Favourite non-expansion release cinematic?

What cinematic other than the initial release of WoW and the xpacs do you find to be one of your favourites?

Although it is from Shadowlands, the following has a really great dialogue:

(The above is Shadowlands Afterlives: Revendreth)

I liked the BfA CGI cinematics that pushed the story forward, like Old Soldier and Safe Haven for example.

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Despite WoD being very lackluster and insulting to previously established Draenor lore (Terrain features & outright zones like Farahlon, culture, legends etc) even despite it being an alternate universe — I did however rather enjoy the Kilrogg cinematic:

Lords of War Part Four – Kilrogg’ →

I was however rather disappointed in:

  • How “The Iron Horde is coming!” meant jack-squat because we stopped the dark portal right at the start, then for funzies just conquered their whole planet & steamrolled the pushover race of orcs at their prime – Rather embarrassing for the orc race if you ask me :grimacing:
  • and how his alternate-reality death didn’t result in the glory of his clan :pensive: … It would’ve been far more plot-twistier if he died fighting alongside both the Horde & the Alliance (hence the flags on each side) and his death was ultimately a willing sacrifice he took in glee of, towards securing both a greater victory and a glorious future for his people.

I wouldn’t had mind if we still ‘defeated’ Kil’rogg through the storytelling of a witness (Like Dazar’alor raid, to see events of opposing faction) playing as the enemy to defeat them.

However, despite all that — The cinematic has to be one of my favourites. :blush:

:drop_of_blood: Bleeding Hollow Clan for the win! :fist:

“We will defend our loved ones with every drop of our blood until we’re hollow – and even beyond such! … For when we connect with our ancestors – They teach us what they learned in their moments of demise :smirk: Remember, the power in blood comes in many ways. Spill it … Savour it … Save it!

Apparently OP accidentally posted two of the same threads. This one was being used earlier with 14 replies:

Does Warbringers: Jaina count? Coz that’s my favourite. Great song and atmospheric animation.

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My favourite was the shadowlands afterlives for bastion/kyrian that featured uther

The Burdens of Shaohao.

Literally it’s the only one i watched.

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Daughter of the Sea warbringer animation.
Yrell, Durotan and Marad Vs Blackhand.
Velen and the Dark Star.

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I’ve talked to lots of people over the years who loved this one.