Death Knight abilities arent all original and were taken from other things in their development. Plague Strike isnt original to DK, Death and Decay isnt original to DK AMS isnt original to DK.
But they arent completely different things. Sunwalkers are based off of An’she, which is of the light, just dont know what An’she. Blood Knights were just taking the light from a naaru, and then later aiding another naaru instead of seizing its power as their own until the Sunwell was restored. So they arent completely different and its a really bad comparison.
Which is a what exactly? A 2nd generation DK which wouldnt make sense because they were all loyal to the LK of their own free will so she wouldnt have just abandoned him to join the Ebon Blade. Was she a warrior that was turned into a banshee along with others from Quel’thalas and instead of going the Dark Ranger route went back to her roots of being a frontliner? Banshees when they get their bodies back get red eyes. They either have to find their original like Sylv did, or they completely denounce their original magic and accept necromancy.
Its highly more plausible that is what happened to her than her being an odd ball out of the entirety of 3rd gen DK’s.
A death knight in its creation goes through something specific, its not just some generic undead, depending on the lore (old lore was better) the LK basically gave you a piece of himself. He granted you everything he was just not at the same level of power.
So what are the requirements of being a DK? Your location and what you wear are not requirements of being something nor is it evidence of you being something.
The main one is being risen into undeath by the lich king and being granted his power (originally)
there is the blue eyes which is what the 3rd and 4th gen DK’s have.
What else? You guys apparently know more than me when it comes to what is and isnt a DK since you label almost everything that is from the scourge and melee a Death Knight, what are the rest of the requirements?
The curse to inflict pain / death or else you go on a rampage is another.
Does Lady Alistra have any of those traits? The answer is no.
All you really have is she shares some abilities with Death Knights, which so does a bunch of other things that arent Death Knights. Thats the point and thats why you guys have to turn to things like gear and her location because she fails the test everywhere else to being an actual death knight.
The only way other eye colors would happen is a new generation of DK be added and realistically, if possible, prevent the 3rd and 4th gen dk option to have the other eye colors and was as preventing the 5th to have the eyes of the LK.
Yes, new is the important part here. Not a changing of present lore. Thats not adding new lore thats changing existing lore. Again a new generation of DK would have to be made and that doesnt look like its going to happen.