Fearing Women Doesn't Increase Your I-Level

I agree. It’s disgusting and shameful. I think I’ll steer clear of the forums for a while.

That makes it more believable but you’re going to get a reputation either way.

Naw, faerin sucks, stop pretending you guys like her.


What year did that happen?

Faerin is fine. She’s a generic fantasy hero character.

There’s only one reason she’s gotten attention, and you know it.


Garbage driven any direction is still garbage. Changing the dumpster fire location doesn’t turn it into a campfire.

Which makes what has has accomplished, even that much more impressive.

I think Mr. Metzen has been what this game has missed for a very long time, and I am personally thrilled he is back!

Honestly, the reason I write the way I do on these forums is that I am pretending to be in a room full of real people.

And not hiding behind anonymity. I don’t get any cool points. I’m not the cool poster. Not the edgy guy.

It’s about me being slightly funny, enthusiastic and slightly sarcastic wrapped in a light frosting of open mindedness and professional attitude

Highly doubt Blizz or blues read anything I write. But who knows who is reading and it’s fun to present thoughts and ideas.

Best thing I can be is respectful

:crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern:

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I hope she sees this bro… You are SO in if she does…

Yes and the reason is because she was created for woke reasons.


Define woke.

You can dislike the way a story is treating men and women without intrinsically hating men and women as a result.

You can consume media and still dislike the direction its going, and vocalize that dislike.

Your mom, sister, girlfriend, or wife are not going to hate you for hating the way blizzard is portraying women in the story.

If you take this as a personal attack/attempt to make someone feel unwelcome, that sounds more like a you issue.

Are there bad actors in this discussion? Absolutely, there always will be. But lumping people who aren’t that in with them only serves to mask the problem people.


Have you been awake lately? Men bashing has been around for years and years. Everything is man hating now. God forbid we push back a little bit.


It’s off topic, but I would argue that in this day and age most people don’t want to target others over their sexual orientation. I don’t have much experience in this apart from what I’ve read online so, to be taken with a grain of salt, but I’d say people would vastly prefer to respect or treat others with a different sexual preference the same as everyone else rather than actively celebrate something which they don’t understand particularly well. If someone is straight (het…is a banned word now apparently), they don’t feel the need to celebrate it. If anything when my guy friends try to go on about women for instance, it’s equally tedious/boring. I would imagine the essence of this topic, treating others the same you want to be treated, isn’t particularly controversial.

I’d imagine the democrats politicize this as much as republicans but differently. People complain about lgbt as woke and political because it’s been portrayed that way. A sexual preference isnt inherently political. I’d venture to say that most people, including republicans probably don’t care about someone’s sexual orientation.


I live in Texas. Trust me, they do.

If we’re having a real conversation, I’d be interested to hear more about what you mean by this.


A perspective that in one way or another attempts to refute the reality of the world around us in a deceiving way.



Refute reality how? Let’s use Faerin as an example: is a black and disabled woman stretching the bounds of what is realistically possible? How is this deceitful?

Emoji all you like. I’m active in my community and I see the kinds of things they say about people.


“Fear” is not necessesary/required if you have a disagreement.

Society needs to look past that kind of manipulation. It is a tactic used to make oneself feel better by interjecting a false notion so their argument is falsely elevated.

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What can I say. We’re in a Yin phase. Ideally, you’d want an even balance right down the middle between the masculine and feminine, but that’d mean somehow making leadership positions a male and female with equal power. It’s supposed to be what left wing and right wing do, at least before it turned into a mud slinging defamation fiesta.

That said we do need to be able to properly gauge when any side goes extreme. This is a relationship. You can say what’s the big deal that woman are being portrayed as leaders, and I’d respond with It doesn’t matter to me at all, but when virtually all the story-lines start to show the same thing, that is something different. It’s no longer about a woman leader, and it has shifted to a writers biases when it comes to gender authority.

Again Ideally, I believe in a shared dichotomy, if that’s what we have to live with. One where a King and Queen are of equal status, and can guide and rule to their proper standards. When you have the masculine dominating for millennia, the feminine is probably not going to like that, it’s by natures definition imbalanced.

But whatever it looks like where just going to take turns, so good luck. Leadership and authority is not what most think. It’s a huge responsibility that is not glamorous at all.

You can argue “is” vs “aught”, but both should be considered in the equation.