually a fresh max level character playing the training wheel content. Nothing you do is remotely challenging. So yea, its no wonder nobody respects you. Stay in your lane and try to learn some humility. MAYBE that will change if you can do that and learn how to respectfully disagree or get your point across without being condescending. And accepting it when someone still disagrees with you after thoroughly explaining your stance. Sometimes you just wont agree with someone. But I don’t think you’re capable of any of that. Prove me wrong for once.

However, my skill level never even comes up unless someone is being condescending or rude when it concerns the reality of the class and not solely opinion based things that aren’t rooted in quantifiable facts. Like this topic. Its an opinion. I can disagree, I can agree or I can not say anything. Thats all there is to it. Its not that serious. Dude wants to be able to choose his eye color like every other class can. Who cares?

You however are a special case for the reasons I outlined at the end of my last reply. Someone has to put you in your place once in awhile. Regardless of weather you can admit it or not. Everybody reading this sees you for what you are.

Even after all of that though and all of the animosity between us, I’d still be willing to forgive you and put it behind is if you could simply manage a sincere apology to myself and everyone here. I’ll even return one. Id rather see than than see you leave but as it stands, continuing your current behavior is going to net you nothing positive and nothing will change. So, ball is in your court.

I have like, maybe 5 people on ignore? I ignore them because they prove to be a waste of time who can’t actually prove anything I say wrong and instead simply resort to insulting me when I tell them they’re wrong. They prove themselves to be a waste of effort so I remove their spam from the comments. Simple.

I’m never the one to dish it out first. Healthy disagreements can exist as well as constructive correction/feedback. Nobody likes being told theyre wrong but immediately insulting someone for that is what usually happens. So they get reported. Simple as that. I’m sure you report every one of my posts where I tell people to simply ignore you.

Lastly, I am only toxic to you. Everybody else would rather sit here and whine back and forth with you. I call a spade a spade and I stand by what I said in my last post. You’ve accomplished nothing other than proving my point for me. Like usual. I’m not wasting any more time or energy on this.

Get help.


No I understood it completely.

Because you dont. They were calling you out and rightfully so. It was proven through warcraft logs, the thing that you linked. You were doing 50% less damage than those of a similar ilvl all the while saying you know better than everyone else.

Oh no its not lol. You bought a heroic carry dude.

No its not. Being orange in LFR is not being superior to 90% of all death knights.

Your still green right now in heroic dude.

https ://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/88838351

So no you arent superior to 90% of DK’s. See, thats what evidence looks like. You arent a good dk, you are just a toxic forum-goer that doesnt like that he gets called out on his nonsense. Period.

No you dont, and most of your achievements in raids come from the expansion after the raid released in, meaning none of it was current when you did it.

You dont know what you are talking about, and its been proven. What are you going to do now?

Yes you have, and they completely destroyed you to the point where you had to hide behind an ignore.

Yet you arent even in the same league as good players. Its been weeks and you havent even shown any real improvement in warcraftlogs.

And then people have to deal with your overly long paragraph which im just going to ignore the rest of it because its got absolutely nothing of value in it like all of your other posts.

You bring it up constantly and it doesnt matter when. Why do you feel the need to inflate yourself to something you arent?

This topic isnt just opinion. This is saying red eye dk’s exist therefore players should have access to them. Even though not a single person can actually prove that Lady Alistra is in fact a Death Knight. She cant even be a 2nd gen death knight because they were willfully loyal to the Lich King. They werent raised into undeath. She doesnt fit what a Death Knight is, this isnt even a matter of opinion, its a matter of fact given the lore.

You can, but you would be wrong.

I guess Demon Hunters dont exist now.

People that care about immersion and lore. DK’s eye color changes makes as much sense as Demon Hunters eye color changing.

What place exactly? Because despite whatever this is that you are trying to do, I just see someone kicking and screaming and not getting their way. You arent accomplishing anything. These crappy insults of yours does absolutely nothing to me.

No you see me how you want to. Your bias is showing.

BAHA. Ill apologize to you when I’ve actually done something wrong.

You are the only one that should be apologizing to anyone in these forums with how you act. Just because I talk about the subject matter doesnt mean I owe anyone an apology.

You will leave these forums again, youll get bored or banned. I think youll get banned beforehand.

It was never in my court to begin with there buddy.

Good for you? This doesnt change what I said.

Except they did.

Am I loving in bizzaro world or something. Thats literally you.

because you are shown to be wrong, and you dont like it. What you are doing is all Nathan Oakley behavior. Are you Nathan Oakley? Oh man that would be absolutely hilarious and explain everything.

Yes you are.

None that you are apart of though thats for sure.

No you arent, but way to admit that you should be banned.

You know everyone can go on warcraft logs and see them right? You’re a lying sack of trash. I can’t even post links in the first place. When I brought up parses though, that was from when I was barely over 600ilvl doing LFR from the current raid and the lowest parse there was a 90% overall. Go by ilvl and I have an orange parse on every single boss other than Rashan and thats still a 91. Go look. Post the link. Post screenshots. Do it. Lying trash.

I also remember you were crying about not being able to find my Castle Nathria parses. I’ll take fault for that one, totally forgot I was on a different server with an alt code in my name back then. VĂ©rod - Zul’jin. Go take a gander at those too.

So you can get bent. I’m 1000x better than you will EVER be. You can’t even complete all of LFR. I can’t even say you’re worthless because that would imply theres some sort of expectation for you to contribute. But you don’t even do that.

So keep paying money every month to come here and acting like a pathetic angry child and everyone will keep laughing at you and putting you on ignore.


Yes, do you? I went there and linked it.

No im not because I proved it back then too. You were doing 50% of that of those of the same ilvl that were doing normal while you were in cakewalk LFR.

Sure you can. I did, people just have to delete the space that I put in it that is clearly visible.

you were acting like you were some mythic raider that was doing orange parses when you havent done a current mythic raid and it was LFR. Then you got carried in heroic.

That is moving the goalpost. Even if we do use your ilvl, you arent top 100, you arent even top 200. Yeah top 90%, and the thing is, when you severely limit the pool of players you will skew the results.

No you dont, or are you still talking about LFR? Because on Rasha’nan heroic you are 240, not 91. And then when we go by all death knights since you are comparing yourself to ALL death knights, your rank is in the thousands.

So why are you lying?

https ://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/88838351?difficulty=4

There are your logs

https ://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/38?boss=2918&difficulty=4&class=DeathKnight&spec=Frost&bracket=9&page=3

Thats the boss, of your ilvl at the time (not current ilvl which you would be even further down the line) and you arent anywhere near the top 90% as you claim.

So I ask again, why are you lying?

No I wasnt. I was looking at your achievements and comparing that to when the achievement was earned which was the next expansion. You got Myhic KT from Sanctum of Domination almost 3 years after it was released. In fact you got it 3 months ago.

So again, why are you lying?

What? I did Amirdrassil LFR just because I wanted the transmog. Didnt need to do Vault because you could get the transmog elsewhere, and Aberrus tier set looks horrible.

How many times are you going to repeat this despite it being false just like the rest of what you say. Again I get WoW tokens and I play Cata Classic. You arent important enough for me to pay monthly to absolutely show how full of yourself you are. It has.

Funny how I live rent free in your head so much that every time you post on here you talk about me. So if you have me on ignore why dont you just shut up about me huh? You clearly arent ignoring me if you are continuously talking about me like some obsessive ex.

Im also not angry, I find this all absolutely hilarious at how much you flail around trying to make yourself look better than you are. The angry one is you and its pretty clear. Can you see no one is actually backing you up here? Do you know why they arent? Its because you dug your hole so deep that they cant. You have shown yourself to be a liar in this thread and derailed it to the point where you are talking about your lack of accomplishments and level of play and not the topic that was created. Thats how much of a narcissist you are. This entire thread is now about YOU, and thats just sad.

And no, I’m not bothering to read your troglodyte reply. Go pound sand. Absolute filth.


Every single post of yours has been grounds for a report.

Well said brother, well said.


I’m down for DKs getting something like that.

Personally I would prefer to see red and green flavored versions of our otherwise “lore” blue gassy eyes, because I think things have evolved enough since the last time we had a Lich King.

That’s just my personal opinion. I think everybody has valid points, but someone might be a little too willing to shoot people to keep them off their lawn here. The game world changes, and certainly there is nothing wrong to advocate for adhering to past norms
 but we’re talking about eyeball colors here breaking immersion in a game where 90% of players are wearing a helmet.


So why would DK’s have different eye colors? What has changed in Dragonflight that would allow this? Shadowlands did nothing but further cement DK blue eyes.

So what exactly are we trying to do here? And dont put me in the same category as to what you would probably call a gun nut even though they know when and how to use them. This isnt just a “I dont want you to have it” it literally doesnt make sense within the universe that Blizzard has built. Its their story, they wrote it that 3rd and 4th gen death knights have blue eyes and even went so far to set it in stone. Its why people get up in arms when someone like Hermione Granger gets race swapped, or you screw the entire story of the Second Age in Tolkiens books.

So what exactly has happened in DF that changed the lore that DK can have other eyes but blue? Why cant anyone give a good answer. I mean if you cant convince me you definitely arent going to convince Blizzard other than through harassment.

Im guessing the exact person you were talking about replied to you right away :joy:
Put it on ignore. Its not worth responding to.

Oh look it replied to me. No, Im not reading it you belligerent ghoulish syphilitic beggar.

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I bet your ex’s all have restraining orders against you. You get way too obsessed for this to not be true. You have talked about me more than you have talked about anything DK, and that is pathetic.

Even if they wanted to keep them blue, for whtever dumb reasons they have, it would be nice if we had some level of eye customization, even just the one eye blind thing could be cool.

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Right. Its already a base feature for every race.

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