Sear and Poe! My god, the nostalgia is strong. <3
Hawaha - Tauren Druid. Hand of the Forsaken, and Chaos Storm. Its great to see these names come up again.
As far as Im aware there is no plan for Chaos Storm to return for Classic. I could be wrong.
Hand of the Forsaken, doubt I will see them come back as well.
*pokes head in and looks around heeee
shows up (^.^)m
Should we still make people jump off the top of TB? I think yes. …yes.
I don’t raid any more…in fact, I don’t play really even though I have a sub. Kids are jerks LOL and there are just too many mechanics now for me to enjoy it. I loved the challenge of leveling a character but they took all that challenge out focusing only on instances and end game…leaving me behind. Super excited for Classic.
Remania (my husband, warlock) still plays as well as in a current Kodo but was back in the day too.
The answer is yes! There should indeed be jumping!
High Warlord Khadu
Elemental Shaman
I recognize SO MANY of you. Hey all <3
Someone mentioned Quave earlier in the thread. I am pretty sure he will only show up to snipe the last post when this thread is shut down in the future.
Ahimar and Caargon of Low Red Moon. Current guild wants to go alliance. I intensely don’t want to. Help.
Hoofington here. OG with Nine Princes and Sugar Daddy Fens Hordes. Looking for my long lost family!.
Hit me up on Discord. Lavedo#4595
Shoutout to Maa, Domo, Eseena,
Hot dang, Ahi/Caargon. That brings back some memories.
Especially when I use this name.
holy heck, Rox! <3
whoops, wrong toon!
Oh heck, you! MAN THIS IS A TRIP.
Heya, Cobault. I remember you! I don’t plan to play Classic, but I thought I would at least say hello.
And yes, Caladi, if the WKC returns to Classic, it should definitely throw people off TB.
I remember you! Nice to see folks from back then.
Hey, I remember Sparluk, too. Wonder if Kal will try out Classic.