I don’t think he asked any question about simply existing.
Pointing out trends is not the same as being anti women.
Like, there is a blizzard writing trend: introduce a cool male character. Have them die in an epic way. Leave their role to a female character.
Im not upset about it, but the trend is there so it doesnt surprise me anymore.
Remember, there are about 74 million of them.
I mean it’s kind of telling when grown men want men in loincloths all over their expansion.
You made a generalized statement with no examples or context.
I think that’s at least one of the problems.
More likely about 6 billion or so.
Baelgrim died in an epic way?
Idk man I thought catching a bomb with your face for literally no reason was kind of a bad way to go.
I didn’t say it was. I’m saying and there’s video evidence of lgbt teachers pushing lgbt agenda things in their class rooms and not teaching the subjects they are hired to teach.
I’m not saying it’s all lgbt teachers either. However to act like that’s something that’s not happening is putting your head in the sand.
I don’t care if a teacher is lgbt or anything else as long as they are teaching the subjects they were hired to teach.
It’s when you have teachers pushing political agendas and not teaching math is when I have an issue.
Never made this argument and you’re clearly deflecting from the point.
Id hide that behind spoiler tags, i was avoiding using him as an example. Xpac only just lanched yesterday for most people.
And i did find that to be an epic end. I wont go into detail because spoilers but yeah.
Yeah, he just spoiled all of that for me… Thanks Myzr… what ever your name is.
So if true, you ran to the hire ups to “tell” on grown people because they said something to oppose your opinions? sounds about right
Oh no. I spoiled the poor end of a minor character a full day after launch.
Come on now.
You didnt just say this did you? You literally tried to make male players less welcome just like when game devs purposefully remove men from their game to further an agenda.
I dont really care about the so called story because I just blow thru leveling without reading quests to get to end game pvp. Although I do see what the devs are doing. Im not blind. I just dont focus on it because its not important at all. End game pvp is the real game not PVE.
Self awareness my friend.
You know what you did… you’re histories greatest monster.
That’s it. Now I’m not going to put it behind a spoiler tag.
Jokes aside, I’m so tired I already forgot what I read, so we’re all good.
yayy tired brain
Then show me the specific examples of LGBTQ teachers trying to indoctrinate children into specific lifestyle choices. Show me.
This is always talked about in the abstract because it doesn’t happen.
But there are plenty of actual news stories about straight teachers engaged in some real misconduct.
Show me. Because if LGBTQ teachers are actually mistreating students, rather than just existing, I bet there would be specific instances, and I bet those people would be sanctioned, wouldn’t they.
Show me.
I don’t like being pandered to, and Blizz (or any company, for that manner) pretending like they care about these issues, when they really don’t.
Yeah we all have that habit don’t we?
And no. I’m not going to get myself reported providing evidence to a person that isn’t willing to do the same and would ignore it based on their dislike of the sources alone anyhow.
I must have missed something because I have no clue what audience you are targeting with this and have not seen any significantly bad comments in any posts thus far I have read about women… but to be fair I also skip all cutscenes cinematics and quest fluff in order to play the game more efficiently. So… lol
If there weren’t double standards there would be no standards.