Fearing Women Doesn't Increase Your I-Level

its not my responsibility to make sure any parent is parenting right or to support the homeless

edit. its not your responsibility either, its okay dude take a break

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Mine as well, I come from a traditional Islamic household. It wasn’t taken lightly when I started my transition and HRT, my father didn’t speak to me for a few years.


well done

Ah so you’d rather a kid feel isolated and alone rather than supported and given non-harmful options to explore to make sure this is what they want?

That’s pretty sadistic.

Doctors are there to present options and to make sure those kids have a non-harmful option so they can explore those feelings.

There is zero harm, and if anything keeps the child mentally safe from self harm.

No I already know you’re going to argue this and that’s fine. This is my last reply to you on this topic. I’ve read enough of your replies now to others to know I’m wasting my time discussing this any further. I’ve given you the facts like actual facts. Do what you will.

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I do. You don’t, Kiper. Are you from Afghanistan or the former USSR? You still haven’t answered.

Well said, Abricot.
As far as I’m concerned, :studio_microphone: :droplet:

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Yeah. That’s not it.

that was blizzard, boss hog. i don’t delete posts, especially ones that dunk on weirdos

Ah, alright. Well thanks for defeating your own argument by trying a really weak line of attack there.

You can’t dictate what my family and background are. lol

wows up everyone can stop pretending to care about this lol seeya

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I don’t like it too. I think it looks fake, but hey, if somebody wants to enhance their features. Then fine, within reason, but that “reason” I mention I think is going to be a very big question in some more time. IF we think this is bad. Wait until people start infusing themselves with machine. It’s only a matter of time imo.

This has gotten a bit off the rails here.