Feature Request: Death knight elf barbershop customization

can we please enable the pallid grey skin and red eyes for the blood/void elf dark ranger customizations for death knights? it is such a fitting look, especially for blood death knights, but of all the classes in the game, monk, mage, warlock, warrior, etc only death knight has them disabled. even paladins get access to this vampiric look but blood death knights, the class that literally has access to san’layn as a hero spec doesnt?

please enable this.


Would love this.


Oh dear…

I know someone who’s vehemently against this.


Dont actually have anything to say about the topic? Yes im against it because it makes absolutely 0 sense.

Sorry but it doesnt fit the lore. Death Knights arent dark rangers and San’layn dont have red eyes. I dont know what why people think that their ideas should mean that the lore should change based on their wants but thats not how any of this works.


Reminder that they turned Arthas Menethil into 35 anima… with Sylvanas monologuing him to death… in a realm of death.

I’m sure you’ll see the full picture of what I am saying! :slight_smile:


Absolutely nothing? None of this has anything to with the what the OP is saying or what I said.

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I think it would be neat, we would finally be able to make a death knight that looks like the Unholy Death Knight Trainer Lady Alistra, and I could finally match several of the old PvP elite sets, like all three of the ones from Legion, as they all glow red.

+1 from me.


ok but dark ranger/san’layn brewmaster monks do? what about a dark ranger holy paladin? or a dark ranger mountain thane?

because those are all things i can currently do right now.

its a cheeky bit of barbershop customization they gave to the elfs to have some fun with. they clearly werent that interested in lore preservation and accuracy when they handed it out and the only reason, the ONLY reason death knights dont have it is because the death knight glowing eye effect overrides all other eye customization (like green or golden eyes which are also unavailable for blood elf death knights) for…reasons? even though we have death knight npcs in game with other eye colors

what this thread actually needs to say is “get rid of the death knight glowing eye effect overriding all other eye options and make it an option alongside the other available choices” but that wasnt as attention grabbing or succinct as the original title.

examples of death knights without the eye effect can be found as close as acherus itself, like lord thorval and several of the death knights he is training who all have normal eyes for their races, lady alistra who has red eyes, the disciples she is training who have normal racial eyes except a couple of the trolls who seem to have glowing golden eyes like calia menethil for some reason?

etc cetera et cetera et cetera. it doesnt even break the lore to have a death knight with red eyes, you have one right there in acherus, and a bunch of death knights with normal eyes.

this is just a bit of barbershop didnthavetimetofixit on the part of blizz and has nothing to do with the lore


Darkfallen brewmasters monks do… as do darkfallen holy paladins because undead paladins do exist. I dont know what the argument here is other than a lack of exploration.

All undead elves that have red eyes are darkfallen but not all darkfallen have red eyes. Darkfallen just means undead elf. An elven DK is a Darkfallen but their eyes are different because of a multitude of things that im just not getting into again because its getting exhausting explaining it over and over again to people that want to ruin it.

nothing lore breaking about the other classes you listed, at all. Its just you were putting san’layn and dark ranger instead of darkfallen to make it seem like its something entirely different.

Fun fact, Blizzard said that customization options need to make sense. Red eyed dk’s do not make sense.

you mean because Death Knights of Arthas and Bolvar were created with a specific magic that was much more than mere necromancy? Why do you guys want to make the DK into something lesser because you want to make your eyes to your shirt?

Heard them all, been debunked for years at this point.

face scars that removes the eye glow in game.

most likely not even a death knight, just trains them. When you take the totality of what a DK is and does, she doesnt fit it.

Yeah yeah yeah, Sally Whitemane (who actually has blue eyes showing that the face scars are a game limitation) Thassarian, same thing… it goes on and on. Again all been debunked.

Yes it does.

No we dont. She trained DK’s and you dont have to be a DK to train them.

game lists lady alistra as a darkfallen death knight. she’s wearing the death knight armor. her affiliation is the ebon blade. “such and such has been debunked…elsewhere…by someone else…trust me bro” yeah, sure.

your whole post is like some fun detected knit pick crusade over a barbershop customization.

what exactly is your deal? you must be a riot at parties.


The game does not list her as a Death Knight.

and there have been people that werent even undead that wore it.

So is Amal’thuzad but hes not a DK either.

They have. Lady Alistra is listed as a Death Knight Trainer, a trainer of death knights.

because you are asking for something that is immersion ruining.


Here, lets say Lady Alistra is a DK just for the sake of argument… why the red eyes and not blue? What process did she go through that made her the 1 gold colored egg in a sea of green? Why does the curse have no effect on her? You know the one where Death Knights have to inflict pain or else they go mad and go on a murderous rampage… why didnt she partake in any battles? Nothing in Legion didnt do a damn thing in Shadowlands.

So why is she the ONLY red eyed DK according to you guys?

i dont find any of your arguments convincing. assumptions and half guesses based on loose interpretations of existing characters which are obviously meant to be one thing but you are determined are something else.

also putting you on ignore. not interested in getting in a forum fight with someone who goes through responding and picking apart line by line across every post in a class forum.

i’ve said my piece, you’ve said yours. agree to disagree. best of luck


The truth doesnt care. You said the game listed her as a Darkfallen Death Knight when that is false. There is no convincing that needs to be done here. Its false, flat out false. The game lists her as Death Knight Trainer. The Wiki lists her as a Darkfallen Death Knight because some people on these forums that were trying to say she was a Death Knight had nothing that actually said she was a Death Knight and decided to change the wiki so they could say “the wiki calls her a Death Knight” and I seen it change in real time and then they used that argument.

assumptions? Thats you. Half guesses? You again. loose interpretations of existing characters? You again.

obviously meant to be one thing… based on what? Your assumptions, half guesses and interpretations instead of looking at the facts?

Here are some facts about Lady Alistra, even if you have me on ignore other people that want information can see it and go check it for themselves.

Shes a DK trainer, the game lists her as that and there is no source what so ever in game or other media that lists her as a Darkfallen Death Knight that can be used as a source for the Wiki. (that Wiki was changed in real time when people, who were doing what you are trying to do, changed the wiki to have an argument, no source = bad information, thats how wikis work".

She hasnt been in any battles. She didnt take part in Legion, didnt take part in SL, nothing prior or post Legion and nothing post SL, kind of a failure of a Death Knight wouldnt you say?

Other characters have used armor of the same look as Lady Alistra. Some Vrykul used it that werent even undead.

And there is basically nothing else on her. Her location is just a base of operations for a faction.

So really the only things that are definitive about Lady Alistra is she can use necromancy and taught Death Knights, and shes undead. Missing a whole lot of other things that make a Death Knight a Death Knight.

Doesnt actually change anything.

Then dont make it so easy to do so. If you actually had some facts there would be nothing to pick apart.

Have fun trying to ruin peoples immersion and wanting Blizzard to change their lore based on your lack of knowledge in it and wanting the game your way, and not Blizzards way.

Lady Alistra uses many death knight abilities, some that were even removed in alpha/beta from the rest of us, she clearly has a death knight kit. So if she isn’t technically a death knight then can I just play as a “whatever the hell she actually is” as a “skin” but behind the scenes it functions exactly like a death knight. Kind like how sunwalkers and blood knights are technically two completely different things but functionally are both just paladins.

I mean I still assume she is a death knight, but even if she isn’t I don’t see why that should stop us from playing as whatever it is she actually is.

There is always room for new lore. :slight_smile:

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Night elves got some new decayed looking skin options for NPCs back in Legion. Its a shame its not available to players, especially since one of the DK NPCs in Belameth uses it.


Death Knight abilities arent all original and were taken from other things in their development. Plague Strike isnt original to DK, Death and Decay isnt original to DK AMS isnt original to DK.

But they arent completely different things. Sunwalkers are based off of An’she, which is of the light, just dont know what An’she. Blood Knights were just taking the light from a naaru, and then later aiding another naaru instead of seizing its power as their own until the Sunwell was restored. So they arent completely different and its a really bad comparison.

Which is a what exactly? A 2nd generation DK which wouldnt make sense because they were all loyal to the LK of their own free will so she wouldnt have just abandoned him to join the Ebon Blade. Was she a warrior that was turned into a banshee along with others from Quel’thalas and instead of going the Dark Ranger route went back to her roots of being a frontliner? Banshees when they get their bodies back get red eyes. They either have to find their original like Sylv did, or they completely denounce their original magic and accept necromancy.

Its highly more plausible that is what happened to her than her being an odd ball out of the entirety of 3rd gen DK’s.

A death knight in its creation goes through something specific, its not just some generic undead, depending on the lore (old lore was better) the LK basically gave you a piece of himself. He granted you everything he was just not at the same level of power.

So what are the requirements of being a DK? Your location and what you wear are not requirements of being something nor is it evidence of you being something.

The main one is being risen into undeath by the lich king and being granted his power (originally)

there is the blue eyes which is what the 3rd and 4th gen DK’s have.

What else? You guys apparently know more than me when it comes to what is and isnt a DK since you label almost everything that is from the scourge and melee a Death Knight, what are the rest of the requirements?

The curse to inflict pain / death or else you go on a rampage is another.

Does Lady Alistra have any of those traits? The answer is no.

All you really have is she shares some abilities with Death Knights, which so does a bunch of other things that arent Death Knights. Thats the point and thats why you guys have to turn to things like gear and her location because she fails the test everywhere else to being an actual death knight.

The only way other eye colors would happen is a new generation of DK be added and realistically, if possible, prevent the 3rd and 4th gen dk option to have the other eye colors and was as preventing the 5th to have the eyes of the LK.

Yes, new is the important part here. Not a changing of present lore. Thats not adding new lore thats changing existing lore. Again a new generation of DK would have to be made and that doesnt look like its going to happen.

Man we’re like a year later and blud is still crying about a possible fun customisation.


A year? You guys have been talking about red eye dk’s for like 10 years now and Blizzard said “Death Knights have blue eyes” in SL and went to explain it further.

I mean blizz backpedaled on that by making the blood spec picture a DK with red eyes. I feel like darkfallen customization would be very cool, and fit the san’layn hero spec.


I’d really love to understand why someone who doesn’t even play the game is so up in arms about player DKs having the option to have red eyes.

They’ve given some red hot takes but good lord thats mind blowingly pathetic. They must legitimately have literally no social life whatsoever and not even 1 single friend.