Fear Of Losing, and the Beta players of WoW

it’s not worth playing a premade guild. i left cause a cheater wants to play but i do not. i avoid that not seeing it. so i give it a miss.

the reason i do that cause it was not a good thing. so i made an escape. so i wait a new one. when people have to retreat they get better doing something else.

Im seeing backpeddling rets in 2k mmr RBGs right now.

I know this is a joke thread but sometimes I notice in bgs a lot of players are kinda skittish to engage. They are afraid to spin nodes, afraid to delay enemies afraid to do anything that doesn’t involve running in a blob of players.

This is not even a pvp thing I notice this in pve dungeons with tanks that could be pulling 2 groups minimum to scared to pull more then one. its got me wondering are people really worried about dying in wow? like this game has no real penalties for dying so I always found it kind of strange. At least in pve you have to run back to where you last were /shrug.

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I think for battlegrounds it’s less that they are afraid, and more that they just don’t pay attention to objectives and what they can do to help win them.
Seen plenty of people pass up the orbs on that temple map, for example, and then the enemy picks it up. I partially blame the outdated UI.

I can agree with this the ui for bgs is very old lol.

I don’t think anyone’s afraid of dying. I think people are afraid of the reactions that might come from a death that isn’t beneficial

The events of light’s hope are Anti-dk propaganda. Nothing bad has ever happened from a DK’s presence, and anyone who says otherwise is a light sympathizer.

Just because something gets reworked dont make it fotm some people always played it